As a super first-class strong man, as the world's top strong, is also known as the world's first defense. Wu Xun's life can be regarded as the wind and waves, what kind of setbacks have not experienced, now even if ye Xiao's design forced to such a point, the mood is still very quickly calm down, is not a death, he lived most of his life, death is nothing.

As for whether Shangguan has no way to escape or not, as for the future development of the dark moon alliance, he has no mind. A dying man, where there is any mind to worry about others, wants to fight ye Xiao before he dies. He wants to really see how powerful this rising show is. For this wish, he even put down his face and challenged a younger generation.

"Good!" If it was someone else who said such a thing under such circumstances, ye Xiao would not hesitate to take out the desert eagle and give him an end. He was going to die. There was so much nonsense. However, in the face of Wu Xun's dying wish, ye Xiao agreed without any hesitation.

The other side is a strong person, a strong enough to be respected, for a strong person, also want to always be very respectful.

Seeing ye Xiao's promise, a faint smile appeared on Wu's mouth. It was a happy smile. It was a real fight with the rising star before he died. Even if he was dead, he would have no regrets.

He stretched out his right hand, pulled out the sword on his left shoulder and the dagger in his heart, let the blood spray continuously, and then took out a blood red pill from his arms and put it into his mouth. This pill is also a pill to stimulate potential. Wu Xun has always despised taking this medicine, relying on the function of foreign objects to stimulate his own potential, which only makes people fall into a dead end It can improve people's strength in a short time, but it is also very harmful to human body.

But this time, in order to really have a move with Ye Xiao, he has not considered so much, he just wants to fight with Ye Xiao with his highest strength in his life.

Seeing that the other side took the pill, ye yubai and others wanted to stop it. After all, this thing can enhance the strength. Although Wu scar was injured so much, he was after all a strong man in the divine realm. If he took the medicine again, who knew what kind of power would break out, but he was interrupted by Ye Xiao.

Until Wu Xun took the medicine, until he found that the blood flow speed of his heart began to slow down, until he saw that his face had returned to normal, ye Xiao said faintly, "OK?"

"All right Wu trace nodded, and then all his attention fell on Ye Xiao's body, and Jing ~ Qi ~ Shen reached a peak in his life.

"Whoosh" almost at the same time, their bodies rushed out at the same time, and rushed up at an unimaginable speed. Originally, they were seven or eight meters apart, but almost in the blink of an eye. They had already arrived in front of each other, and then both of them punched each other at the same time.

"Bang!" With a loud bang, ye Xiao's fist hit Wu Xun's fist heavily, and then a strong force suddenly burst out. This force directly exploded into Wu's body. Wu's body began to shake continuously. Every cell in his body began to tremble, and his muscles were constantly contracting. Obviously, he intended to remove such a force.

"Click..." However, in a flash, he heard the sound of cracking bones. Then Wu felt that his fist bone was in severe pain, and his fist bone was completely broken.

Then the force of terror burst into his arm, and his arm began to crack. It felt like time solidified at that moment. Then his bones, like those stone carvings that had been shaken, slowly cracked. The gap became bigger and bigger. At last, he flew out with a bang, and he was shocked The arm is completely broken, and even burst out a blood mist.

"Bang!" Wu's body fell heavily on the ground, and his eyes were full of horror. Yes, it was an expression that was more frightening than any scene just now.

Five inch explosion, this is the Dragon Emperor a talent to understand the realm, he even understood the five inch explosion.

His strength has reached such a state. Even if he is fighting alone, he may not have a chance to win.

A young man in his early twenties has such terrible strength? How can Wu trace not be surprised or shocked?

At this moment, he can be more sure that ye Xiao didn't find a chance to make a move before. He sincerely regarded himself as a sparring.

Thank you With such a short word in his mouth, Wu trace lost his voice completely. He died without regret when he was able to die in the hands of a top strong man.

See the Wu mark that completely lost voice breath, ye Xiao also faintly vomited out two words: "thank you!" Thanks to his generosity and his accompanying training, ye yubai and others will surely achieve a real leap forward with the first world war just now. Only with the experience of fighting with such masters can they become the real strong ones.

"Give him a good burial!" With a cry of humanity towards ye yubai and others, ye Xiao turns to Lin Sichao, who was caught by Fujiwara Jizi and others, and goes to the most trusted person around Shangguan Wudao.Seeing ye Xiao walking step by step, Lin Sichao was completely numb. He never thought that Wu scar, as powerful as the "God of war", was killed. He did not expect that his death would be so miserable.

He also did not expect that ye Xiao's strength has been so strong.

As for Yoshiro sasoda, he was already pale with fright at this time. The fierce battle just now had already scared him silly. He never thought that human strength would reach such a level.

In particular, Wu Xun, the God of war, was able to shoot with sniper bullets. However, such a super strong man, a strong man who surpassed his own thinking, finally lost the fist of Ye Xiao. How powerful was Ye Xiao's punch?

When he saw that completely smashed arm, satada Junlang made a decision in his heart that he would never be the enemy of this demon like man, whether his identity was Yexiao, the master of TIANYAO, or Aoki Okada, the descendant of the light source.

"Smart, you should know what people are!" Ye Xiao walks to Lin Sichao's body and looks at Lin Sichao, who is somewhat lax in his eyes.

"You are also a wise man, you should know that I will not answer!" Slowly come back to God, Lin Sichao is also light said, things to such a point, he has no way to live.

"Yes, so I'm in a dilemma." Ye Xiao murmured a sigh. Although he didn't have much contact with Lin Sichao, he also understood that he would not say the answer he wanted to be the most trusted wisdom of Shangguan.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Just kill me with one knife!" Lin Sichao said faintly that he had never thought he would live.

"If you want to die, tell me a question you can answer!" Ye Xiao asked lightly.

"What's the problem?" Lin Sichao is stunned. He doesn't seem to understand what questions Ye Xiao has to ask himself!

"The accident between Wang Qi and Ling Chi was arranged by you?" Ye Xiao asked.

"Yes..." Without any hesitation, Lin Sichao answered all the other questions as long as they were not betrayed.

"Good!" Ye Xiao suddenly snorted coldly, and then a spatula light up in an instant, enveloping Lin Sichao

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