In the face of Xiao Nan's curse, the silent Ye Cang wolf also didn't pay attention to him. He just said to the pine island maple son sitting cross legged on the rock: "no suspicious target, you can withdraw!" And then regardless of the two, turned into the jungle!

"You son of a bitch, you have no conscience. Brother Xiao has not landed yet. You are going to withdraw. What if something happens? Sister Matsushima, why do you have to go? Don't listen to his nonsense. Hello, song... " Seeing that Matsushima Maple son also directly got up and left, Xiao Nan was in a hurry. He also thought that after ye Cang wolf left, he would have a good chat with such a beautiful woman as Songdao Maple!

seeing that both of them had retreated, Xiao Nan sighed helplessly and went directly to the ten men who were full of cold breath and said, "dragon one, tell brothers, close up! ”After that, he left dejectedly. The man named longyi answered and immediately whistled. Then there was a Shua sound in the jungle. It was obvious that someone was retreating. Ten of them followed Xiao Nan and left the scene quickly!

These people are all good at getting to Japan ahead of time!

At this time, on the wharf, the cruise ship steadily leaned against the wharf, and the huge escalator slowly descended. SATA, Bazhi, two of the seven families of Yamaguchi group, stood under the escalator and looked at the bow of the boat. Although they all looked down upon Fujiwara in their hearts, she was also the daughter of the previous Yamaguchi group leader, and this time they were In order to use Fujiwara Keiko to attack taro Fujiwara, the minimum face still needs to be given!

However, when the escalator completely landed, they did not see anyone coming down from the cruise ship. They looked at each other and saw the dissatisfaction in their eyes. Did this woman take herself seriously?

However, before they had time to express their dissatisfaction, a figure had stepped out of the cabin, but what surprised them was that this was not a woman, but a man, and he was a very rough man!

Kyushu Island can be regarded as a subtropical area. It is not too cold now. Even in the big night, it is not as cold as that in the north. However, the visitor was wearing a thick animal skin vest and a fur hat on his head. He was tall, at least a large section higher than satada and Bazhi, and at least about 1.8 meters. With the help of the bright moonlight, he could see his face There is a ferocious scar on it!

"Jizi, is this the Kyushu Island where you were born? The smell of fish is so terrible The man just walked out of the cabin, so careless of the clamor up!

See suddenly appear here "big man" SATA and Bazhi look at each other, are to see the doubts in the eyes, this Fujiwara JIKO do what? Where did you get such a man?

"Ha ha, elder brother Changbai, this is the seaside, and the fishy smell is naturally heavier. However, the beauties here are very watery, so I will arrange some for you in the evening." At this time, there was a soft bone sound coming from the cabin, and then I saw Fujiwara, dressed in black, coming out of the cabin!

She has changed into a set of black clothes, but also wearing a black windbreaker, a long black hair in the back of the head, looks heroic, really has a strong woman's breath!

Seeing Fujiwara JIKO, SATA and Bazhi look at each other again. It seems that the girl has really changed a lot in recent years?

"Ha ha ha ha, I don't like the ordinary woman Changbai, unless it's Jizi, you are willing to accompany me..." The man who came out first was obviously in northern costume, and his smile suddenly appeared on his face. A pair of eyes were even more unscrupulous in Jizi's body!

"Lin Changbai, if you dare to disrespect Miss Fujiwara again, I will immediately cut off your head!" At this time, a bleak voice came out from the cabin, and then saw a young man who was clearly young but insisted on the vicissitudes of life!

The man's eyes are like a knife, sharp and penetrating. Don't mention the rough looking "big man" in the north. Even sasoda and Bazhi's heart can't help but twitch for a moment. What a strong breath. This is an expert. Where did Fujiwara recruit such an expert?

Under the threat of the "master", the man who was called Lin Changbai did not dare to say anything more. He just flattered and laughed a few times and let himself to one side!

"Oh, Miss Fujiwara, please!" Seeing that Lin Changbai was too scared to say a word more, the man who threatened him suddenly changed into a smiling face, which he thought was very charming and brilliant. He said to Fujiwara JIKO with a gentlemanly demeanor.

"Thank you, Mr. Aoki!" Fujiwara kishiko smiles at the man, and then walks down from the cabin with his head held high. Sasoda and Bazhi have been shocked by this dramatic scene. Which one is this?

Seeing their gaping faces, the man, known as aomujun, and Lin Changbai looked at each other. A smile flashed in their eyes, and they also followed Fujiwara to walk down the cabin!

Qingmujun and Lin Changbai are naturally Ye Xiao and ye yubai, but both of them have changed their faces. Don't say that they have never seen the real faces of SATA and Bazhi. Even if Xiao Nan appears here, they may not be able to recognize them!Their identities naturally changed. Ye Xiao's "Qingmu Jun" was a loyal protector of flowers, while ye yubai's "Lin Changbai" was a character who rose rapidly after Zhao Wuchang's death in the Northeast underground world, and he became the only one who could have arms contact with tsarist Russia except TIANYAO gate!

"Uncle SATA, uncle Bazhi, why did you come here in person? Why don't you send someone? " Seeing the stunned satada and Bazhi, Fujiwara Jizi stepped forward and said with a smile!

"Ah Ha ha, miss. You are not in Japan these years. Bazhi and I miss you very much. Now we have got in touch with you. Naturally, we hope to see you earlier Sasoda quickly from the shock to God, toward Fujiwara JIKO smile said!

"Yes, yes, miss, we miss you so much!" Eight grill is also casually said!

Do you want me to die? Fujiwara's heart burst into a sneer. If it wasn't for them, how could she have been easily defeated by her second uncle, but at this time she would not have said such words. Instead, she beamed at them and said, "Jizi also miss the two uncles very much. Just because of the situation, he can't come back to visit them. Please forgive them!" With that, he bowed deeply to them!

"Ha ha, Jizi, what's that? Uncle, I'm sorry, but you can rest assured that from today on, as long as we two old guys don't die, no one in Japan can drive you away. But Jizi, who are your two friends, please introduce us?" SATA facial shame of ha ha smile way!

"Ha ha, you see, I almost forgot this, uncle SATA, uncle Bazhi, this is Lin Changbai, the leader of the Bai Gang, the governor of Heilong Province in Northeast China. This time, the arms I brought back were purchased by the help of gang leader Lin, this one..."

"My name is Aoki Okada. I'm from Japan. I'm the most loyal guard of the young lady! Who dares to hurt the young lady, I will break her into pieces and bring ashes to the ashes! " Fujiwara JIKO is about to introduce Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao has already stepped forward and said in a cold voice

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