Don't you have a chance? This sentence of Ye Xiao completely angered Han Puyuan. He even called himself a Koryo Bonzi? How dare he scold himself in front of so many people? Who does he think he is?

"Mr. Hua, what does your friend mean?" Han Puyuan angrily roars toward the Flower Moon Charm!

Flower Moon Charm is still secretly laughing, little man? What if ye Xiao is a nobody? There's no one here who dares to call himself a big man? Who expected this time, Han Puyuan actually pointed the spearhead at himself!

"What my friend means is what I mean. It's OK to cooperate, but it's impossible to let lingyao accompany you!" Flower Moon Charm at this time the voice is also cold down, now ye Xiao has made a statement, she naturally want to stand firmly on this side of Ye Xiao!

"You..." Han Puyuan was furious and wanted to say something, but for a moment he didn't know what to say.

"Mr. Jin and Mr. Nan, let's go. Mr. Hua doesn't welcome us very much." Han Puyuan's face was gloomy and terrible. How could he have been teased in this way since he was young?

"Mr. Han, brother Li is here. Let's go and say hello first?" Although they were not subordinates of Han Puyuan, they always followed Han Puyuan's lead. This time, they mainly accompanied Han Puyuan. But who knew that they had suffered such treatment and planned to leave, but they saw a group of people at the gate of the party, one of whom was wearing a suit, a tie and still wearing A pair of golden glasses, it seems that he is in his thirties. Who is Li Feng, the first Secretary of Ye Jiajia, Secretary of Jinghai municipal Party committee?

Jinghai city is a municipality directly under the central government of China. The Secretary of the municipal Party committee of Jinghai city is a ministry level cadre, and he is also a very important department level cadre. The last Secretary of the municipal Party committee, Tian Zhengqi, has been in charge of the power center of the central government. How high is his status as the first Secretary of the municipal Party secretary?

Almost at the moment when Mr. Jin spoke, all the other officials on the scene had stood up. They were just officials of some small departments. How could their status be compared with those of the Secretary of the municipal Party committee?

Even those restless princes became quiet one by one. No one in the background dared to challenge Secretary Li. If Secretary Li was angry, as long as he said something casually in front of the Secretary of the municipal Party committee, their backstage would be finished!

No one wants to provoke the first Secretary of the Secretary of the municipal Party committee. It just makes people feel curious that people from the municipal Party committee and the municipal political commissar will be invited to attend every party before, but none of them are present. Why did Secretary Li come this time?

Not only did Secretary Li come, but also the mayor's first secretary, Luo Lin, and Li Feng. The municipal Party Secretary and the mayor's personal secretary arrived at the same time. What does this mean?

The anger on Han Puyuan's face also disappeared, replaced by a smirk. He is the successor of SamSung group. Yes, he is one of the most powerful sons in Gaoli, but this is Huaxia, the 21st century China!

If only a few years ago, in the era when China was just open to the outside world, not to mention the successor of SamSung group, any foreign-funded enterprise that invested in China would have provided you as the ancestor. However, as China's national strength has become stronger and its economy has become more and more developed, the officials of Huaxia have gradually put on a new look!

Huaxia is the largest consumer market of all electronic products in the world. Which foreign-funded enterprise does not have a good relationship with those officials in China if they want to enter or gain a foothold in this market?

Although Samsung's products sell well in China, it's because his father has already made all the connections, but it doesn't mean that he can be arrogant in front of these high-ranking officials. Jinghai is the most economically developed area in China. If the Secretary of the Jinghai municipal Party committee suddenly says that Samsung's products are not suitable for Chinese citizens, then How much loss will it bring to SamSung group?

This will radiate to the whole country, so even if the visitor is only the Secretary of the municipal Party committee secretary, Han Puyuan does not dare to have the slightest carelessness. He quickly gets up and runs to Secretary Li with Jin Lizheng and Nan Wutu!

I'm afraid that I'm a little late, and I'll be the first!

Not only Han Puyuan and others, but even Gong Dandan also stood up. Although she seldom comes to China, she also knows the basic national conditions of China. In China, your products can be unqualified, your after-sales service can be poor, and even you can make some fake and shoddy products. However, one thing you can never be careless about is to have a good relationship with officials If you have a good relationship with the officials, you will get a gold medal. Even if there are too many quality problems in your products, even if there are human lives, they can help you to deal with them. This is a magic country!

The only one who didn't get up at the scene was Ye Xiao and Hua YUEWU. Even Huang lingyao also stood up in a proper manner, but just stood behind Ye Xiao and Hua YUEWU!

"You invited me?" Seeing the two secretaries, ye Xiao asked in the face of Hua Yue!

"Well!" Flower Moon Charm gently nodded!


"Build momentum?" Hua YUEWU spits out two words and looks at Huang lingyao!"Build momentum?" Ye xiaois stunned, and then, seeing the meaningful smile of Hua YUEWU, he nods gently. He has already understood the idea of Hua YUEWU. It seems that there are too many people harassing Huang lingyao recently. However, as an artist, many things can't be refused directly. Hua YUEWU racked her brains and was able to remove Ye Xiao, the God, and suppress the clowns!

Although he has been immersed for a long time, even though he has disappeared in the eyes of the world for a long time, he is still the Lord of the sky and the emperor of the underground world of China. He does not need to fully expose his information. Only a tip of the iceberg is enough to stop the ordinary clowns. As long as he spreads a message about Huang lingyao's body in the future After a mysterious strong cover, no one will go to hit her attention!

Just like Hua YUEWU, who has been fighting in shopping malls these years, she seldom encounters harassment. Many people know that there is a mysterious existence behind her. The more mysterious things are, the more afraid they are for ordinary people!

"Maybe you can have a good talk with Jamie Orlando See ye Xiao suddenly realize the appearance, Flower Moon Charm again toward Ye Xiao a way!

Jamie Orlando, the real name of Jamie oakdo, is also the closest collateral of the Orlando family. Since ye Xiao wants to break into the Orlando family, how about another Jamie Orlando?

As soon as she heard Hua Yue's charming words and saw the kind smile on her beautiful face, ye Xiao was moved. It turned out that she had been trying her best to help herself. With such a group of confidants around her, what could not be done?

At this time, Li Feng and Luo Lin, who had just entered the meeting hall, looked around. Soon they saw Ye Xiao sitting in front of the stage. They did not care about the greetings from the officials and businessmen, and came towards this side in a hurry!

Seeing the two secretaries coming towards this side in a hurry, Han Puyuan's face showed a proud smile. It seems that he still has a big face. Otherwise, as two secretaries, how could he ignore others and walk towards him?

He doesn't think that the two secretaries are looking at the face of Jin Lizheng and Nan Wutu or even Gong Dandan!

With the most brilliant smile on his face, Han Puyuan took the initiative to step forward and extended his right hand to Secretary Li, who was coming at a gallop

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