Zhongnanhai and qingsongyuan are the places where Cai Mingxuan, the Minister of public security, lives. These days, because of the problem of fishing island, the relationship between China and Japan is extremely tense. Not only the whole military has entered the state of preparation for war, but also Cai Mingxuan, as the Minister of public security, is busy. In many parts of China, there are young people with excessive patriotic feelings. Let's just say two More than ten days ago, the fight against Japanese goods made a lot of trouble!

For these people, it's neither catching nor releasing. Cai Mingxuan is in pain, but it's not these things that really make Cai Mingxuan hurt. Half a month ago, Xiao fei'er, the leader of tianyaomen's inner hall, went out in a car accident. It's said that the injury is not mild. It's a troublesome thing!

It is reasonable to say that as the Minister of the Ministry of public security, such a big man can't pay attention to the leader of a gangster. But the problem is that the relationship between Xiao fei'er and ye Xiao is not shallow, and tianyaomen is also ye Xiao's force, so Cai Mingxuan can't stop paying attention to it!

Xiao Fei has come up with such a thing, whether it is man-made or accidental. This is very debatable. Cai Mingxuan has taken over the Minister of public security for a long time. There are also a number of his own people. After a secret investigation, he found that the traces of the traffic accident were too heavy, and directly directed at the underground emperor Zhao Wuchang of the three northeastern provinces. Mingxuan doesn't have a headache!

Now China can be regarded as besieged on all sides, especially on the issue of fish floating islands. A war may break out at any time. At this time, if there is any turbulence in China, no one knows what will happen!

According to his understanding of Ye Xiao, if it was really Zhao Changchang who did it, he would not let Zhao Wuchang off, no matter what price he paid. But where did ye Xiao go these days? With CAI Mingxuan's strength, he can't even contact Ye Xiao!

Even if is to own son purple Mo to call, that boy also said frankly did not know!

If Zimo didn't know ye Xiao's news, he would not believe Cai Mingxuan's death. However, Zimo said so, which showed that ye Xiao would not make any concession on this matter, and did not want him to be embarrassed, so he avoided him!

But in this way, Cai Mingxuan is more worried about ye Xiao's big trouble at this critical time!

I don't even sleep for a few hours!

No, I don't know why. Cai Mingxuan, who went to bed at ten o'clock, couldn't sleep. It seemed that something important was going to happen. He just got up from the bed and went to his study to check some recent information and documents. But it was at this time that his full-time secretary came in a hurry!

"Chief, something has happened. More than 800 people have been sent to Tianzhuang restaurant in the south of the city to arrest the gang leaders gathered there..." Although I know that the matter is extremely serious, the secretary is still extremely calm and quickly says what happened in Tianzhuang!

Cai Mingxuan's identity is the Secretary of the political and Legal Commission and Minister of the Ministry of public security, but as his full-time secretary, he is naturally called the chief!

"Gang leader?" Cai Mingxuan eyebrows a pick, an ominous premonition appears in the heart!

"Yes, there is news that Zhao Wuchang of Northeast China and several helmsman of tianyaomen will have a secret meeting there!" The Secretary said calmly!

"Secret party? Hum, I think I want to lead Ye Xiao out! " Cai Mingxuan sneered. He was not an ordinary person to be able to sit in his present position. At the beginning, he doubted what kind of courage Zhao Changchang had to fight Xiao fei'er. After all, with Zhao Wuchang's strength, it was impossible to fight against tianyaomen. It could be that there were other people behind him. Now he still dared to meet openly with the helmsman of TIANYAO gate in secret. This is not Ming Do you want to attract Ye Xiao?

It's just who is behind Ye Xiao?

At this time, the Secretary's mobile phone rings again. Of course, this call must have been made to Cai Mingxuan. He motioned to Cai Mingxuan. The Secretary connected the phone and his face changed dramatically!

"Chief, everything is as you expected. They really want to lead Ye Xiao out, and ye Xiao has gone, surrounded by the police, and they have sent out armed police..."

"Presumptuous, Chen Yayun, this bastard, doesn't want to mix up. He can't even manage his subordinates. He even sends out armed police without authorization. Is he really a fool?" Not waiting for the full-time secretary to finish, Cai Mingxuan directly scolded!

The so-called Chen Yayun is the director of the Public Security Bureau of Beijing metropolitan city. Kyoto City is a municipality directly under the central government. The director of the public security bureau is a cadre at the principal department level. If there is a political commissar or something, he can definitely enter the vice ministerial level!

But such a big man in CAI Mingxuan's mouth is just an old fool, how to say, Cai Mingxuan is also his boss!

Cai Mingxuan is also extremely worried about ye Xiao's safety. This time, it is obvious that someone wants to plan for ye Xiao, and so many people have been sent out. If ye Xiao is in an ambush in anger in order to revenge Xiao fei'er, it will not be easy to do! With Ye Xiao's character, it's almost impossible for him to be arrested. If he really killed a few policemen and caused a riot, even if he did kill him, he would not be able to protect him!"What happened?" Cai Mingxuan can't wait to ask!

"Three branch directors were killed by the fire, some of the police were surrendered, others were killed or injured, and the armed police soldiers also clashed with an unknown armed force near the luoshuihu lake. In addition, the elite troupe of the third garrison of Kyoto, who was going out to perform, was also attacked by an unknown armed force, and the whole suburb of Nancheng was trapped in a mess In the midst of the chaos, it is preliminarily estimated that the number of the unknown armed forces is at least 10000! " The Secretary quickly told Cai Mingxuan the information just got!

"Ten thousand people?" Cai Mingxuan's face changed. What is Ye Xiao going to do? So many people have been mobilized? He didn't receive any news. Did he want to wage war on the whole government?

At the thought of this, Cai Mingxuan's heart beat hard for a few times. Ye Xiao is not unable to do such a thing. But once Ye Xiao does, then Zimo will certainly support his brother without hesitation, which is likely to cause a domestic war!

But he clearly understood that those big men of the southwest army love Zimo that boy even more than himself!

"Quick, inform the chairman!" Cai Mingxuan went out as he spoke. Anyway, it was a big event. More than 300 policemen were disarmed. These policemen must be finished in the future. However, ye Xiao's daring to do so is tantamount to making a big stir. This time, it will be a huge shock. Naturally, it is necessary to inform other leaders of such a matter at the first time!

Seeing Cai Mingxuan walking towards the outside, the full-time secretary naturally quickly catches up with him. Some domestic staff have already put on a coat for Cai Mingxuan, and the full-time secretary also quickly dials the chief secretary's phone. Cai Mingxuan wants to visit the No. 1 chief. Although it is an urgent late night visit, the etiquette still can't be lost. There is no way to let Cai Mingxuan run directly to the No. 1 chief Tell me in the bedroom. That's a little impolite, too?

When the Nancheng incident spread rapidly in the University and caused a stir in Kyoto, long Yusheng looked at the woman who took out the sword in front of the teahouse. In his mouth, there was an unimaginable cry: "Jizi, what are you going to do?"

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