Marshal kurizard has eight generals under his command. In rainy days, Luo Yuan is good at strategizing and is a military division level figure. Luo Yuan, who died, is good at shooting and is one of the most skillful. General link is good at group warfare. Even in rainy days, his command and combat talent is inferior to himself. Other generals have their own characteristics, but only a few people know There are nine generals under Marshal Xue!

Xue zining is the ninth general. He has no rank in the bloody purgatory army, but his position is similar to that of the other eight generals. He doesn't have a soldier under his command. He doesn't like to lead soldiers, nor is he good at leading soldiers. What he is good at is killing. He is also one of the top generals with the strongest individual combat ability among all the generals. Even some people even say that Xue Yuan is the best Shuai is not necessarily his opponent. He usually lives in seclusion. Although he is well-known, he has rarely been seen in recent years. Some people even suspect that he has died. But this time, he once again appeared in front of the public and appeared in such a grand meeting as the dark Council. How can we not be shocked!

When it rained for three months, everyone, including Marshal Xue, didn't object. It was because they had Xue zining's existence. They believed that with Xue's skill, they could definitely kill Ye Xiao. So they were not in a hurry. They were not in a hurry!

They want to kill Ye Xiao in the holy crusade of the dark conference, so that everyone can know that there is a bloody purgatory. No one in the world can provoke the bloody purgatory, and the bloody purgatory can still live!

See Sarna that slightly some nervous appearance, leaf Xiao light smile: "don't worry, he can't kill me!" It's a plain sentence, but it reveals a very strong self-confidence!

Hearing Ye Xiao's confident words, sharna nodded and said nothing more!

At this time, people from other organizations were also present, but when ye Xiao looked at the Xuefeng organization, he was calm all the time, but he could not make up his mind. He knew and met the leader of the Xuefeng organization. It was qingluan who broke up the bloody purgatory ambush for him in the golden triangle. After several months of cultivation, qingluan's injury was completely recovered, He appears here, ye Xiao is not surprised at all, he has already learned from Xiao Nan that qingluan is the head of Xuefeng!

But what ye Xiao didn't expect was that Xiao Nan also appeared. This son of a bitch, why didn't he inform himself when he came here?

Didn't he know that the meeting seemed grand, but it was also dangerous?

Noticing Ye Xiao's eyes, Xiao Nan grinned at him, revealing two rows of white teeth. But the smile in Ye Xiao's eyes, how to smile, how bitter and helpless? Is this guy tied up by qingluan? It's impossible. Qingluan should not let him go into danger. So he must be willing to appear here. Does he know the danger of his coming here and want to persuade qingluan to take his side?

At the thought of this, ye Xiao's heart slightly touched, this guy, this unreliable guy, he still wholeheartedly for his own sake!

Nodding to qingluan in a friendly way, ye Xiao said nothing more. He took a deep breath and then breathed a heavy breath. The leaders of various underground organizations in the world have gathered here, and the dark conference should begin

When he thought like this, the box door where the dark moon League was located opened again, and then he saw a man with a gold mask coming in. With the man coming in, all the other people except the oldest old man stood up from their seats and nodded to the man with the golden mask. Seeing such a scene, ye Xiao's eyes Eyes squint, is he the leader of the dark moon alliance? One of the most mysterious beings?

It seems that he is aware of Ye Xiao's eyes. The man with the golden mask also turns his head and looks at this side. There is a sneer in his blue eyes. Then he doesn't look at Ye Xiao any more. He goes straight to the most central position and sits down

"Are you ready?" When the man with the golden mask took his seat, the old looking man asked, not respectful, but not slighted. From his identity, it should be similar to that of a blonde man!

There are only 11 core members of the dark moon alliance, including one leader, three elders, and seven elders. None of them can enter this core level. There is no big difference between them!

"Well, it's settled. As long as he can bring ye Xiao's body to me, he will be the first holy protector of the dark moon alliance!" The man with the golden mask nodded!

"Well, if we can recruit a master like Shura, it will be a great help to our great cause, but this man is too mysterious, or should he be cautious?" The old man nodded and clearly understood what the man in the golden mask was doing before!

"Well, I don't care whether he is loyal or not. As long as he can kill Ye Xiao, it doesn't matter if he betrays him immediately. What I care about now is whether the Dragon Emperor will appear this time. If the dragon emperor doesn't appear, all our arrangements will be in vain? A Ye Xiao doesn't need you and me to appear at the same time! " The man with the golden mask also nodded gently!"Did you not offer all the first gods? Are you still worried that the Dragon Emperor will not appear? How could his relationship with that woman not appear after knowing the whereabouts of the first God? " The old man snorted!

"Ha ha, that's what I said. Let's wait and see." With the old man's warning, the man with the golden mask nodded his head gently, and then raised his eyes and looked forward to the front!

Long Di, I paid such a big price, you can never let me down!

At this time, there was a roar above the ring, and then a circular platform slowly fell down from the ceiling. Finally, it stopped at a place nine meters high from the ring. There was a huge crystal round table on the platform. Above the round table was a gorgeous crystal box with a bottle of blood red in it Jade bottle, looking at such a scene, many people on the scene showed their puzzled eyes. What is this?

As for the several people in the box of the dark moon League, they also showed deep laughter!

And ye Xiao's eyes also fell on the platform suspended in the sky. Looking at the jade bottle inside the crystal box, his heart beat unconsciously, as if this was what he had always wanted!

At this time, the bulletproof glass window of the box where the blood paradise is located slowly fell down from the top. An old man with white hair stood up from his seat and walked directly to the front of the box, and a platform rose automatically!

He picked up the microphone on the podium. A faint smile appeared on the old man's face, and then slowly opened his mouth and said, "Hello, I'm Waltz Louis, the organizer of this dark holy meeting. Here, I'm very glad that you can come all the way to attend this grand meeting!"

It's a very simple opening remark, but let many people at the scene take a breath, Waltz Louis? Louis? This old man has the blood of the oldest royal family in Europe? But more people are not because of his surname, but because of his first name, waltz, once a god like name

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