"Baby, you're here at last. Come on, come on in. You see, Lu Yijun is right for you Who is he, baby At this time, a loud voice sounded, and then a girl with good looks and good figure came out. She just saw Ye Xiao and Yi bao'er who arrived outside the door and exclaimed on the spot. However, when she saw Ye Xiao again, half of what she said turned into a scream!

"My boyfriend, ye Xiao, ye Xiao, this is my best friend Ye Ting!" Yi bao'er, with a smile on her face, introduced her to them. When she said that ye Xiao was her boyfriend, she was very natural and did not feel any discomfort. Even ye Xiao seemed to feel that she was really her boyfriend!

"Your boyfriend?" Ye Ting was more surprised, and then pulled her to the side and said in a low voice, "baby, you are not joking, are you? Even if you want to refuse Lu Yijun, you don't have to ask an uncle to impersonate your boyfriend

Uncle? Nima, you're the uncle. Your family are all uncles. Ye Xiao's ear power is excellent. Naturally, he hears the whispering words from Ye Ting to yibao'er. His eyes are almost staring out. He is only two or three years older than yibao'er. How can he become an uncle?

"Poo Hoo..." After hearing Ye Ting's statement, Yi bao'er also smiles directly. Then she looks back at Ye Xiao. She really has some uncle's temperament!

Although Ye Xiao is only 20 years old or even less than 25 years old, he has been fighting outside all the year round. His mature temperament is not comparable to that of his peers. In addition, he has not shaved his beard these days, and he is wearing a Chinese mountain suit. He is not paying attention to the mountains. He is really an uncle!

"Tingting, don't you know I just like uncle? I can tell you the truth, I didn't bring him to be a strong man. He is really my boyfriend After laughing, yibao'er is very careful to preach for Ye Ting!

"Ah..." Seeing Yi bao'er doesn't look like a joke. Ye Ting's eyes are wide open. It seems hard to believe it!

"Baby, don't you know that the sea of flowers outside and the roses in this castle are all prepared by Lu Yijun for you? You'd better take a boyfriend with you. You can't be angry with him! " After surprise, Ye Ting whispered, but was still heard by Ye Xiao!

Lu Yijun? Is that the classmate just mentioned by yibao'er? In order to catch up with a girl, I will be moved if I am a woman?

"Well, what's the matter with him? It's not what I told him to do Who would have expected that yibao'er was heartless and heartless, and did not put other people's heart in his heart at all!

"Well, well, it's none of your business, it's none of your business. Come on in. Everyone's here, waiting for you There you are When Ye Ting said the last time, she looked at Ye Xiao again. Her eyes were full of sympathy. She only hoped that ye Xiao could have some skills. Otherwise, she would not be frightened by Lu Yijun's identity!

Of course, if ye Ting knew that the man in front of her was the initiator of the last Black Double Ninth Festival, she would not have such an idea again. Although they have seen some videos of the Black Double Ninth Festival, they are all videos of people in black marching on the street. Where can you see ye Xiao's face!

And ebol has been very low-key in school, many people just think she is just a child of ordinary family!

Yibao'er smiles, takes Ye Xiao's arm in one hand, and Ye Ting's hand in the other, and walks into the castle together. Look at her, she is really close to the girl named Ye Ting!

When they entered the castle, there was still a smell of love everywhere. Many places were decorated with colorful lanterns. When the three entered the hall of the castle, dozens of people were gathered in the hall. All the people's eyes immediately cast their eyes. One of them was dressed in a white dress, and his appearance was quite handsome. When he was surrounded by people in the center, he saw the whole thing People's eyes were lit up, and the crowd immediately made way for him!

Without any hesitation, the man's face was covered with a bright smile, and went directly to her. He gracefully made a knight's courtesy to her. Then he said in a soft and elegant voice: "baby, welcome to the rose party. Uncle, thank you for sending her here. You can rest assured that we will take good care of her!"

The man gently said to yibao'er, then turned his head and said to Ye Xiao!

Ye Xiao was immediately petrified on the spot, uncle? Nima, is Laozi really that old?

"Lu Yijun, he is not an uncle, nor did he send me, but accompanied me. He is my boyfriend Ye Xiao!" Yibao'er said coldly, just in front of the people!

When he said this, he took Ye Xiao's arm more tightly. It seemed that it was not enough to prove that ye Xiao was his boyfriend!

"Boyfriends?" All the people on the scene except Ye Ting showed a look of surprise, while Ye Ting's mouth was filled with a wry smile. As for Lu Yijun, she looked at Yi bao'er in disbelief. It seemed hard to believe that all this was true!

"Well, my boyfriend is also my fiance. When I graduate from University, we will get married!" Yibao'er is very firm to repeat a sentence, the face is emerging a happy smile!"Hahaha, baby, don't be kidding. Who knows you've always been single. Even if you don't want to be my girlfriend, you don't have to ask such an uncle to impersonate your boyfriend!" Originally thought Lu Yijun would be very sad, very sad and angry, who knows that he even laughed, a face of indifference!

That expression is actually the same as Ye Ting just now!

Not only did he not believe it, but the people around him didn't believe it!

For the girl in the middle of the mountain, it's very attractive to wear a Chinese woman's dress, but it's really less attractive than that of a girl in shancang!

Lu Yijun's father, Lu Yuan, is the chairman of Weiyuan group, the largest COSCO Group in southern China. He is a giant in the southern economic circle and a deputy to the people's Congress of Guangdong Province. His mother is the youngest daughter of Xu Lao, the chairman of COSCO Group. This is one of the largest groups in Honggang, with assets of hundreds of billions, and each has rights and interests Qian's father, a rich and influential mother, is not a prince charming for ordinary college girls. Don't let Lu Yijun look handsome. Even if he looks like a pig, there are countless women around him. Under such circumstances, as long as a normal woman will choose him to be a man My friend, how can I really find a boyfriend like Ye Xiao?

Who will believe that?

Once again, he was called uncle, and saw the disdainful eyes of those around him. Rao was very good tempered. At this time, he was also angry and completely angry!

I didn't say much. I hugged her and then I kissed her in front of the people. You didn't believe it. OK, my brother let you believe it. Don't you like her? Want to chase her? Well, I will make you sad, let you despair, let you despair completely!

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