The last sentence of Marshal blood before his death is still fresh in my eyes. On rainy days, he betrayed Marshal blood. No matter why Marshal blood has such a judgment, marshal blood must have a full grasp of this point with his wisdom. Otherwise, it is impossible to say such a sentence!

Ye Xiao and others are not idiots. They immediately think of Louis waltz. If rainy days are just to fight for the control of the bloody purgatory army, then it is nothing. But if it rains, they have already cooperated with waltz? Or are they the same people? Then, once the whole bloody purgatory is under control on rainy days, how far will their power expand?

Therefore, no matter from the standpoint of morality or for the sake of interests, ye Xiao and others must rescue Xue zining from here. As long as Xue zining can go out alive and bring Marshal Xue's words, it is impossible to control the bloody purgatory so easily on rainy days!

Even tianyaomen and the bloody purgatory army may become allies because of this, so don't mention Ye Xiao. Even Zimo Baichou, Xiaofeng and others also understand the importance of Xue zining!

There are boulders falling down, walls collapsing, flames coming out from the cracks in the ground. Rao Shi Ye Xiao and others are powerful and in a mess. When they finally escape from the dark palace, they are all injured!

However, ye Xiao and others did not have time to celebrate their own survival, because at least 10 strong people with strong breath were standing in front of them and blocking their way!

With the appearance of these more than ten strong men, the Dharma protectors who had escaped together with the Dragon Emperor and others also instantly retreated to one side. Together with the more than ten strong men, they formed a encirclement trend against the Dragon Emperor and others!

Even Milo and Shajia, who were the first to fight with qingluan and others, retreated to one side and surrounded the Dragon Emperor and others from three directions. Unless they returned to the gradually collapsed dark palace again, they could only break out!

Seeing the super first-class strong man who surrounded himself and others, and the gray haired old man protected in the center by a group of dark moon knights, a faint smile suddenly appeared on the corner of the Dragon Emperor's mouth: "we are all trapped in the old fox pit of waltz. Now, people who can't point out Waltz are coming to clean up the mess. Are you sure you want to fight us here?"

The old man was no one else. It was kenaton who came with the leader of the dark moon alliance. He was one of the three elders of the dark moon alliance and the former president of the state of M. when he was still president, he had joined the dark moon alliance. It was with his power at that time that the dark moon alliance developed rapidly. For the sake of his big plan, these most powerful people in the world gathered together Up!

When he heard the taunt of the Dragon Emperor, there was a flicker of hesitation in kenaton's eyes. He was right. This time, don't say that he and others, even if they had been schemed by Waltz Louis, if they hadn't run fast, they might have died in the dark palace now. But is it really like the Dragon Emperor said, let them go?

Both the Dragon Emperor and ye Xiao are enemies of the dark moon alliance, especially Ye Xiao, who killed the leader of the alliance. If they were allowed to leave like this, he would definitely be impeached by the seven elders. Even the other two elders could not protect themselves!

After all, the death of the leader of the dark moon alliance is too big, and the dark moon alliance is not really a piece of iron. If you let Ye Xiao and others leave, this is the best excuse for other elders!

What do you mean when the leader is dead and you let the murderer leave? Do you want to be the leader? So did you kill the leader?

Dark moon alliance of those people are smart people, and smart people often deliberately ignore some objective conditions, they will only pay attention to the conditions that are conducive to themselves!

"Dragon Emperor, no matter how much you say, you will die today!" Just a moment later, kenaton made a decision. In any case, he must kill the Dragon Emperor and ye Xiao today. Even if he knew that Waltz might be watching the duel of two tigers not far away, he had no choice!

Their purpose this time is to kill the Dragon Emperor and ye Xiao. As long as they kill them, they will not only avenge the alliance leader and clear their suspicion, but also make great contributions to the dark moon alliance. Maybe they can take this opportunity to become the leader of the alliance!

As for the possible ambush of waltz, it is not only the people in the bloody paradise on this island. In order to attack and kill the Dragon Emperor and ye Xiao, the dark moon alliance has made its best this time. Even if Waltz really has an ambush, you don't have to worry about anything. What we need to do now is kill these people as quickly as possible!

As long as these people are killed, not only will tianyaomen collapse, but even Xuefeng will be without a leader. At that time, the dark moon alliance will be able to develop its influence to South America. Why not do so?

On hearing kenaton's words, long Di's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. It seems that the other party is bent on killing himself and others, but why hasn't the spirit emperor appeared? Is he in any trouble? Until now, the master of the blood heaven has not appeared. If Waltz had already got all this, it is very possible to send an expert to intercept Lingdi!

Not only did the Dragon Emperor frown, but ye Xiao's brow also slightly wrinkled. He only thought about not the Dragon Emperor, but Kanu and others. Their escape direction was not the same. He and others met this group of people from the dark moon alliance. But what about Kanu?If they also encountered the attack of the master, can they escape this robbery? And Xie Chen, can he cope with such a big disturbance here?

After waltz has done all this, ye Xiao doesn't believe that he will ignore the power of various organizations on the island. It can be said that Waltz made such a big noise this time, but it completely offended the major organizations. If you don't have full confidence to kill the experts or leaders of the organizations at full speed, they will cause public indignation in the whole underground world It's the bloody heaven, which will be uprooted even if it's mysterious!

Because of this, ye Xiaocai is more worried about the safety of Xie Chen and others!

At this time, the sound of gunfire was heard between the mountainside, and the faces of the people all changed. It seems that the battle at the foot of the mountain has begun, so their time is really short. Waltz has a mind and no intention. Even if the major organizations bring elite, they lose the control of the leader and fight their own way. They can resist the bloody heaven Attack?

Even, will they be drawn to fight with each other by the words of Waltz?

After all, there is a lot of gratitude and resentment between the major organizations!

However, no matter which result, there is not much time left for them. They must leave here as soon as possible. Only when they meet with their own people as soon as possible and tell all the people on the island what happened in the dark palace, they can hope to leave here!

"Kill out!" At the thought of this, the Dragon Emperor coldly said these words. Ye Xiao and others all nodded. Even qingluan nodded knowingly. Because of Xiao Nan's relationship, she, including the blood Phoenix organization under her command, has been tightly tied to this group of men in China. Only by fighting with this group of people can they hope to escape!

At the moment when Emperor Long's voice dropped, his body had already rushed out first. However, the direction of his attack was not the weakest right side, but the front with the largest number of people and the strongest strength. His goal was actually knotton surrounded by the crowd!

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