"Oh? What can I do? " Ye Xiao also asked curiously, as if interested in Han Puyuan's proposal!

Not only Ye Xiao, but even Li Feng and Luo Lin also cast their curious eyes on Han Puyuan, who seems to be thinking about how he will pay such a high price for a piece of money!

"I also have an entertainment company under my personal name. If Ms. Ling Yao is interested, I can give all the shares of that company to Ms. Ling Yao, which should be able to pay part of the remuneration. How about the rest in the name of the company?" Han Puyuan was very careful to say that when he said this, his heart was dripping blood. The entertainment company, however, he had been laundering money from the Samsung Group in recent years, and then painstakingly established the private industry. It was completely his own industry. Now he should give it all to this person. How can he feel heartless?

However, when things got to such a point, he had no way out. If ye Xiao was really dissatisfied and he found his own trouble in China, he would really die!

Before he took over Samsung, he had to be careful every step!

"Entertainment companies? You're talking about Lotte entertainment? " Ye Xiao eyebrows a pick, open mouth to say!

"Yes Han Puyuan nodded, then suddenly surprised, and then looked at Ye Xiao in surprise. How did he know it was Lotte entertainment company? The legal representative of this company is an underground lover of his own. In addition to his father, there are not many people in the SamSung group who know that this company, Jin Meishan, is in this company? But why does this man know?

At the thought of this, Han Puyuan felt a chill on his back!

"As far as I know, the market value of that company is only 50 million US dollars, which is the reason why you transferred 20 million US dollars in the past. This is far from enough. I think it is not as good as this. All the shares of Lotte entertainment company, plus 2% of the shares of Hyundai Group and 1% of the shares of Kia group, will appear on the surface of SamSung group Ten million dollars! If you agree, then YUEWU can sign the contract with you immediately! Of course, you've got the friendship of all of us here! " Ye Xiao gave a faint smile, and then reported his own requirements. As soon as he heard the number reported by Ye Xiao, the chill was not cold to Han Puyuan's bone marrow, but to the depth of his heart!

Hyundai, Kia, these are the main brands of Gaoli automobile industry. Over the years, through various means of money laundering, they have occupied 2% and 1% shares respectively. Now they have to give them all? What is the total value of the five percent shares of these two enterprises worth only US $200 million? That's close to a billion dollars, right? Even if you want the lion to open his mouth, don't you?

And the most important thing is that I have almost all my personal savings over the years. If I give them all away, what will I do in the future?

"Ye Shao, this..."

"You don't have to promise me in a hurry. I urge you to think about it. For you, there is no benefit except for the infrared every year. But if you get our friendship, you will be on the way to Shunfeng in China. Now, Samsung is fighting a price war with several of its major brands? If you have official support, do you think you will lose? As long as you have a firm foothold in China's market, will those shareholders of SamSung group have any opinions on you? Will your hidden brothers have a chance to shake your position? " Ye Xiao smiles faintly. His smile is like an old fox hidden for thousands of years. Not to mention Han Puyuan, even Secretary Li and Secretary Luo feel extremely cold all over. Fortunately, he is not the enemy of Ye Xiao, otherwise I really don't know how to die!

He even investigated Han Puyuan's father's illegitimate son. What else did he not know? And since he knows these news, if he makes some articles with these news, can Han Puyuan's position really be stable?

"Good, ye Shao, I promise you!" Han Puyuan is also a character. When he heard Ye Xiao's last words, he had already made a decision. Is it a simple person who can probe into the privacy of senior executives of SamSung group?

Before, he also suspected that there might not be such a mysterious and powerful existence behind huayuewu, but now he has fully affirmed that ye Xiao is such a terror existence, a cannibalism without spitting out bones!

"Ha ha, that's right. Welcome to China Ye Xiao stood up with a smile and held out his right hand towards Han Puyuan. Although he was bleeding in his heart, Han Puyuan still held out his hands with a smile and held Ye Xiao's right hand tightly. He never thought that his trip to China would make him lose so much!

But now the loss, may not be a good thing, as long as they made achievements in China, then all the losses, will be doubled back!

After the matter was settled, Han Puyuan left. He had to go back and sort out the information of Hyundai Group and Kia group. He didn't want to stay here for a long time. Li Feng and Luo Lin left successively. As for Jin Lizheng and others, they had been invited to one side during the negotiation between Ye Xiao and Han Puyuan. After all, the secret information that ye Xiao said was not Can let too many people know!Wait until these people all go, the Flower Moon Charm just toward the leaf Xiao smile: "you are too cruel!"

"Ha ha, how can we deal with these Koryo sticks without being cruel? How much money have they taken away from China in recent years? How can they be worthy of themselves if they don't ask them to spit out some money?" Ye Xiao didn't care to smile. It's rare for such a big white sheep to be slaughtered by himself. If he didn't do it hard, wouldn't it make the 1.3 billion Chinese compatriots feel cold?

"Yes, but do you really want to go to Korea for development?" Hua YUEWU nodded. She just wanted to invite Ye Xiao to come to shock Han Puyuan and others. How could she have thought that she would have achieved such a great deal if she hadn't heard it from her side!

For ye Xiao's ability to grasp Han Puyuan's weakness, he is even more admirable. However, without tianyaomen's huge information system, ye Xiao could not persuade Han Puyuan to cut such a large piece of meat so quickly!

"Well, the chief executive's greatest wish is to see that our country is really rich and the people are strong. But if we don't clear away the obstacles around us, how can we really be rich and powerful?" Ye Xiao said faintly, but there was a trace of nostalgia in his eyes. It was the memory of the old man who had passed away!

"Well, I think it's better to leave the entertainment company to lingyao. With her popularity, it's not difficult to quickly integrate into the Gaoli market." Seeing the sadness in Ye Xiao's eyes, Hua YUEWU also knows how much influence the old man has on him. Now quickly change the topic!

"Ah? Sister Hua, this must not be Huang lingyao was shocked when she heard that she wanted to take care of Lotte entertainment company. She was very satisfied with her present situation. She didn't want to be too demanding!

"Ha ha, what can't be done? YUEWU has said so. The equity of the company will be transferred directly to your name!" Ye Xiao is also a light smile, he has such a plan!


"It's nothing, but if you really feel bad about it, let General Manager Ye rule tonight."

"Ha ha, it's better to be together." Hearing Hua Yue's teasing, ye Xiao, who is in a good mood, has already stood up with a laugh, and even more directly reaches out and grabs their tender hands

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