At that time, Lin's answer was that he was mentally retarded. Why spend so much money? It's better to let him die directly!

At that moment, he was completely desperate for the Lin family. If he didn't know that his strength was too small, he would have retaliated against the Lin family. When ye Xiao's people found him and promised to help him treat his father, he agreed to Ye Xiao's conditions without hesitation!

As a medical representative, but also a highly gifted doctor of medicine, it is not a simple thing to let an elderly man die naturally? Under his "careful" care, Lin Xiuyuan only insisted on leaving for a month!

Lin Qiming almost killed Lin Xiuyuan with his own hands. According to the law, he was avenged, and his resentment broke out. However, ye Xiao didn't expect that he still wanted to be the owner of the Lin family?

Different from Gu Tiankai, although Gu Tiankai and his son are all waste materials, they are all the natural sons of Gu CanXue. For those big families, blood lineage is more important than anything. If some accidents happen to the other brothers of the Gu family, or their positions change too much, as long as their strength is not enough, Gu Tiankai will also have the opportunity to be the head of the family Bit!

At least, he has the qualification to fight for the position of the owner of the house, but he lacks some strength!

Lin Qiming is totally different. He is just a collateral of the Lin family. Although his blood relationship is not too far away, he is not the descendant of Lin Xiuyuan, and he has always been a doctor. In the Lin family, there is no power to speak of. Under such circumstances, it is not easy for him to become the master of the family? To say a bad word, he didn't even have the qualification to fight for the position of the owner of the house!

In Ye Xiao's opinion, Lin Qiming is not an ambitious person, and his desire for power is not so strong. He is just full of resentment. Moreover, he is also a smart man. There is no reason to put forward such an unrealistic idea!

"Ye Shao, this is not my own voice. It is the voice of all the Lin family members. Ever since Lin Xiuyuan forced his brother-in-law away, he has been monopolizing power. His descendants have taken over the resources of the whole family. Most of the collateral clansmen have not got any resources. I think it's good. Some of them are a little bit distant Today, there are still street sweepers. Lin Xiuyuan is almost indifferent to many collateral clansmen. Over the years, more and more collateral clansmen have been living in a low level. Many people have expressed their dissatisfaction with the lineal people, but without the help of external forces, we can't resist the rule of Lin Xiuyuan. Ye Shao, as long as you promise to help me, I will be able to become one Master of the Lin family, the whole Lin family will be your most loyal ally at that time Lin Qiming vowed to say that the original rigid eyes actually revealed the light of self-confidence!

Ye Xiao's eyes suddenly narrowed. He noticed Lin Qiming's last words. If he became the owner of the Lin family, the whole Lin family would be his most loyal ally, an ally, not a subordinate. In other words, he placed himself on an equal position with himself!

But now that he is the leader of TIANYAO gate, every move can affect the general situation of China. He is still a physician. What can he do on an equal footing with himself? What courage does he have to be equal to himself?

How dare he say such a thing, especially when he needs his own help?

"Uncle? Who is your brother-in-law? " Ye Xiao did not immediately entangle in this issue, but asked such a question!

"His name is Lin xiulong. When the old master was still there, he said that he was the hope of the Lin family. But who knows that the old master left early, and the little uncle's mind is not in the family's small matters, which rarely appear in the eyes of outsiders, so ye Shao can not know it!" Lin Qiming explained!

"Where is your uncle now?" Ye Xiao continued to ask. Naturally, he understood who Lin Qiming's grandfather was. This was Lin Xiuyuan's grandfather. The reason why the Lin family became the four great families in Kyoto was that during the war, the Lin family almost supported the political parties by supporting the whole family. Later, after the victory of the Anti Japanese War, the Lin family also got huge political rewards!

"I don't know, uncle has been missing for nearly 20 years, but when I was very young, only he didn't despise me and discriminated against me!" Lin Qiming shook his head, indicating that he did not understand!

"You, Lin Qiming..." Who expected Ye Xiao to roar suddenly!

Lin Qiming was shocked by this sound

"Your brother-in-law did not disappear, but entered the dragon clan, and became the leader of the dragon clan, nicknamed the Dragon Emperor!" Not waiting for Lin Qiming to come back from his panic, ye Xiao said directly.

On hearing Ye Xiao's words, Lin Qiming was stunned and his eyes were wide open. It seemed hard to believe that ye Xiao would know this!

Seeing Lin Qiming's startled appearance, ye Xiao has already understood that what he expected is good. When the old chief executive appeared at the Tan's house for Tan Xiaoxiao, the Dragon Emperor came along and slapped Lin wuhui on the spot. At that time, Lin Xiuyuan's expression was very strange. At that time, Hou Yexiao suspected that there might be any relationship between the Dragon Emperor and the Lin family, but he was not good to go Check it, and I guess it's useless.

Now I hear from Lin Qiming that his brother-in-law is forced away by Lin Xiuyuan. What kind of talent needs Lin Xiuyuan to use "force" instead of "bang". How can ordinary people do it? After all, Lin Xiuyuan is the long house of the Lin family, and also the eldest grandson of the old master of the Lin family. Moreover, he is skillful in his means. Such a person who has occupied all the advantages of the time, place and people needs to "force" a person who can be regarded as a collateral to leave? This is enough to show that the man is not simple!With these two pieces, ye Xiao naturally guessed the Dragon Emperor, but it was just a bold guess. Didn't he want to blackmail Lin Qiming? Who knows his expression actually admitted that all this is true!

Lin Qiming's expression confirmed his guess. Ye Xiao was surprised. He didn't expect that the Dragon Emperor was really a member of the Lin family. However, there were a lot of things he didn't understand before, but now he fully understands them!

"Lin Qiming, tell me immediately where the Dragon Emperor is now!" After confirming this conjecture, ye Xiao asked again. What he is most concerned about now is the safety of the Dragon Emperor. After all this time, there is still no news of the Dragon Emperor. This Lin Qiming is confident to become the master of the Lin family. Obviously, the role of the Dragon Emperor is in it. Without the support of the Dragon Emperor, even if those collateral clansmen are dissatisfied with the Lin family lineage, they can not support Lin Qi People like Ming should be the master of the house!

"Ye Shao I don't know where my uncle is now Although Lin Qiming didn't know where ye Xiao knew such a secret story, he still came back from the shock and said wrongly. However, his words can be regarded as admitting the speculation!

"I don't know?" Ye Xiao frowned, and her anger flashed between her eyebrows!

"Well, I really don't know. Just three months ago, my uncle contacted me and said that if there was unrest in the Lin family, he would fight for the position of the master of the house and asked me to ask you for help! He also said that you would help me, but since then, he has not contacted me Seeing ye Xiao's anger, Lin Qiming didn't dare to hide it. He immediately said everything he knew!

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