At this time, the two sharp knives with the sound of the wind stabbed the Dragon Emperor's waist rib, forcing the Dragon Emperor's figure only to retreat, continue to meet the following several Dharma protectors!

But the Dragon Emperor's face showed a arrogant smile, and his mouth was full of laughter. His eyes were ablaze with fire. He didn't care about the two knives that stabbed his waist rib. His body continued to rush towards the opposite dark Dharma protector, as if he wanted to break through from this place!

"Hi..." The two sharp knives pierced into the body of the Dragon Emperor without any hindrance. However, the dragon emperor also clasped one of the dark Dharma protectors on the shoulder. His five fingers exerted a burst of force. Suddenly, he heard a click sound. The Dragon Emperor even crushed the shoulder bone of the dark protector only with his finger force. Such a terrible force shocked everyone again!

The dark Dharma protector felt painful, but he didn't retreat. It seemed that the Dragon Emperor had inspired him to hide his blood for many years. The sharp knife inserted into the waist rib of the Dragon Emperor cut the wound by more than three centimeters, revealing the dense white bones!

With such a heavy injury, other people had already collapsed, but the Dragon Emperor after taking the dragon blood seemed to have no feeling. His other hand also reached out and grabbed him on his head. The hard finger was like a steel claw and inserted into the head of the dark protector. Then he pinched again, and the whole head was crushed by this grasp!

Four experts from the divine realm fell down on the spot. Another dark Dharma protector was shocked. He pulled out his hand holding the handle of the sword and made a wound on the other side of the Dragon Emperor's waist. At this time, almost all of the Dragon Emperor's waist was scratched. Besides his back, the deep wound almost cut him off, and the blood was constantly sprayed out, especially under the stimulation of dragon blood The speed of bleeding is even faster, but for a while, the face of the Dragon Emperor has turned white!

It seems that he can't support it for long, but he doesn't seem to care about his injury at all. A pair of eyes full of fire swept at the dark Dharma protector, and then step out, quickly toward the dark Dharma protector. The dark Dharma protector moves and retreats to the back. However, the Dragon Emperor grabs the blade of his sword, and his heart is terrified and he holds the right side of the handle But the Dragon Emperor didn't care. The steel knife made of unknown materials was crushed directly. Then he shot it with his backhand. The broken half of the blade was shot at the heart of the dark Dharma protector like a sharp arrow!

The shadow of the dark Dharma protector retreated quickly. The half of the blade almost touched his heart. However, the Dragon Emperor, who was completely in a state of madness, had come to him, grabbed his head, and then pushed it towards his knees!

The dark Dharma protector of the dark moon alliance has the same status as the twelve Dharma protectors. The top powerful people who have stepped into the divine realm have no resistance in the face of the Dragon Emperor at this time. They can only let the Dragon Emperor grasp it and smash it towards the knee!

"Bang!" The head of the dark Dharma protector hit the Dragon Emperor's knee hard, and his nose bone was smashed on the spot. Then the Dragon Emperor put his other hand on his head. With such a strong twist, his head turned 180 degrees in an instant. The master of the divine realm was twisted directly and killed!


The Dragon Emperor's mouth was counting in a low voice, but his body was blasted out by the straight fist of cancer Dharma protector, and fell heavily on the ground

The Dharma protectors hated him so much that they wanted to wipe it out completely. However, the body of the Dragon Emperor who had just landed on the ground was like a ball. His face and body were covered with blood, and the whole person was like a demon who crawled out of the sea of blood!

Seeing the Dragon Emperor who may fall down at any time, the Dharma protectors are very brave. At this time, they dare not rush forward. They just surround the Dragon Emperor in the center. They hate and respect the Dragon Emperor. This is the guy who killed five Dharma protectors in front of so many people. This is the top combat power of the dark moon alliance, but he was alone Just five!

Rao is one of these people who have a firm mind. He is also full of fear of the Dragon Emperor. He is worthy of being the guardian God of China and the God of war in the East. No wonder even the heroes such as bearded and bloody Marshal dare not rashly extend their sphere of influence to China. As long as he is in one day, no one in the underground world dares to enter China easily Country!

In this world, it is estimated that no one can fight against him alone!

However, seeing the fatal injury of the Dragon Emperor, everyone knows that he can't hold on for too long. Even if he has been invincible, even if his strength is superior, even if he is strong, but he has shed so much blood, he can't live too long!

All people did not start again, just so around the Dragon Emperor, sealed all his retreat!

The Dragon Emperor covered his right waist with one hand, which was the most serious one. The attack of the dark moon protector before his death almost split his right waist. Only powerful people like the Dragon Emperor could still stand and change to ordinary people. Even ordinary experts, who suffered such heavy injuries, had already died!

With a deep breath coming from his mouth, the Dragon Emperor's eyes began to scan the other Dharma protectors, as if searching for the next target!Feeling the Dragon Emperor's sharp eyes, Rao is these people are super first-class masters, but also have been famous for a long time. Knowing that the Dragon Emperor's injury is extremely serious, they have already had a chill in their hearts. At this time, they are like a group of wolves, and the Dragon Emperor is a wounded lion!

People all know that the wounded lion is the most terrible, especially a lion who may die at any time. In order to defend his dignity and his glory, he will definitely break out the most powerful attack before his death. Rao is that all these people have extraordinary strength, and no one has confidence to be able to withstand the attack of the Dragon Emperor before his death!

Their biggest wish was that the Dragon Emperor would bleed to death directly, so that everyone would not be too troublesome. However, the Dragon Emperor didn't like what they thought. He just stood and took a few deep breaths. The right foot of the Dragon Emperor just stepped on the floor. Then the whole person was like a tiger descending the mountain, a dragon coming out of the water, and rushed directly to the one who gave him the strongest blow just now Cancer protection!

Seeing that the Dragon Emperor had set his target on himself, the cancer dharmapala had a bitter smile in his heart. He knew this, why did he give him that blow just now, and let him think about it?

However, although they were upset, it was not easy to retreat. They followed 17 Dharma protectors. Pisces Dharma protectors were always around kenaton. Scorpio and Virgo Dharma protectors went after ye Xiao. Sagittarius great Dharma protector also chased Zimo. Thirteen people were left to besiege the Dragon Emperor. At this time, five were dead, and the remaining eight were from eight directions Surrounded by the Dragon Emperor, if he retreats, the Dragon Emperor is likely to break through the encirclement. Even if he knows clearly that he can't live long even if he runs away, no one will take the risk!

At least the cancer Dharma protector absolutely does not want the Dragon Emperor to escape from his side. However, after hesitating for a moment, the cancer Dharma protector has already raised his chest to meet him. As for other Dharma protectors, they dare not rashly launch an attack. Who knows whether the Dragon Emperor is coming to make a false move? Didn't he kill the white sheep Dharma protector just now? In the face of such a terrible existence, which can kill people as long as they have the chance, no one dares to have the slightest carelessness

No one

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