"Bang!" With Ye Xiao's current control of violent force and his control of inch explosion proficiency, the four successive powerful ways burst out in Chen Tianyu's chest. It felt like a bomb explosion. Chen Tianyu's chest was blown to pieces and a blood mist was sprayed out, and his body was more like that Hit by a baseball bat, the whole ball flies out!

"Bang!" There was another loud noise. Morning Tianyu opened his mouth with a gush of blood. With only this blow, he was definitely hit by more than Zhang Tianbao.

And Zhang Tianbao is different from Zhang Tianbao, who is completely defeated by Ye Xiao.

"Tianyu..." As far as he knows, master Guangyuan has four unique skills, but none of them is a fist. But judging from the power of that fist, who is this man?

"Tianbao, go, tell Dashao, he..." Chen Tianyu almost broke a big hole in front of his chest, and blood was constantly spraying out. He knew that his life was not long ago. He wanted to tell Zhang Tianbao about ye Xiao's identity and ask Zhang Tianbao to inform Shangguan that there was no way for him. However, where could ye Xiao give him such a chance, the figure had already swept in front of him. On the way, he grasped the curved knife that was spinning in the air, and made a slight stroke Across his throat, Chen Tianyu opened his mouth like this, where he could speak, he lost his voice completely.

"Tianyu..." Zhang Tianbao exclaimed, but he was not stupid. He knew that Chen Tianyu must have something to say to himself. Although he could not guess what he was going to say, he also understood that it was time to run for his life.

Chen Tianyu's strength is not much different from his own, but he can't move a few moves in the so-called "green wood Okada". Where can he be an opponent? Now the most important thing is to leave here quickly and go back to tell the majority of the situation here. They underestimate the strength of this Aoki Okada, and with Lin Sichao's intelligence quotient, you can definitely guess Chen Tianyu What to say before you die!

This may be a big secret, he must inform big and small.

With such an idea, although Zhang Tianbao was very sad in his heart, he managed to hold back the grief and plundered it towards the back door at full speed. He had to escape from here and tell big and little that he had to do it.

"If you want to go, leave your life!" Seeing ye Xiao suddenly burst out of his real strength, ye yubai immediately knew that the two men belonged to the scope of death. At the moment, he also sneered, and his body directly plundered towards Zhang Tianbao.

Feeling the enemy behind him, Zhang Tianbao made a backhand stroke. The huge long knife forced ye yubai to face back. However, before he could take the knife back, ye Xiao's body had already run past ye yubai, and then swept directly to Zhang Tianbao's body. The machete in his hand was drawn upward, and it was straight to Zhang Tianbao's neck.

Zhang Tianbao's heart was terrified. His body quickly retreated and his head tilted back. However, ye Xiao's speed was so fast that he could not escape such a knife even though he had a good spirit.

The sharp blade directly cut off Zhang Tianbao's chin, and the blood flowed down. Zhang Tianbao also sent a cry of pain, but he didn't care about the injury. He pushed his legs hard and continued to run away.

It's too terrible. This man is too terrible. I didn't think that he was terrible until I really fought with him. He made his knife fast and had a sharp angle. Even a master of light source could not have such skill.

Zhang Tianbao in his heart just wants to escape with all his strength. However, ye Xiao is like his shadow. His body is close to his back. He doesn't even give him a chance to draw a knife. The machete in his hand keeps moving. Then he sees pieces of clothes flying freely. Zhang Tianbao's back is split dozens of times, and his flesh and blood are blurred. But his vitality is also tenacious Qiang, in such a case, he ran forward at full speed.

Even in order to speed up their own speed, they directly throw away the big knife in their hands!

However, he was still hard to escape Ye Xiao's pursuit. When he found that it was difficult to kill him with the machete, ye Xiao did not hesitate to put the machete away, directly stretched out his right claw, grabbed his right shoulder, and then pulled downward. He had already clasped Zhang Tianbao's arm. With such a strong pull, Zhang Tianbao's body, which was originally running at full speed, was pulled backward Come on, then ye Xiao swings his left fist and hits Zhang Tianbao's temple accurately. The four inch force suddenly erupts again. Suddenly, Zhang Tianbao's temple is bulging, and then "pa" bursts out. Zhang Tianbao's eyes are also wide open. Even when his body falls on the ground, he also opens his eyes.

Cunbao, such a terrible cunbo, can't be used by the disciples of master Guangyuan. There is only one person in the world who is so young, so powerful, and suddenly kills them

"You You You are ye... " Zhang Tianbao finally understands what Chen Tianyu wants to say. This man is not Qingmu Okada. He is Ye Xiao.

"Pa..." Don't give Zhang Tianbao a chance to finish, ye Xiao has slapped him on the top of his heavenly cover, and then Zhang Tianbao's head completely explodes!Powerful Vajra palm!

Light source master one of the four unique skills!

Sasoda Junlang, Bazhi Luo Yuan, and the bodyguards who rushed to kill the traitors such as chimugang, were stunned to see ye Xiao, who was covered with blood, and saw Ye Xiao like a demon.

It's terrible. In such a short time, he killed so many powerful people alone, especially the two masked ones. Their strength was obviously above Fujiwara Taiyu, but he still killed them simply.

What kind of state has his strength reached?

Shock, absolute shock, Bazhi Luo Yuan's heart is even full of fear. Now that SATA is dead, even if Fujiwara finally takes the position of leader of Yamaguchi group, can he control her?

Shaking his head, he quickly threw these thoughts aside. Facing this evil spirit like a demon, he did not dare to have other ideas. This time, taro Fujiwara spent so much energy to kill them. He and taro Fujiwara have completely torn their faces!

He has no way back. At this time, if he wants to live, he must follow the footsteps of Fujiwara. Only when Fujiwara becomes the leader of the Yamaguchi group and kills taro Fujiwara and others, can he have a chance to win and continue to gain a foothold in Japan.

As for the matter of aerial Fujiwara JIKO, Bazhi Luoyuan did not dare to think about it any more. He did not want to anger this murderous God.

"Miss Kiko, all right!" Very indifferent to put away the machete, ye Xiao slowly turned around, smiling at Fujiwara Jizi said.

See him that light and cloudless appearance, including saga Junlang in the heart are playing a Duoer, this guy simply did not take human life as one thing? After killing so many people in a row, he even seemed to have nothing to do, and he also reported to fujihara with a smile. It seems that no one in the world can affect him except Fujiwara!

With this in mind, even SATA Junlang immediately gave up some bad ideas about Fujiwara, and made a decision secretly. In the future, he must closely follow the steps of Miss Fujiwara

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