I don't know how long after, the sound of the water finally stopped, and ye Xiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The girl finally finished the bath. Now it's time to go back to her room?

Hey, you want to tease yourself. Do you really think you are so easy to tease?

Ye Xiao's heart was filled with pride. He was really a gentleman in danger.

At this time, there was a slight footstep sound in my ear. However, the footstep sound was not walking towards the outside, but towards her own bedside. Ye Xiao was stunned. Didn't she give up?

Vaguely, ye Xiao feels that someone has climbed onto her bed, and her heart suddenly kicks. What does she want? Don't you give up?

"You want to..." Angry Ye Xiao directly opened the quilt and wanted to scold sharna for playing with fire. However, she only spat out two words, which made it difficult to continue to speak. What's more, she swallowed bitterly.

Nima's, it's over. It's really going to spray

"Du..." Outside suddenly came the urgent alarm sound, leaf Xiao immediately stopped.

Two people looked at each other at the same time, are to see the color of surprise in each other's eyes, what happened?

Quickly jump out of bed, quickly grab their clothes to wear.

Hardly a minute later, they rushed out of the room one after the other, and then saw Kanu coming in a hurry.

Seeing the two men coming out of the room together, Kanu didn't have the slightest surprise in his eyes, or he didn't want to be surprised at all. Instead, he said in a deep voice: "boss, no problem. We found the Japanese Self-Defense fleet ahead. Let's get closer and say we want a ship!"

"Japanese Self Defense Fleet?" Ye Xiao's eyebrows are slightly raised. Although the relationship between China and Japan is tense, this route is carefully chosen by them. It can completely avoid the Japanese fleet. How can we meet the Japanese fleet?

Coincidence? Or?

If it's not a coincidence, then someone has betrayed their route? Who could it be?

Fujiwara JIKO, SATA Junlang, eight roasted Luo Yuan? Takeichi Fujiwara?

Ye Xiao's mind quickly filtered out the people who knew this route, but for a moment, it was impossible to determine who betrayed himself.

Is it really a coincidence?

But it's a coincidence, isn't it?

Ye Xiao never believed in such a coincidence

"Boss, what should we do?" Kanu asked. He saw the silence.

"How many warships do they have?" Ye Xiao asked.

"Two cruisers, five frigates. Seven warships in all... " Kanu reported the number of warships.

"Seven?" Ye Xiao's eyebrows beat very fast. If there are only one or two boats, ye Xiao doesn't mind getting close to the ship and killing people. But if there are seven boats, they must be under the surveillance of the other party when they get on the ship. How can they attack and kill people in this situation?

"Whoosh..." At this time, two flames burst out in the distance, and then the shells were heard flying out, directly towards this side.

Ye Xiao and other people's faces are a change, the other side even fired directly? He didn't ask for anything. He didn't wait for anything. He opened fire directly. What does this mean? The other side must know the identity of himself and others. Otherwise, at such sensitive juncture as China and Japan, he would never easily open fire. This would really lead to a great war.

It's about killing people.

"Full speed Without any hesitation, ye Xiao issued an order directly. At this time, he could only rely on the dexterity of the cruise ship to get rid of the attack of these frigates. Otherwise, the whole army might be destroyed here.

Ye Xiao is not a captain, but with the fall of his voice, the whole cruise ship's horsepower was instantly raised to the extreme. Despite the general appearance of the cruise ship, and even many places are covered with rust, it is the most worthless smuggling ship. However, the power equipment and drainage system are absolutely the top in the world. Once the power is fully started, it will be quite amazing.

All of a sudden, the whole cruise ship ran to the other direction at full speed like a speedboat.

Not only that, more than a dozen muzzles were exposed on the ship's hull, and a huge heavy gun barrel protruded from it.

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