"Mr. Ye?" Although I really want to see it for a while, ye Xiao is called Lei by Huang lingyao. When did they become so unfamiliar?

"Yes, Mr. Ye, you are the general manager of star star entertainment company. Ling Yao is the first-line female star of our company. Of course, she will call you Mr. Ye?" One side of the Flower Moon Charm is also a smile way!

"But there is no need to be so formal." Ye Xiao spread out his hands, a face of helplessness!

"I can't help it. Nowadays, in the entertainment industry, all female stars who dare to be easy-going in front of the boss are all hidden rules, but you have not hidden rules. Lingyao is worried about her!" Flower month charm one hand covers the mouth to secretly smile a way!

Ye Xiao's white eyes turn wildly directly. What else do you say?

As for Huang lingyao, she was also blushed and her heart beat faster!

"Ha ha, well, joking, lingyao has been worried about your body, and wants to come and have a look. How is her recovery now?" Seeing that both of them were speechless by themselves, Hua YUEWU chuckled!

"Well, it's almost completely recovered!" Ye Xiao nodded, his injury recovery than he expected to be a little worse, but Rao is so, at this time also almost completely recovered!

"Are you free tonight? Come with us to a fashion party if you are free? " Flower Moon Charm smile!

"Fashion party?" Ye xiaoyileng, Hua YUEWU, as the president of star entertainment company, has so many parties to attend every day. She often goes there alone. There is no need to invite herself to join us?

Is there any secret in it?

"Well, as you know, Ling Yao is now a leading star in Asia. As a star like her, she always gathers some annoying flies around her. At this party, she happens to have a few big flies. Mr. Ye is kind-hearted and won't be able to watch her employees get hidden rules from those annoying flies?" Flower Moon Charm smile!

"Of course, I won't let it happen. I'll go to the party with you! "Ye Xiaoxin vowed to come down and joked. Even if he really wanted to hide the rules, he would do it himself, right?

Hearing Ye Xiao's promise, Hua YUEWU and Huang lingyao look at each other with a look of joy in their eyes. Seeing the look in their eyes, ye Xiao suddenly has a bad feeling. Can't something bad happen?

The party was held at 8:00 p.m. in a manor on the outskirts of Jinghai city. This manor was built only in one or two years. In terms of scale, it was not under the top ten mountain resorts. However, the historical immersion was less. Even so, the villa was extremely luxurious. Before 8:00, the parking lot of the villa had stopped Full of all kinds of expensive vehicles, such as Ferrari, Maserati, Lamborghini, Porsche and other sports cars!

This is a fashion party, which is often held in the entertainment industry. To put it bluntly, it is a party specially held by the rich childe in order to hunt for beauty. Generally, some model actors and singers will be invited to participate in such a party. As for the level of model actors and singers, it depends on the strength of the party organizers!

If you can invite a star like Huang lingyao to the party, and you can't refuse it as Huang lingyao, the scene can't be too small. You can also imagine how capable the organizers are!

The party is an open-air party. It is in the back garden of the manor. It covers an area of dozens of acres. In the middle is a huge lawn. A temporary stage is built in front of the lawn. Even if it is a temporary stage, it is extremely luxurious. It is a stage for models to show and stars to perform. In the eyes of real rich people, the so-called stars are not It's just for entertaining actors!

In the front of the stage, there are five tables, which are reserved for the highest status people. At this time, none of the five tables have been seated. After all, the tradition of China is that the higher the status, the later they come. On the contrary, the seats behind the five tables are full!

These are the top people in Jinghai City, but after all, they are fashion parties, so there are some young people, some of them are the second generation of officials, the second generation of rich people, some are relying on their own efforts, young people have been squeezed into this circle of successful people!

It is said that this fashion party not only invited hundreds of professional models, but also invited more than a dozen popular first-line female stars, which are the tunes that these young men like. As for those young successful people, the greater reason for coming here is to make more friends It's not easy to achieve today's achievements, and the higher they climb, the more they understand the importance of interpersonal relationship!

This is not, many obviously successful people do not bow and bow in front of a group of apparently hairless childe brothers?

Ye Xiao arrived half an hour before the formal start of the party. He came alone. Hua YUEWU, as the president of star entertainment company, the largest entertainment company in China, still has some things to deal with, but he will come before the party!

When they arrived at the scene, they were packed with people, and some handsome and beautiful women were shuttling through the crowd. Obviously, they were making friends before the party started!"Hello, sir. What can I do for you?" When ye Xiao is wandering around, a crisp voice rings in Ye Xiao's ear. When ye Xiao turns to look, he sees a beautiful woman in maid's service standing respectfully in front of him!

Fuck, isn't it just a fashion party? Is a service person so beautiful?

"This is my invitation. I don't know where I am." Ye Xiao scolds secretly in the heart at the same time, has already taken out the flower month charm to own invitation card, handed to that waiter!

The waiter took it and his face flashed with surprise. Ye Xiao's position was actually the most respectable seat in front of the stage. You know, those seats are the most respected guests of the party, either senior government officials or the boss of a certain group. However, no matter who they are, they all have one thing in common, that is, they are very old, where is Ye Xiao Look so young?

"This way, sir!" However, the good quality let the waiter quickly adjust his mood and made a gesture towards Ye Xiao respectfully!

Ye Xiao nodded, followed the waiter to the front left table and sat down. When he saw that ye Xiao was so young, he was sitting in the front position. There was a burst of discussion behind him!

"Shit, who's that guy? Why is he sitting there? "

"That's right. My father is a member of the Standing Committee of the municipal government. I'm not qualified to sit there yet!"

"Damn it, can't it be wrong?"

Ye Xiao was amused by the curses of the second generation of officials and the second generation of rich people. If it was in other cities, it would be fine. Member of the Standing Committee of Jinghai city? Hehe, don't they know that even the mayor and Secretary of Jinghai city have a good relationship with themselves?

As for the crowd, those successful people who rely on their own strength to squeeze into this circle also show a look of surprise. After being surprised, one after another has begun to wonder whether they should go forward to ask good. After all, the most extraordinary people who can sit in that position are hesitant. In their own capacity, will the other party take care of themselves?

Just when these people were hesitant, a burst of warm applause broke out in the upper left corner of the venue. When people looked up, they saw that the most distinguished guests present today had arrived

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