In April, the weather has gradually become hot. On an unknown island in the East China Sea, ye Xiao, with her upper body naked, is carrying a huge eight meter long wood out of the woods and comes to the beach. There, sharna is squatting on the ground, tying round logs together with some rattan found on the island to make a raft.

Ye Xiao and sharna have been on the island for more than half a month, but the contact still doesn't respond at all. What's more, they don't find any ships passing by. Instead, they explore the whole island.

This is indeed an unnamed island. They don't even know where the specific coordinates of the island are. However, in addition to some wild fruits and wild vegetables, there are also some small animals and sea birds on the island. With their skills, it is not difficult to solve the problem of hunger.

However, ye Xiao couldn't stay here all the time. The longer he stayed here, the more worried he was about the form of China. This time, the other side sent out the southeast fleet. Obviously, his whereabouts were well known by some senior officials of China. It is very likely that Shangguan fell into the water and started in advance.

However, ye Xiao's biggest worry is not that. Even if tianyaomen's influence in China is not self-contained in a short period of time, Shangguan will not be able to eliminate it. It may be affected by some factors, but it is absolutely impossible to uproot tianyaomen's power in a short time.

What he really worried about was ye yubai and others

This time, I personally led many brothers to return to China from Japan. This route is a secret route of tianyaomen. Few people know about it. If some members of the entourage betray themselves, the problem is not very big. If the people who stay in Japan betray themselves, then ye yubai is in danger.

Only ye yubai, Xiao Nan, ye Canglang, Songdao Fengzi, Fujiwara Jizi and others know about this route. If they are not members of their own entourage, they may be Fujiwara Jizi.

Although this possibility is very small. If Maple Matsushima keeps an eye on Fujiwara JIKO, ye Xiao doesn't think she will betray herself before she gets a firm foothold. But if it's her, all her efforts in this trip to Japan will be wasted!

Even ye yubai, Xiao Nan, ye Canglang and others will encounter danger.

At present, without knowing the outside situation, ye Xiao can only rely on his own efforts to leave the island as soon as possible.

The raft is their only hope at present. Although it is likely to die, it is better than to die on this island.

As a member of the dragon clan, I will never give up until the last moment.

Ye Xiao's coat was already worn out, and even his trousers had several holes in them. The trouser legs were even more tattered and turned into a lot of trousers. The whole person looked like a savage.

As for Sarna, she is not much better than ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao only wants to leave here as soon as possible these days, otherwise it is really hard to imagine whether he can bear it.

"It's the last piece. After tying it up, it should be enough!" Ye Xiao put the log on the ground, and then joined the ranks of bundling.

"Well!" Sharna did not look up, but strained the rope, trying to make the raft more reliable. However, she had no confidence in whether she could leave the vast sea alive. She only saw that ye Xiao was full of enthusiasm, and she was not willing to attack Ye Xiao's enthusiasm.

Besides, it's a good memory to experience such a life and death together with Ye Xiao. If you really die, it's no regret

Thinking of this, sharna unconsciously looked up at Ye Xiao, just saw Ye Xiao see her side.

They both looked away at the same time, then tied up the raft with all their strength. After the raft was completely tied up, ye Xiao stood up again.

"Wait for me here for a while, and I'll bring the food I've prepared these days!" The only thing that Xiaoer Er can do is to make a lot of food with Lin Xiaoye, who can't make a lot of food for a while.

Half an hour later, the raft made by the two of them was full of fruits and vegetables. There was no way to make a fire on the raft. All of these were eaten raw. In addition, there were some fish and bird meat that were half dry and half wet, which could provide them with a lot of energy. Then, some rainwater was collected by the two people. After seeing that everything was ready, ye Xiao Came to the edge of the raft, ready to push the raft into the water, but saw Sarna standing beside, motionless.

"Salna, what's the matter?" Ye Xiao asked curiously. After half a month's hard work, they can leave the island immediately. Why does she look so lost?

"Boss, shall we leave tomorrow?" I don't know why, when she saw Ye Xiao putting food and food on the raft, she suddenly felt too much reluctant to give up when she thought that they were going to take the raft and sail into the sea and give their lives to heaven."Why?" Ye Xiao was puzzled. It was very difficult for ye Xiao to finish the raft. He should leave as soon as possible. The weather is not bad these days. It is a good day for sailing. If you wait for the storm to come and leave, with the carrying capacity of the raft, they will die.

"I want to stay on this island for another night, so that even if I die in the sea this time, I will have no regrets..." Sarna's gray eyes are staring at Ye Xiao tightly. Her eyes are full of longing and begging.

For the first time, ye Xiao saw such an expression in the eyes of powerful sharna. Then he looked at the sun which was about to set in the sky, and nodded gently. Anyway, today is also a tired day. It's better to have a good rest and then go on the road.

Although he is full of confidence, for the boundless sea, he is still not sure that he can return to the land. In this case, it is nothing to spend an extra night

Seeing that ye Xiao promised to come down, sharna's face even showed a little girl's cheerful smile, and the whole person was jumping up like a little girl.

Sarna ran over, took his arm, put it in her arms, and took Ye Xiao to the center of the island.

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