"Boss, do you remember the rich family I told you about last night? I owe him a life... " Seeing ye Xiao, who is almost in a state of madness, sharna tries to hold back the tears that are about to burst out of her eyes. She wants to open her mouth to explain, but before she has finished, she is interrupted by the angry Ye Xiao.

"You owe him a life? So you betrayed me, and you told him where I was, so my hundreds of brothers were gone? " Ye Xiao yelled, his eyes have been filled with a lot of blood red tears, he suspected many people, even suspected of Matsushima maple, but he never thought that, salna, the woman who followed him for several years, the woman who almost died for him would betray him.

"No, boss, I didn't tell him where we were. Even before that, he didn't even contact me. It was only after we came to this island that he contacted me and asked me to stop you from leaving the island..." Sharna shook her head again and again. She did betray Ye Xiao, but she really did not disclose the information about their route.

She is deeply aware of the status of those brothers in Ye Xiao's heart, not only Ye Xiao, but also Kanu and others. Even if they were the people who adopted her, she would never put Ye Xiao and others in danger.

"Who is he?" Ye Xiao's voice is surprisingly cold, cold to without a trace of emotion, listening to sharna's ears, like a group of ice.

"I don't know..." Sharna shakes her head. She was adopted by the man who took her home from the street, fed her food and drink, and arranged for someone to take care of her until she was sent to the side of the bullet for training.

She came back to see her every year, but she wore a mask every time she came. She knew nothing about him except that he was a very powerful man.

But she had promised that if the man needed it, she would certainly meet one of his conditions in return for his adoption.

"I don't know?" Ye Xiao snorted coldly, a person who can let salna betray himself is certainly not a simple character, she would not know.

"Boss, I really don't know. Every time he comes to see me, he is wearing a mask. I have been checking his identity for years, but I can't find out." Sarna shook her head vigorously, and her eyes were full of entreaties. The man just told her to stop Ye Xiao from leaving the island. As long as she did this, she would never owe him anything. After that, she would be free and could do anything she wanted.

"How did he contact you?" Seeing Sarna's sincere eyes, angry Ye Xiao still felt a stab in his heart. Even though he knew clearly that she would not cheat himself at this time, he was still hard to accept.

Anyone who is betrayed by his most trusted person will have such feelings.

"This..." This time, Sarna did not hesitate to take out a metal button and handed it to Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao took a look and found that it was a high-tech button. Even the dragon people could hardly develop it at such a level. Therefore, we can imagine what kind of power the man behind Sarna has.

But think about it, if there is no huge power, how can he send Sarna to the side of the bullet for training?

If there is no huge power, how can he aim at himself?

Without paying any more attention to Sarna, ye Xiao took the metal button and walked directly to the center of the island.

Seeing ye Xiaona's leaving back, sharna's tears, which she had been holding back, couldn't help it any more. She murmured: "boss, you promised me that no matter what happened, I would not leave..."

I don't know if ye Xiao has heard this sentence. Anyway, his body doesn't stop. Sarna bites her teeth and simply gets up from the ground and follows Ye Xiao to the island.

When she did that, she already had the consciousness of death. If ye Xiao wanted to kill her, she would never frown.

Ye Xiao went to the shelter and took out his piece of connector. Then he checked it carefully. He found that the contact was not damaged at all. On the contrary, when touching the metal button, it seemed that it was isolated by something.

At this time, he knew why he had not been able to get in touch with the seductive. He bravely absorbed all the signals on this side by the metal button. He looked up coldly at salna, and then directly crushed the metal button.

Feeling Ye Xiao's cold eyes, sharna felt as if a sword had been inserted into her heart. It was so painful. She knew that she had really hurt Ye Xiao this time.

"Sorry, boss..." Although it's no use saying I'm sorry at this time, she really doesn't know what to say except this one.

Ye Xiao didn't mean to pay attention to sharna at all. He opened the contact again. Soon, the sound of ticking came from the contact, and the signal was received again.

Seeing such a situation, ye Xiao's surprise is even stronger. The receiver of the other party is even stronger than that of the dragon clan. It's a bit scary to say that it can isolate other receivers within a certain range.If sharna didn't lie, the person who adopted her must be an important figure in some mysterious organization. Otherwise, she would not have such advanced contacts.

"Hello..." As soon as the contact device was connected, there was a seductive voice on the phone. Obviously, during the days when ye Xiao disappeared, she has been paying attention to when ye Xiao will contact her.

"Seductive sister, I'm Ye Xiao. I need you to send a boat to pick me up immediately!" As soon as he hears the seductive voice, ye Xiao is happy in his heart. As long as he contacts the seductive, he will not be controlled on this island any more.

"I'm locking your position. OK, I've locked your position. I'll send someone to set out immediately, but I can't pick you up. You have to go to m country immediately..." Soon, there was a clear and seductive voice coming from the contact.

"Why?" Ye Xiaoyi Leng, now the domestic form should be very crisis just right, this time also go to m country to do?

"Chief executive No.1 was scheduled to visit country m this month, but he was seriously ill. He may not last long. Shangguan will visit m on behalf of chief executive No.1. If everything goes well, he will take over the post of No.1 chief once he returns home. You can't let him succeed!" There is a seductive and urgent voice coming from the contact device, which can make the steady seduction so urgent that it is enough to imagine the seriousness of the matter.

"What on earth..." When ye Xiao heard the news, he was shocked. Obviously, he didn't expect that the situation had reached such a serious level. How long did it take for Shangguan to sit in the supreme position when he fell into the water, and the No. 1 chief was in good health, and he would be seriously ill at this time? Has Shangguan fallen into the water already?

Thinking of this, ye Xiao once again set her eyes on sharna. Her adoptive father asked her to stop her from leaving the island. Did she know that she might take some extreme measures to deal with Shangguan's drowning? That's why you're stuck here?

I don't need to be trapped for long. I just need to stay for another 10 days and a half months. When the Shangguan comes back to visit m smoothly, the overall situation has been decided. Even if I leave here, what can I change?

"I'll come to pick you up in person. I'll talk about it when the specific situation comes." The seduction at the other end of the connector seems to know that many things are hard to explain. She simply dropped such a sentence and directly hung up the contact

And ye Xiao's eyes have narrowed at this moment

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