With the sound of the gunshot, Wu immediately felt a chill behind him. He didn't need to think about it. He already knew that it was a sniper gun, and the target of the other party's sniper was himself.

No need to think, his body has already made an instinctive response. The body that had stepped forward immediately leaned to the left, and the bullet almost wiped his waist rib. But in this way, his original move was completely destroyed. What ye Xiao and ye yubai had to wait for was this time. Ye yubai's sword changed into a thorn and continued to stab at Wu trace However, the machete in Ye Xiao's hand was drawn to his neck.

His body is out of balance, and he can't continue to dodge again. However, Wu Xun doesn't mean to avoid it. With a stroke of the dagger in his hand, he has already met Ye Xiao's machete, and he has estimated that he has time to block ye yubai's stab.

It's just because ye yubai has to insert a large part no matter how fast or powerful he is. If ye Xiao doesn't restrain him, even if ye yubai is allowed to attack, he won't want to hurt himself. Such an ant like figure is not worth paying attention to.

"Jingle!" With a sound, the dagger in Wu Xun's hand and ye Xiao's machete collide fiercely, and continue to touch a large amount of sparks. Just when Wu Xun thought that his dagger could shake Ye Xiao's machete, ye Xiao's right hand, which was already numb by the shock, turned into a hook and caught Wu Xun's dagger directly, although it was still shaken by Wu Xun's strength Open, but also delayed a little time, such a little time, already enough ye yubai's sword to insert into Wu trace's abdomen.

Wu trace is very angry. It seems that he didn't expect Ye Xiao to have such a hand. Under the wrong estimation, he twisted his body again and avoided the crucial point. Ye yubai could have stabbed him in the lower abdomen. At last, he just broke a hole in his waist, which was still a very short one.

Wu Ceng is angry. He never thought that he would be hurt in the hands of a small person like ye yubai. Even if ye Xiao is holding him back, even if there is a sniper attacking him in the dark, it is Ye Xiao who can really hurt him. How can such a guy hurt him?

After shaking his body several times and retreating several steps, he finally stood firm. Just as he was about to yell, he suddenly felt a numbness in the wound on his lower abdomen. When he touched it with one hand, the blood was all black. His face changed greatly, and his anger in his heart turned into rage. There was poison on the knife.

"You are mean!" Wu glares at ye yubai. Ye Xiao, as a strong man, wears a pair of goggles on his heart. The son of a bitch has poison on his knife, which is the only method used by assassins and killers.

For so many years, no one has been able to hurt Wu mark. As the first defense in the world, even if he meets the Dragon Emperor, he is confident that he can remain invincible. Of course, he can't surpass the Dragon Emperor, but it's not easy for the Dragon Emperor to hurt him. Now, he and they can't do it without a few breaths, He was poisoned.

This is too despicable. Ye Xiao is strong enough to be the leader of TIANYAO gate. He should have his own dignity. He should not say anything to deal with himself or arrange snipers to attack him. He is still smearing poison on his knife. He is mean, shameless and obscene.

"If you want to kill someone, what will you do?" In the face of Wu Xun's scolding, ye yubai responded with a smart response, and then quickly retreated to Ye Xiao's side. In the face of an angry top strong man, he did not dare to have the slightest carelessness.

"What a murderer, he only asks the result. What means does it take? Ba Chi Jun, please escort the young and the big to leave here first!" What a character Wu Xun was, he thought that this was a bureau arranged by the other party, a bureau to attack and kill himself. What he didn't understand was, how did the other party know that he would appear?

Lin Sichao and Shangguan Wudao are not idiots. Naturally, they react at the first time, but their faces are also full of horror. They guess that ye Xiao's identity is also because he killed Chen Tianyu, and then they immediately set up such a killing to lead Ye Xiao out. But now it seems that they and others are trapped in his killing. Is he I knew I was coming. Otherwise, how could I have arranged such a killing game so quickly?

What's more, it's obviously aimed at the God of war?

"Since you're here, just stay here." Hearing Wu's calm words, ye Xiao gave a faint smile. With the fall of his voice, a giant man carrying a huge wooden box appeared in the dark, and a woman in kimono came out slowly holding a long sword. Finally, two young men came out of the night with ten men in black. These people directly surrounded Shangguan Wudao and others 。

Seeing such a posture, the fighting God's face changed completely. It was really a killing game, a killing against himself. But why did these people ambush around and didn't know it?

Impossible. If they had been lying in ambush here for a long time, they could not have known it. Then the only explanation is that they have been following Ye Xiao's side, just guarding Ye Xiao secretly, or waiting for their appearance?How could ye Xiao know that she would come? Do you think there are spies in the dark moon alliance? However, this is absolutely impossible. The news that I came to Japan was only known by some of the top officials of the dark moon alliance, and these people were almost all people who had been there at the beginning of the dark moon alliance. How could they be spies?

But if someone hadn't disclosed their whereabouts, how could they have ambushed so many people?

"I'm sorry to forget to tell you that I'm afraid of death, so there are some masters lurking around me. I didn't expect that someone would really want to deal with me. Please move master Wu. It's just a pity that the dark moon alliance will lose a great general this time!" Ye Xiao said with a smile. He didn't mean to rush to attack. Now the God of fight is poisoned. The longer the time goes on, the faster the toxin will spread out, but the more unfavorable it will be for him. It will be better if he is poisoned to death.

"Go By this time, Wu trace had no time to kill Ye Xiao. The people who appeared here were not ordinary weak people, especially those ten people. Although their breath looked the weakest, their eyes were strangely cold. They were a group of dead men who had no feelings at all.

Dead men, they don't take their lives as one thing at all. Maybe every one of them is tied with a bomb? If they really want to die with themselves, even if they are bound with bombs, they will have a headache. In addition, because of the toxin in their waists, Wu Xun is very angry and wants to tear ye yubai and ye Xiao to pieces. At this time, they have to make up their minds to retreat. Otherwise, they may not be able to break through the encirclement with the strength of eight feet Qiong.

Wu Xun's move is to break out in the direction of the tallest Kanu, because he feels that this direction is the weakest link and the most easy to break through. When he moves, the three men, eight feet Qiong, are also protecting Shangguan Wudao. They run in this direction, but ye Xiao and others do not mean to stop him. Wu's heart suddenly jumps

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