"Ye Xiao?" Shangguan Wudao and Lin Sichao looked at each other. They all saw the astonishment in their eyes. Actually, it was him? Did that guy really come to Japan? It's no wonder that Chen Tianyu and Zhang Tianbao have the same expression before they die. Obviously, they already know ye Xiao's identity. However, taro Fujiwara utters a cry of surprise. Apparently, they never thought that Aoki Okada, who killed his son, would be the master of TIANYAO. He came to Japan alone? He actually colludes with Fujiwara. What does he want to do?

"Find out his whereabouts, I will cut off his head myself!" Ignoring Fujiwara Taro's startled expression, Wu scar said coldly and directly.

"Hi!" In the face of Wu's murderous nature, taro Fujiwara didn't dare to have any resistance. He instinctively replied.

In Kobe, Japan, a private villa belonging to the saga family, ye Xiao, who has taken a bath, is sitting in front of the computer, turns on the computer, then inputs a website address, and then successively enters a series of numbers. Finally, a chat box similar to QQ pops up, which is the exclusive chat software of the dragon clan. Even the most top hackers in the world can't crack this software After all, this is set up by the top of the Chinese elite.

In addition, the software will not leave any traces, as long as the computer is turned off, all traces will be automatically erased, and no one will be given the opportunity to view.

Open the chat box, you can see that the head of the subordinate enchantment is always on. Ye Xiao smiles slightly and quickly enters a message in the chat box: "Mei Jie, how is your injury?"

"It's almost good. How are you in Japan?" Soon, there was a message from the other end.

"Everything is OK, but I find that Shangguan has no way to go..." Ye Xiao quickly sent today's incident to the past, and then input a series of instructions: "help me to find out what he came to Japan for!"


I chatted with Yaomei again. When ye Xiao was about to shut down the computer and go offline, suddenly a black head figure flashed. It was a fox with a long tail that entangled the whole earth.

Seeing the flashing head, a faint smile appeared in the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth, and the beautiful woman with beautiful face and enchanting figure appeared in her mind unconsciously.

"What's the matter? Girl, but miss you At this moment, ye Xiao's spirit of killing disappeared and was replaced by a seemingly happy young man.

"You're in trouble!" Originally thought that the other party would tease a few words with himself, where did you think that the other party directly sent these words.

"Well?" Ye Xiaoyi Leng, what trouble do you have?

"The God of war has come to Japan!"

"God of war?"

"I got the news from sarogas. Ye Xiao, you must be careful. It is the existence that even sarogas is afraid of. I doubt that he came for you!" Soon, there was an anxious message.

Seeing such an obviously worried message, ye Xiao's smile at the corner of her mouth is bigger. I don't know why, she is always worried about her, and her heart is always extremely sweet.

"Don't worry, no matter who comes, I will tell him to come back and never come back!" Very confident reply to this one.

God of war? The presence that scares sarogas? Dark moon League has such a master?

Zhang Tianbao and Chen Tianyu's strength suddenly greatly improved so much, is it related to him? If it really has something to do with him, then this person really can't underestimate. Maybe he can infer from the wounds of Chen Tianyu and Zhang Tianbao?

If Zhang Tianbao and Chen Tianyu were really trained by him, wouldn't it be said that Shangguan had no way and was closely related to the dark moon alliance, but how did he get along with the dark moon alliance? And judging from this situation, his position in the dark moon League should not be low.

"Help me pay attention to Shangguan Wudao. I want to know who is standing behind him!" For many days, all kinds of doubts quickly filtered in his mind, and ye Xiao felt vaguely that he had touched the dark hand behind the scenes.

Shangguan Wudao dares to make some small moves in Jinghai City, which has long attracted Ye Xiao's attention. He also suspects that there is a giant in the central government behind Shangguan Wudao. Now, with the fight God incident, he is almost sure that the man behind Shangguan Wudao is definitely one of the nine giants, and this man obviously occupies a high position in the dark moon alliance.

At the thought of this, ye Xiao quickly turned off the computer, and then he would get up and walk outside. If everything was exactly the same as what he expected, no matter what the purpose of Shangguan Wudao's coming to Japan this time, they would try their best to deal with themselves after they found that Zhang Tianbao and Chen Tianyu had been killed by themselves. Even this time, they would fight against themselves I just haven't found my whereabouts.

Now, because they killed Chen Tianyu with an inch of strength, once the fighting God is really as strong as she said, it is impossible to see this. Maybe they have begun to look for their whereabouts everywhere, and the news that they have settled here is not a secret at all.

is as like as two peas in the moment, when ye Xiao just turned off the computer, there was a roar of motor noise in the distance. The voice was exactly the same as when he heard it in the attack at the hotel.At this time, in a huge villa in M country, thousands of miles away, the enchanting woman in a silk nightdress is lying lazily on the sofa. The golden sun shines on her body, but it is difficult to bring her too much warmth. The fighting spirit moves out, and the obvious target is Ye Xiao. In the case that the dragon emperor does not know whether to live or die, the primary enemy of the dark moon alliance is him, dou She didn't know about the power of God, but it was something that sarogas was afraid of, which was enough to show its power.

The enchanting person who knew this news opened the computer at the first time, and then told ye Xiao the news with the special software of the Dragon nationality.

Of course, she is no longer a member of the dragon clan. Naturally, she can't communicate with other people of the Dragon nationality. This number is only one bound to Ye Xiao's account. In other words, although she can now open the software and enter the chat system, she can only chat with Ye Xiao alone.

Originally, she was worried about ye Xiao's consolation. If she was not in M country, she would like to go to Japan in person. But when she saw ye Xiaofa's reassurance, a faint smile appeared in her enchanting mouth, which was so charming in the sunshine.

This guy, still so confident, maybe, he can really create a miracle again!

Just listen to sarogas said that there are only three such beings in the dark moon alliance, which are the ultimate strategic experts of the dark moon alliance. If we lose another one, what will the dark moon alliance become?

Just when she was ready to Tell ye Xiao a few more words, she saw the last message from ye Xiaofa, asking her to check on Shangguan Wudao? Shangguan has no way? Before asking why, ye Xiao's head has completely faded down.

Has something happened over there?

Enchanting eyebrows, and slightly wrinkled up.

"No, I still have to go to Japan." Soon, enchanting made a decision. Although Ye Xiao is confident, she still doesn't want him to have any problems, even if she knows that she may not be able to catch up with her.

At present, I got up from the sofa, and my nightdress slipped down

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