Ye Xiao didn't have the energy to pay attention to the changes around him. When the Dragon Emperor threw his sword, he quickly came to the front of kurizard. He grabbed the handle of the sharp shot sword, and immediately chopped at him!

as like as two peas knives, the knife is the same as the laryngeal knife. The only difference is the color of the knife. Ye Xiaowo is in his hands, like holding a laryngeal knife.

Kurizard originally intended to grasp the blade. However, he thought that ye Xiao would be so fast that he came to his body in the blink of an eye. He grabbed the handle and directly changed the trajectory of the blade. The sharp blade was drawn directly towards his neck!

"Hum!" There was a huge roar in his mouth. Kurizard's body retreated backward, so he avoided the chopping knife. However, Bai choufei's body had already come behind him. After taking dragon blood, his strength was more than doubled. Without any hesitation, he patted kurizard's back heart with one hand!

With a full hand, he let out the wind. When kurizardleton felt a chill in his back, but he didn't mean to dodge. Instead, he accelerated his backward speed, only leaning slightly to the left!

"Pa!" Bai Chou Fei's palm directly patted on kurizard's back. It felt like a piece of steel. The hot pain came from the palm of his hand. There was only one thought in his mind. What a hard back!

However, the power of this palm still let kurizard's body for a meal, his face also flashed a touch of surprise, it seems that Bai Chou Fei's strength will be so huge!

At this time, ye Xiao's right hand holding the sword suddenly turned and stabbed kurizard's shoulder. However, kurizard's strength was amazing, and he could not retreat at this time!

"Hiss!" The sharp blade went directly into kurizard's shoulder, but it was only half an inch, so it was difficult to insert it any more. It felt like it was in rubber!

Then kurizard clapped in Ye Xiao's heart, and ye Xiao's body flew backwards like a broken kite!

The strength of kurizard's palm is so huge that ye Xiao's mouth is filled with blood. Obviously, he has already understood that kurizard deliberately suffered his knife in order to give him this fatal blow!

However, ye Xiao didn't give kurizard a second chance to attack. Just after landing, he tumbled, removed the remaining strength of his hand, turned and ran to the other side, which was the battle site of Songdao Fengzi and Xue zining!

At this time, sharna and Xiao Nan have already run out of the box. Sarna directly comes to Kanu, and then puts all kinds of antidotes into his mouth without any money. Seeing that he has been treated temporarily, ye Xiao is slightly relieved and rushes to Xue zining, a man who claims to be a knife maniac!

Kurizard is very powerful and can't kill him in a short time. If he can kill Xue zining before he leaves now, he will be cut off!

Where did kurizard think that he had calculated Ye Xiao well, and ye Xiao also calculated himself. He took his hand just to avoid his side!

Fury, kurizard wanted to pursue, but a transparent gun head had been stabbed

The handle of the gun is in Bai choufei's hand. Suddenly, this seemingly ordinary gun seems to come alive. It turns into a dragon and shoots at kurizard's neck. Facing the sharp shot, kurizard snorted coldly and stretched out his right hand like lightning. Once he clasped the gun, he would pull it back and take the gun from Bai choufei's hand. But Bai choufei did not Is a sneer, holding the handle of the hand, immediately that transparent gun head directly ejected out!

Kurizard was shocked. He didn't think that the gun was so strange and so close. Rao could not avoid it because of his accomplishments. However, his body was slightly deviated, and the transparent gun head directly penetrated into his chest. However, like the sword just now, the head of the gun was not completely submerged, but only inserted for about an inch, which was no longer difficult Insert, only the red blood flow out!

However, kurizard did not care about the injury at all. Holding the right hand of the gun for a while, he was about to pull Bai choufei over. Seeing that his gun head didn't hurt kurizard seriously, Bai choufei loosened his one hand and released the handle of the gun. Then he quickly retreated back!

"It's not easy to run Who knows that kurizard even snorted coldly, grabbed the right hand of the gun handle and threw it hard. The headless handle of the gun shot directly at Bai choufei's heart like a javelin!

Bai choufei's face changed slightly, and his feet twisted hard. The figure in the process of retrogression quickly turned to the left to avoid the shot. However, kurizard's figure came to him at this time, and then he slapped him in his heart. All of a sudden, Bai choufei's body flew out like a broken kite!

His body tumbled in the air for several times, then he fell on the ground, and then he withdrew for seven or eight steps. This stabilized his body. On the spot, a mouthful of blood gushed out, and his eyes were full of horror. It seemed that he did not expect that kurizard's strength was so strong, especially his body, which was almost hardened to the point of being invulnerable!Bai choufei is slapped with one hand. Instead of pursuing him immediately, kurizard stands on the spot, pulls out his sword and gun head, and throws them on the ground. Seeing Bai choufei not far away, kurizard's mouth shows a ferocious smile!

"You are very good, but you shouldn't stop me. If you do something bad to me, you will die!" As soon as the voice dropped, kurizard stepped heavily on the ground. Then he saw that his body was like a rocket equipped with thrusters. In a twinkling of an eye, he came to Bai choufei's, and then directly hit Bai choufei's heart!

The distance of seven or eight steps is just a blink of an eye. In the face of kurizard's earth shaking fist, Bai choufei's face completely changed. At this moment, he felt that he was about to be hit by a train. Kurizard gave him too much pressure!

However, under the stimulation of dragon blood, Bai choufei did not have any intention of avoiding. He directly raised his hands and protected his chest. Then he heard "bang!" His body was blasted out again. He was still in the air, and several mouths of blood gushed out. The whole man flew out at least ten meters before he fell on the ground. His arms felt numb, and his chest hurt a lot!

The blow was not less than a thousand pounds. How was kurizard's body tempered? How can we have such iron power?

Such a terrible blow not only shocked Bai choufei, but also stopped the pace of several guys who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity. Marshal blood has an enemy with them. Yes, but who is the opponent under such a state?

A blow flies Bai choufei. Kurizard strides forward. In the blink of an eye, the tall body has come to Bai choufei's body again, and then he suddenly raises his right foot, and strides towards Bai choufei's heart with a heavy step!

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