Ye Xiao steps forward, while Xie Chen is respectfully standing beside Xiao fei'er. Although they have controlled the overall situation, no one can guarantee that these people jump over the wall in a hurry and do something crazy. Now Xiao fei'er is not healed, can he be hurt in any way!

Seeing that ye Xiao has agreed to his challenge, long Yusheng's mouth shows a ray of excitement. These days, he can become the leader of the dragon clan, relying on not only the power of the family, but also hard work. Now he has understood the three inch strength, but also the essence of inch burst. Even ye Xiao has made progress And what he has to do is not really defeat Ye Xiao. He just needs to hold Ye Xiao and wait for the arrival of reinforcements!

In his opinion, with his own strength, even if it is not ye Xiao's opponent, it is always OK to drag for dozens of minutes. With such a time, has the rescuer not come yet? Ye Xiao is still as arrogant as before. Doesn't he know that this is Kyoto? Even if he arranged more people, could he turn over the whole of Kyoto?

What long Yusheng is afraid of is that ye Xiao doesn't say anything and just bangs them off. Even if the power behind them is strong, it's useless. After all, people are dead. How about killing Ye Xiao?

Now that ye Xiao has given him such a chance, he naturally won't let it go. Long Yusheng has made up his mind to defend as much as possible for a while, not for meritorious service, but for nothing!

Looking at Fujiwara Jixiang, long Yusheng also stepped forward and came to a place less than three meters away from ye Xiao. He swore secretly that if he could leave here alive this time, he would certainly tear Fujiwara into pieces. Of course, he would have to humiliate Fujiwara before he broke her up. He would not find a hundred and eighty people to stab her in, I don't want long Yusheng!

Not only to her, the woman called Songdao maple, but also this Xiao Fei Er, can't let go!

"Are you ready?" Seeing long Yusheng stepping forward, a sarcastic smile appeared in the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth!

"Of course, you may come here!" In the face of Ye Xiao's sarcastic smile, long Yusheng's heart is also full of anger. This son of a bitch, does he think he is still the former Long Yusheng? However, I have understood the Cunbao. There are very few people in China who can build inch strength. What's more, the Dragon Emperor is the only one who can do it!

Even if ye Xiao's natural strength is bigger than him, can't his own inch burst be better than him?

"Ha ha!" Ye Xiao gave a cold smile again, and then suddenly stepped forward and smashed the Dragon Yusheng with a fist in the head!

Long Yusheng has already prepared. Seeing ye Xiao's blow to himself, a cold smile appears in the corner of his mouth. You ye Xiao is just like this. It has been so long since the time has passed. Your speed and strength have not improved much!

Of course, if he used to be himself, he would not be able to resist such a blow. But now, hem, long long Yusheng has even figured out how to fight back. If ye Xiao's strength is really like this, he really has the confidence to kill or capture him on the spot!

However, ye Xiao's real strength has not been fully explored at this time. He does not dare to launch a counterattack rashly. He just raises his right hand to block Ye Xiao's fist, and his left hand has clenched his fist, ready to deal with Ye Xiao's possible changes at any time!

Ye Xiao has no plan to change his moves at all. After a fierce battle in the dark palace and a few months of hard training, his strength has been greatly improved. Even the experts who step into the divine realm can also deal with several. This is the existence at the top of the world. It is not easy to deal with such small roles as long Yusheng!

This simple punch hit long Yusheng's right arm, and then the four inch force suddenly broke out. Originally, the power of this fist was at most several hundred jin, but the four inch force suddenly broke out. This strength immediately soared several times. Suddenly, long Yusheng felt like a hammer on his right arm!

"Click!" With a sound, the right arm was smashed directly by this blow, and the huge pain came into his mind. Long Yusheng's face also became extremely ugly. Obviously, he didn't expect that ye Xiao's power would be so terrible, or that ye Xiao had also understood cunzheng, and was obviously more brilliant than himself!

However, when he realized that it was too late, a blow smashed his arm, and then his left fist blew out, which hit long Yusheng's left shoulder. Before long Yusheng had time to swing his left fist, there was another burst of fracture sound, and his left shoulder was blown to pieces!

The huge pain spread all over his body. When long Yu raised his mouth, he would scream instinctively. However, ye Xiao's speed suddenly accelerated and accelerated more than three times. He grabbed his head, and then he hit his knee fiercely!

"Bang!" With a sound, long Yusheng's nose bone was smashed on the spot. Not only his nose bone, but also his lips were torn apart. The blood flowed straight out. Long Yusheng couldn't even scream!

However, ye Xiao doesn't want to stop. He grabs long Yusheng's head and smashes it towards the concrete floor!"Bang" is another big bang, long Yusheng's forehead and the concrete floor came to a close contact, on the spot was hit, score not clear southeast, northwest, and then ye Xiao as if still dead dog threw him on the ground!

Second kill, absolute second kill. Although the present long Yusheng is not dead, Lin wuhui and Gulan still look at Ye Xiao like a demon. They have no doubt that as long as ye Xiao is willing to kill long Yusheng, it will be as easy as killing an ant!

It's too terrible. They know the strength of long Yusheng. How to say, he is also the leader of the dragon clan now. If he doesn't have strong strength, how can the group of people of the dragon family win over the crowd? But there is a character like this, and such a strong man can't support three moves in Ye Xiao's hands?

Is that terrible?

If they knew how ye Xiaogang broke the police line, they would not be so surprised. Of course, if they really knew the specific situation, long Yusheng would not take the risk to challenge!

"It's hard to imagine when the leader of the dragon clan is so fragile that such a waste is also worthy of being the dragon master?" His face is full of a disdainful smile, and then ye Xiao mercilessly raised his right leg and kicked it on long Yusheng's kneecap bone. People heard a burst of bone fracture again, and longyusheng's kneecap bone was crushed by this foot!

Only a breath of time, long Yusheng completely lost the combat effectiveness, not only lost the combat effectiveness, even if he did not die, this life also absolutely became a waste man!

Ignoring long Yusheng lying on the ground, ye Xiao walks towards Lin wuhui and Gulan step by step. He is so relaxed and leisurely, just like walking in the forest. But for some reason, Lin wuhui and Gulan feel as if there is an archaic cannibal devil walking towards them step by step!

Their bodyguards protect them in front of them for the first time, and seem to want to stop Ye Xiao!

Then I heard the sound of gunfire. The bodyguards who wanted to stop Ye Xiao were beaten into a sieve for the first time

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