On the first day of the new year's day, it is still extremely cold for the north, but as a coastal city, Jinghai city is not as cold as the north, but at night, when the sea breeze blows, it is also extremely cold!

The room on the south of the third floor is the main bedroom of the whole villa. Although he seldom returns to Jinghai city and lives here, this room is always reserved for him!

At this time, the door of the room opened from the outside, and then saw Ye Xiao's figure appeared at the door, and he came in with situ Haoyue in black!

They have been married for some days, but they seldom get together. No matter what kind of feelings they have, at least in the eyes of situ Nan, Murong Mingyan and others, they are extremely abnormal. In the past, they can say that they are busy, but today everyone has nothing to do. As his wife, situ Haoyue naturally has no reason to leave!

In situ Nan, Murong Mingyan and other strong signs, situ Haoyue naturally stayed down, is Murong Mingyan personally pushed into the room!

Turn on the light, and then the door slammed shut, outside came Murong Mingyan chuckle voice: "you go to bed early!" Then there was a distant sound of footsteps!

Only Ye Xiao and ye Xiao are left in the room. The light is bright and the room is very large. However, they feel a little shy, especially situ Haoyue. With the sound of the footsteps, her heart rate is getting faster and faster. She has been married with Ye Xiao for some time. However, she has never been in the same room with Ye Xiao except when she was forced into a room by Ye Xiao's grandfather Even that night, nothing happened!

In her heart, how much some expectations, looking forward to become Ye Xiaoming's wife, but when this day to bring, but it is a little nervous!

Looking at the spacious room, looking at the man close at hand, situ Haoyue only felt his heart almost jumped to his heart.

Ye Xiao didn't feel too nervous, but he was embarrassed. To situ Haoyue, he had many friends in his heart. This feeling was the same as that of Yigu Yun. Of course, if you want to say good feeling, it's definitely very nice. It's just that this kind of good feeling is not love. All along, he doesn't know how to deal with the relationship with situ Haoyue!

According to ancient rhyme, he can still keep a good relationship with friends. Although some ambiguous things happen occasionally, they are not beyond the boundary. However, situ Haoyue is his wife who married in a fair way. This is done by the old man himself. It is absolutely impossible for him to withdraw. Even if he does not consider the old man's composition, ye Xiao should also consider situ Haoyue and even the whole family The feeling of situ family!

Over the years, the situ family has worked hard for their own career. If they really quit marriage, what is this?

But what happened with situ Haoyue seems to be something wrong. After all, he has been concerned about so many women!

Both of them are not active people. They have their own ideas in their hearts. For a moment, they are stuck there, and they don't know what to do next!

"Why don't I sleep on the sofa?" After a full few minutes, seeing ye Xiao still did not respond, situ Haoyue finally couldn't help but say, this wood, what is he going to do, let a girl speak first?

Situ Haoyue has lived in the attention of thousands of people since she was a child. Since she was a teenager, her pursuers can form a company. Over time, she has developed her arrogant character. She never takes the initiative in emotional matters. Only when she meets Ye Xiao, the freak, will she unconsciously fall into it. Now, how can we take the initiative in such a matter?

"Ah, no good..." As soon as situ Haoyue opened his mouth, ye Xiao's face felt guilty!

"What about that?" Situ Haoyue's heart is tight, a pair of bright moon like eyes are firmly staring at Ye Xiao, expecting him to say no, let's sleep together!

"You are a girl, how can you sleep on the sofa, or I sleep, you sleep in bed!" Ye Xiao is very careful to say!

Situ Haoyue was so angry that he almost burst into blood three times. Who is this bastard? Is he deliberately angry?

She was able to take the lead in speaking, and she has summoned up a lot of courage to remind Ye Xiao that it's too late for us to go to bed!

But who knows Ye Xiao unexpectedly came to say that he sleeps on the sofa and sleeps in his own bed? Did he not understand what he meant at all?

"Sleep, then." Situ Haoyue's voice was cold, and he didn't even take a bath. He went straight to the huge bed in the room, then lifted the quilt and went in like this!

Just kick off your shoes, you don't have to take off your clothes and pants!

Seeing situ Haoyue who buried his head in the quilt, ye Xiao's face was at a loss. Did he say something wrong? Her attitude suddenly became cold!

But didn't she say she wanted to talk about sleeping on the couch? Where do you mean to let her sleep on the sofa?

It has to be said that ye Xiao, who is smart and resourceful, is really lacking in emotion. At least at this time, he just didn't recognize the meaning of situ Haoyue's words!

In fact, we can't blame him. For one thing, situ Haoyue is aloof and arrogant. In Ye Xiao's opinion, she is just like a queen. She never talks about anything, and she doesn't go around the bush. She feels that what she says is what she says. Secondly, although Ye Xiao is not her first brother, she has always been someone else's initiative in terms of feelings. Where can she think about girls Son's mind!Seeing situ Haoyue lying on the bed with his head covered, ye Xiao disturbed his head. He opened the cabinet and took out a quilt from the cabinet. He really ran to the sofa not far from the bed and lay down!

On hearing Ye Xiaozhen run to the sofa to sleep, situ Haoyue was almost angry to vomit blood. This bastard, he was deliberately angry himself, wasn't he? Or does he feel nothing about himself?

At the thought of this, situ Haoyue was so angry that he would get up and leave. Suddenly, his father said to himself before he left!

"Daughter, who takes the initiative between men and women is not the most important thing. What matters is whether they are happy. In order to get happiness, they should take the initiative."

"Ye Xiao..." His father's words appeared in his mind. Situ Haoyue suddenly opened his mouth and said that his voice was still so light, but there was not too much cold!

"Ah..." Xiaoye just got up and sat down!

"Come here..." Situ Haoyue continued to be indifferent!

"What to do..." Ye Xiao looks at a loss, but still according to situ Haoyue's command came to the bedside, who let him do not know how to make situ Haoyue angry?

"Hold me..." Situ Haoyue suddenly opened the quilt and turned around. The bright moon's eyes looked at Ye Xiao!

"Ah..." Ye Xiao is stunned again. What is she going to do? Why should I hold her

"Come on, I'm cold!" Seeing ye Xiao's stupidity, situ Haoyue was very angry. How could this guy be so stupid?

"Oh Ye Xiao bent down and put his arms around situ Haoyue!

The fragrant body entered his arms, and a faint fragrance passed through his nostrils. Coupled with the warmth of the body, a fire began to burn in Ye Xiao's abdomen. However, he did not dare to make any unnecessary actions. He could only force down the evil fire in his abdomen. He would pull over the quilt cover, and situ Haoyue suddenly turned over and pressed it under his body!

"Ye Xiao, I like you!" A word from the mouth, and then don't give ye Xiaosi a chance to react, that flaming red lip has blocked Ye Xiao's big mouth!

Savage, Queen!

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