The visitor was dressed in a black Zhongshan suit. He was handsome and energetic. He was not ye Xiao.

"Fujiwara, you You You collude with the people of tianyaomen. You... " Seeing ye Xiao appear here, taro Fujiwara was shocked. Obviously, he never thought that his son would collude with the biggest enemy.

"Collusion? No, no, no, no, dear father. This is called a person who knows the current situation to be a hero, or a good bird chooses a tree to live in. This is what you have been teaching me... " Fujiwara shook his head again and again, and quickly pulled up his pants. Just now he insulted his father for me. Now ye Xiao is here. He is embarrassed to continue to perform.

"You You... " Taro Fujiwara was shaking all over. At this time, he was completely speechless.

Ye Xiao looked at Abe Qingzi and the other two women in disgust and said faintly, "cut off his head. After that, you will be the master of the Fujiwara family!"

"Yes, my Lord." Fujiwara should respectfully, and then went to the corner of the living room, pulled out a huge samurai sword hanging on the wall, step by step to taro Fujiwara.

"You Are you really going to kill me? " See step by step into the taro Fujiwara, taro Fujiwara's eyes full of panic, his son, he actually want to start on himself?

"Dear father, isn't this also for the prosperity of the Fujiwara family? You can rest assured that after your death, I will love your women well! " A ferocious smile appeared on his face. Before waiting for him to speak, the samurai sword had directly cut his neck. Taro Fujiwara's eyes were wide open. It seemed that he could not believe all this was true until he died.

With the samurai knife in his hand, he cut off taro Fujiwara's head. Abe Qingzi had already prepared a cloth bag, put it in it, and then twisted the head to Ye Xiao's side.

"My Lord, I have done as you have ordered." Fujiwara Taiyi said, the whole person has knelt down, not only he, the other three women in the living room are all kneeling in front of Ye Xiao.

When he saw his father cut off by himself, he was lying in front of him like a dog. Ye Xiao's eyes were full of disgust. The Japanese people were indeed a inhuman race. For the sake of interests, they actually did such things as killing their fathers by themselves. Even when they saw taro Fujiwara was killed, they had no pity, Their eyes are cold, their seemingly gentle appearance, the actual hidden is the cold heart.

They only respect the strong, as long as you are strong enough, you can insult her.

"Well done. In the future, give good support to miss Fujiwara. If I find anything unusual about you..." When ye Xiao said this, he suddenly hit the marble coffee table in the living room. It seemed like an understatement. However, the tea table began to break in bursts, and finally the whole table broke apart.

"That's what happened to you..."

Seeing the debris all over the ground, whether taro Fujiwara or Abe Qingzi, they are all in a cold sweat. Is this still human power? How could you smash this marble table with one punch?

"Taiyi understands, Taiyi understands, Taiyi will always be loyal to miss Jizi. If there is any violation, it will be hard to die!" Fujiwara repeatedly kowtow to Ye Xiao, dare not have the slightest disrespect.

Ye Xiao gave a faint smile, and then continued to ask: "three days, there is no news of Shangguan Daodao?"

"Your honor, we have searched the entire Kobe sea area, but we have not found that Shangguan has no way." Fujiwara shook his head repeatedly.

"Keep looking and let me know as soon as there is news!"


"In addition, I don't want to intervene in the affairs of Fujiwara family and Abe family. You should understand what I mean. I don't need waste..." Ye Xiao once again said coldly.

"Hi, Taiyi understand!" Fujiwara nodded again and again, while Abe Qingzi shivered. She understood that in order to express her loyalty to Ye Xiao, she would set off a massacre in the two families, and anyone who dared to resist would be killed mercilessly.

Seeing Fujiwara's submissive appearance, ye Xiao nodded with satisfaction and turned to walk outside.

As for the vows made by Fujiwara, he didn't care at all. If you want to serve you, you need to be strong enough. As long as you are strong enough to deter them, then they are your most loyal dogs. Of course, once you become weak, they will bite you in the first place. This is the Japanese nature.

Another week later, the whole Japanese underground forces have undergone earth shaking changes. First, satyamu was attacked and killed, and then taro Fujiwara died inexplicably. However, their sons Junlang sasoda and Taiichi Fujiwara inherited the positions of the two families respectively. During this period, there was a torrent of blood.

By the time the two finally became the masters of the family, the strength of the two families was greatly weakened, and the Jiangshan order meeting was also held at this time. The heads of the seven families, including Junlang satoya, Taiichi Fujiwara, shigero Yamamoto, Akikawa yuan and Junichiro Noda, agreed that Fujiwara JIKO should be the leader of the Yamaguchi group and become the new leader of the Yamaguchi group.This is the end of the whole Shankou group shuffle.

However, ye Xiao sent out to hunt down Shangguan Wudao, but only saw the body of eight feet, and Shangguan Wudao disappeared. However, things in Japan were settled. According to Ye Xiao's instructions, ye yubai stayed in Japan, and the members of tianyaomen who were accompanying him also stayed in Japan. Ye yubai was the leader of the hall, and Fujiwara Jizi was the vice leader The whole Shankou formation has been incorporated into qinglongtang.

For a while, the strength of tianyaomen increased greatly.

Even if Yamamoto and others really want to surrender, it is not easy for them to control the whole thing?

As long as you give them a chance, they don't mind biting back. What ye yubai wants to do is to completely stabilize tianyaomen's power in Japan

When the internal power of Shankou group changed greatly, far away in Kyoto, China, in an ordinary villa, Shangguan fell into the water and sat on the sofa with a gloomy face. In front of him, there was a handsome man kneeling. Who was Shangguan?

However, at this time, Shangguan had no way of the past. Some of them had endless decadence, and some had only unbearable grief and anger. When he failed, he failed again. This time, in order to help him succeed, Shangguan fell into the water, but he invited out the "fighting God", the terminal force of the dark moon alliance, but now even the God of war is dead, Who is responsible for such loss and responsibility?

"Come on, what position do you want? I'll arrange it for you..." The hall has been in silence, after a long time, Shangguan fell into the water and said.

"Father..." As soon as I heard that Shangguan fell into the water, Shangguan's face changed a lot, and he arranged his duties. Isn't that to get himself a position to mix up? Isn't it a complete abandonment of yourself?

"What? Do you want me to give you a chance? Tell yourself how many times I gave you, but how did you do it? " Waiting for no way to finish, Shangguan fell into the water and interrupted coldly

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