On hearing such news, ye Xiao's body trembled. He didn't even care to marvel at the amazing hearing of the seemingly ordinary white coat. The whole man ran after the white coat, grabbed the clothes of the white coat and asked excitedly, "what do you mean, as long as you take back the bottle of primordial God? Can you cure seduction? "

"If the rumor is true!" Even if ye Xiao grabs his clothes, his white coat looks cold. He doesn't get angry or impatient, as if all this has nothing to do with him!

"Is the rumor true?" Ye Xiao murmured such a sentence and wanted to ask something more, but seeing the cold look of his white coat, he didn't know how to continue to ask. This was not invented by him. Could he still get it from him?

However, since the Dragon Emperor has said that, whether it is true or false, he will always have a try, but the leader of the dark moon alliance appears and disappears. Is the Dragon Emperor sure that he will attend the dark Council?

At the thought of having a chance to cure enchantment, ye Xiao's eyes twinkled with the essence of Taoism. At this time, he completely threw the threat of Shura out of the sky. No matter what kind of opponents the bloody purgatory army or the dark moon alliance would arrange for him in the dark Council, he would not have any fear. No matter how difficult the road ahead was, he would bravely go down for the sake of Seductive, even if it is the gods and Buddhas who are intercepted in front of him, he will step on them one by one!

In the blink of an eye, more than a month passed. In more than a month, ye Xiao pushed all the things off. Even the cooperation with Han Puyuan was left to Hua YUEWU to take care of it. All his time was spent on improving his own strength. He deeply understood what this dark parliament meant to him, more importantly I know that if I don't have enough strength, I don't know whether I can save my life if I rob Chu Shen from the leader of the dark moon alliance. Therefore, every day, he is training crazily, while Hua YUEWU and others, including Xiao Feier, who is pregnant, have not bothered him!

Even when Hua YUEWU meets Han Puyuan again, she does not disturb Ye Xiao. When she knows that ye Xiao will attend the dark meeting, she knows that ye Xiao has bigger things to do. Facing such a grand meeting, ye Xiao must devote herself to it!

It is the day when the dark Council will be held. This session of the dark Council is not held in Europe, but a small island in the center of the Pacific Ocean. This is an island on the high seas. The reason why this session of the dark Council was put here is that the situation in the underground world has been somewhat fierce since these days. With Ye Xiao's birth, it was originally harmonious The underground world has been broken. Not to mention the interest struggle between the various forces, it is enough to say that the bloody purgatory general Luo Yuan and the great protector of the dark moon League Jinniu Dharma protector can make this session of the dark Council not be too calm!

This is a fundamental loss to shake the two major organizations. How can the two organizations remain indifferent to such a large loss?

If ye Xiao can give enough benefits, maybe the two organizations will not care about it for the time being, but the question is whether ye Xiao is willing to pay huge benefits? It can be imagined that a storm is brewing. In order to ensure the fairness of the dark Council, or prevent the dark moon alliance, the bloody purgatory army, or tianyaomen from doing anything out of the ordinary, the elders of the dark Council set up a place on such an island!

This is not the territory of any one force. Even if there is any conflict, no one will suffer too much, which will avoid a certain force jumping over the wall in a hurry, regardless of the life and death of all participants in the meeting!

Of course, over the years since the dark Council was held, no organization has been so arrogant as to kill all the participants in the meeting. Who can attend the meeting is not a hero on one side. Such a person can't come alone. Secondly, if you offend these people here rashly, you don't need to escape, you only need to escape half, It is enough to destroy any organization. Even if someone can wipe out all the participants, then the forces behind these people will uproot that organization!

Those who come to attend the meeting, how can they not leave a way for themselves!

Ye Xiao arrived on the Longyao No.1 cruise ship under tianyaomen. In addition to carrying 500 elite dragon soul soldiers, ye Xiao also followed Sarna, Matsushima maple, Kanu, Lenghun and other strong men. As for ye yubai, he stayed in Jinghai city. If ye Xiao really has any accident, ye yubai will exhaust all the strength of tianyaomen to avenge him!

Bai Chou Fei originally planned to accompany Ye Xiao, but he was distracted by Ye Xiao with other excuses. This time he came here to capture Chu Shen. There is only one bottle in this rumor, which has been kept by the leader of dark moon alliance. How many people in the world weigh this thing!

From this, we can imagine how powerful the guarding power of this thing is. Even if there is the words of the Dragon Emperor and even if he knows that the Dragon Emperor will probably come, ye Xiao is still not sure!

Let's not say whether the leader of the dark moon alliance will appear or whether he can find the leader of the dark moon alliance. Even if he does find him, is there any way to capture him and let him surrender the first God? As the leader of the dark moon alliance, let alone his own strength, just say that the guard power around him is not something that ordinary people can break through!In order to trace the clues, the Dragon Emperor was attacked by twelve dark protectors. If the leader of the dark moon alliance really came this time, what kind of masters would he arrange around him?

Ye Xiao is a master in tianbang. But what if he is a master who steps into the divine realm? There is also a Shura, enchanting said that he will challenge himself in the Jihad of the dark conference. Will he become the resistance to capture the original God?

Although he felt in his heart that Shura would not be his resistance, he could not find a reason to convince himself! For what? Did he save his life by virtue of Shura?

Standing on the deck, looking at the island which looks like a giant elephant in front of him, ye Xiao sighed softly!

But soon, his face showed a firm look, no matter what, he must get the first God this time, in order to seduce, even if it is hell, he also wants to come out alive!

Soon, the cruise ship landed at the island wharf. Ye Xiao thought it was just a temporary development Island, but when he stepped on the island, he found that the whole island had been transformed into a beautiful sea tourism city!

The wharf is a passenger terminal, not to mention your own cruise ship. Even a cruise ship twice as large as this one can easily dock on the wharf. There are also buildings on both sides of the wharf, mainly some hotels and restaurants. However, in order to meet this dark meeting, neither these hotels nor restaurants are open for business.

There are also dozens of meters wide roads beside the wharf. Those young people who have washed their bikes can have a good time on these roads. Ye Xiao let 300 people stay on the boat, and then he led 300 elite soldiers to the shore, and then drove to the city in the center of the island in the car arranged by the organizers of the dark conference!

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