Tianshui Blue Villa group in the west suburb of Kyoto, China, is a villa group near the river. The villa group is built on both sides of Tianshui river. Tianshui river is the first green river to be built with a large amount of capital. This project was presided over by Yi Lanfeng, chairman of Hengtian Group at the beginning. Now, for so many years, the whole Tianshui river has already been completely different. From the past, Tianshui river has been completely different The stink of the past day to the bottom of today's water, it is almost as if a fairy used great magic power to repair it, plus some artificial buildings built on both sides of the river, more beautiful than before not being polluted!

Tianshui Blue Villa, built on both sides of the river, each villa has a value of more than ten million, the highest even up to hundreds of millions, which is also a famous rich area in Kyoto!

At this time, it was afternoon evening, a bloody red day was slowly falling to the horizon, a black Maserati rushed into the Tianshui Blue Villa group, which is the most common car. Although Maserati ran and was arrogant, she still did not attract much attention. Finally, Ma sarati was still not attracted much attention. Finally Sharati went straight into a villa on the river.

Villa seems ordinary, at least in the surrounding thousands of villas is very small one, but if there are experts into the villa, you will feel that there are at least ten super first-class masters around the villa guard, in addition, in the villa surrounding the villa, there are not know how many snipers hide up, as long as someone enters the villa, Ken It will be shot into a sieve for the first time. It is a villa with outer pine and inner tight, which seems to be ordinary but mysterious and abnormal.

After Maserati stopped, the door turned over, and then saw a man with a very handsome appearance jumped down. His face showed a bright smile, even two lovely dimples in the corner of her mouth. This is a beautiful man who can make women lose all the resistance!

Without the permission of anyone, and no one to greet, the man stepped into the villa step by step. The villa had been served by the domestic staff. However, after nodding with the housekeepers, the man went directly to the second floor and came to the door of a study near the river, and knocked on the door gently.

"Come in!" A low voice came from the house. If ye Xiao was here, he would feel very familiar with it!

The man did not hesitate to push the door open and walked in, and then he saw that it was a study less than 20 square meters. Besides a gorgeous desk and a chair and a bookcase full of books, the study had no other furniture decoration. At this time, an old man with a white hair but very energetic was sitting in front of the desk, waving With a huge brush, what is the brush writing!

The man looked at the Xuan paper on the desk, and only saw four big words on it: "one rule the world!" Suddenly the heart is beating rapidly, is this his heart idea?

"No way. Come and see. How about my words?" Seeing the man falling his eyes on the desk, the old man smiled, and then he waved to the man lovingly.

The man is not someone else, it is the long-time official who has been immersed in the road. When he saw the big words written by the old man, his heart convulsed hard. But when he saw the loving smile on the old man's face, he didn't know why, but he felt a hard to say intimate, which was very strange!

There is no more thought. The upper officer moves his steps without any way, and comes to the front of the desk. The young man looks at these big words carefully. The font is sonorous and powerful, and it shows a king's spirit of dominating the world. Seeing the breath revealed by these words, the superior officials' heartbeats faster. Then look at the smiling face. There is no much difference between them and the ordinary old man I think I have all kinds of thoughts in my heart!

"The strong pen, the free and easy shape, is contained a dominant spirit, the head of a good word!" In the mind, I sorted out my thoughts and said this in my mouth!

"Ha ha ha, is it good words to say for a while, but you say, can these words be realized?" Hearing the comments of the superior officials without way, the old man laughed and was very happy. It was not because the superior officials were not praised for their immorality, but satisfied with the significance of the words that the upper officials could not understand. Indeed, they were worthy of being the person they were optimistic about. With such an eye, great events can be achieved!

"Head..." When the old man heard that the old man in front of him should say the meaning of these words, the upper official's unruly forehead was a cold sweat and a straight rise, and all over the world, joking, is it possible for him to talk about it? Even if the present high weight, it is not very good to talk about such a topic without hesitation?

"Do you know why I reuse you?" Seeing the appearance of the official, the old man did not continue to force, but changed a topic!

"I don't know what to do!" The official was not honest and afraid. To be honest, why the big man in front of him brought himself to his side and arranged a major task of attacking and killing Ye Xiao. He didn't even know what happened.

Originally, this trip to Southeast Asia was almost completely destroyed. It was not only killing Ye Xiao, but also suffered a lot of losses. He had also complained about it when he came here. He invited himself to comment on his words. It has been very curious for the officials to ask. Now, it is a stand up to hear the other party ask Ears, listen!Unexpectedly, the old man did not answer immediately. Instead, he took out a rusty bronze key, stood up from his seat, went to the front of the study, pushed aside a painting, revealed a safe completely inlaid in the wall, opened the safe, took out an envelope from it, and walked back to the desk again.

From the beginning to the end, Shangguan Wudao was standing there, looking curiously at the old man's movement. He just watched the old man return to his seat, and then opened a photo in person. When he saw that photo, there was a touch of tenderness in his eyes.

To be able to be in front of such a big man, even Shangguan Wudao are stunned. Is that photo his first love? But what does it have to do with taking care of himself?

"Look at this picture. I think you can understand it with your wisdom." The old man sighed softly and handed the photo to Shangguan Wudao.

Shangguan Wudao took it and saw that the photo was taken on a beach, with three figures. A young man in his thirties, a baby who may still be in the stage of feeding. The rest is a beautiful young woman. The man is holding the baby, but the young woman is holding the man's arm, smiling at the baby in the man's arms When a young woman's face appeared, Shangguan's unruly body trembled violently. When he looked at the man's face and the old man in front of him, his body trembled even more.

How could that be possible? How could that be possible? How could that be? Absolutely impossible?

Eyes full of horror, full of incredible, but also full of panic, it is a kind of fear from the heart

He didn't expect to see such a picture here

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