Japan, Honshu Island and Kobe City are now the sixth largest city in Japan. It was here that fujihara and his six brothers founded the Yamaguchi group, which has always been the headquarters of the Yamaguchi group. Of course, with the expansion of the Yamaguchi group in recent years, there is also a headquarters of the Yamaguchi group in Tokyo, but all major elections are also in place Kobe City held!

The seven families of Yamaguchi group all have their own industrial power in Kobe City, of which the Fujiwara family is the strongest.

Kobe City is also a city with a combination of China and the West. Many western buildings can be seen in Kobe City. To the west of Kobe City is the famous Japanese National Park, Liujiashan National Park. However, today, the whole national park is closed. A man in black shuttles through the mountain. A huge temple is built on the top of the whole mountain Hall, this is a hall of worship, but it is strange that there are no statues of Buddha or gods in the hall, but there is a huge ball in the center, which looks like the fire red ball of the sun.

At this time, in front of the ball, there are many cushions. In front of the cushion, there are long tea tables. When the morning sun is hanging high, the golden sun shines through the skylight on the fire red ball, the whole hall presents a kind of fiery light. At this time, the door of the hall is pushed open from the outside, and you can see a famous person wearing it The figures in black came in. They walked silently, looking for their own positions and kneeling down!

Among these people, there are men and women, old and young. They are just thirty-six. These thirty-six are the elders of the old group of Shankou group.

When the elders had completely sat down, the elders of the Yamaguchi group, including sathida, Bazhi, Noda, and so on, came in one after another and sat down in front of their respective positions. Finally, there were only two places left in the huge hall, one was the position of taro fujihara, the leader of Yamaguchi group, and the other was the position of his wife, Abe Kiko, since the death of Abe Benfu, Akiko Abe married taro Fujiwara, and she became the head of Abe's family with the support of taro Fujiwara. She is also one of the six elders of Yamaguchi group.

After all the people knelt down on their seats, taro Fujiwara, in a black suit, stepped in step by step with the help of Akiko Abe. He held his head high and didn't look at the audience at all. Every step was like a dragon walking and a tiger walking, just like an ancient emperor receiving the worship of his subjects.

Seeing taro fujihara's arrogant appearance, Satoyama, Bazhi and others hate their teeth itching. This bastard takes himself too seriously. In fact, let alone Hachiko Fujiwara and others. Even the Fujiwara Taiichi who is following taro Fujiwara, his eyes are flashing with strange colors. His eyes are constantly looking at Abe's back, which should be his own But just because he was his father, because he was the leader of the Yamaguchi group, he took what should have belonged to him!

Damn man, damn old thing. Fujiwara's heart is itchy with hate, but he can't do anything except quietly following taro Fujiwara. Now the family is still in charge of his father, and now the helmsman of Yamaguchi group is his father. Without his father, he is nothing.

Kneeling down on his seat with a smile, taro Fujiwara straightened himself up. After his wife Abe Qingzi also took his seat, taro Fujiwara said lazily, "Mr. SATA, I heard that you have found my nephew daughter who has been lost for many years. I don't know where she is now? I miss her very much A faint smile appeared on taro Fujiwara's face, which was a sarcastic smile.

Taro Fujiwara is very clear about what Sakata and others think about an. However, in recent years, with the gradual rise of tianyaomen, the Yamaguchi group has lost the drug business in Southeast Asia and the arms business in the north, especially the arms. Without the supply of arms, the strength of Yamaguchi group is greatly reduced. If it was not for the contact between himself and the dark moon alliance, the Yamaguchi group might have lost its business It has been declining for a long time, but the rise of tianyaomen is also a great opportunity for taro Fujiwara. Relying on the arms supply of the dark moon alliance, he has mastered the lifeblood of the Yamaguchi group. Moreover, the elite weapons that the dark moon alliance provided him some time ago, he has given all the equipment to his confidants. If he is not smart, it will be even if he is not smart Taro doesn't mind cleaning!

"Do you really miss me so much?" Without waiting for sasoda to speak, Fujiwara's crisp voice was heard outside the door. Then a beautiful figure appeared at the door. It was Fujiwara in a black suit.

"Oh, I didn't expect to see you for several years. Jizi has grown so big. I heard that you had a good life in China. Is this time you came back to visit the second uncle?" See the graceful Fujiwara JIKO, Fujiwara said with a smile.

On hearing that he admitted Fujiwara's identity, everyone, including sasoda, was surprised. You know, they launched the Jiangshan order to help Fujiwara return to the Fujiwara family and the Yamaguchi group. Even for this matter, they also found a lot of information. As long as Fujiwara can return to the Fujiwara family, then she will go back He has the right to inherit everything of Yamaguchi group and become the leader of Yamaguchi group. Originally, he thought that taro Fujiwara would make all kinds of difficulties. How could he think that he would admit it directly? Is he crazy? Or does he care nothing about Fujiwara's identity?"I'm coming back to get everything that belongs to me!" Taro Fujiwara's answer was also beyond Fujiwara's expectation. It seemed that he would admit his identity directly. However, since he had admitted his identity, there was nothing to hide. Fujiwara took a step forward and said coldly.

At this time, Aoki Okada followed her in and stood behind her. The cold Sabre Qi emanated from her, which immediately made the hearts of those present tremble, just like a knife standing beside him at any time.

"Take back everything that belongs to you? Hehe, is that the position you are talking about? " Taro Fujiwara's face showed a stunned expression, and then pointed to his kneeling position, with a sarcastic smile on his face.

"Yes, this is what my father left me." Fujiwara said coldly that since taro Fujiwara's reaction was beyond their expectation, then the advance plan had to be changed.

"Hehe, Jizi, even if you are my niece's daughter, it's better to play less jokes like this. Do you think you are qualified to sit in such a position?" Seeing the confident and light Fujiwara, taro Fujiwara almost burst out laughing.

"Yes, because I'm Takeo Fujiwara's daughter." Fujiwara said mercilessly, this is also the most basic condition.

"Ha ha ha ha Well, even if you have such a qualification, how many people do you think will support you in this position? " On hearing that Fujiwara JIKO actually moved her dead father out, taro Fujiwara burst into laughter, but his eyes were swept to SATA and Bazhi. The cold eyes made the two people who were trying to talk feel cold. It seemed that there was an ice cone directly into his heart. It was so hard.

"I support it!" When satada and Bazhi are oppressed by taro Fujiwara's eyes, a sudden voice rings out in the silent Hall

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