"Hi..." One of the men's machetes hit him directly on his shoulder, while the other stabbed him into his abdomen. The blood flowed down, splashing Su Hai's face

Because they came to sign the contract, they didn't expect that Zhang Haozhe would play such a trick on them. They didn't carry weapons. Even the two younger brothers brought them for the sake of face!

Now being attacked by the other party, in order to give ye yubai a way to survive, Su Hai can only use his own body as the flesh shield to get the knife for ye yubai!

"Suhai..." Seeing that Su Hai was stabbed twice more, ye yubai only felt that his liver and gall were about to crack, and he wanted to rush forward to crush these people into pieces

"Brother Bai, go and avenge me!" Su Hai's whole body seems to be crazy and bumps into the two people. Despite the pain in his shoulder and abdomen, he grabs their bodies and bumps them forward with all his strength. He doesn't give them a chance to leave

Hearing the words of revenge, ye yubai already understood that Su Hai had the intention of death. He was exchanging his own death for his own life. He never shed tears when he was so big. Even when Xiao Nan and ye Cang Lang were both locked up, ye yubai did not cry. At this time, ye yubai cried, and the tears in his eyes moistened his eyes!

"Brother Bai, let's go. Remember to avenge me..." Another young brother named a Yong also roared. He grabbed a piece of broken glass on the ground and rushed to the crowd like this!

Regardless of the knife, he directly inserted the glass into the other party's abdomen. However, his hand had been scratched by the glass, and his blood flowed straight and dyed the glass red. His ears were also cut off by the other side's knife

As if nothing happened, a yong pulled out the broken glass and rushed to another person

Forced to resist the impulse to rush up, ye yubai turned and ran towards the window. Now the door is full of Zhang Haozhe's people. Zhang Haozhe is far away from his position. He has no time to catch Zhang Haozhe!

The only way out is through the window

"Stop him..." Seeing ye yubai want to escape from the window, Zhang Haozhe gives an order. The two men who are closest to ye yubai stab Su Hai in the back, trying to break away from him to stop Su Hai. However, Su Hai grabs the birds' eggs and pinches them with all his strength

"Ah..." Both of them cried out at the same time. They were so painful that they slashed at Su Hai with their machetes, one knife after another. But Su Hai was like a stone man. He let them chop and chop, but he just grabbed their eggs hard

The blood had already dyed his clothes red. Su Hai's back was scarred. Pieces of white meat turned up, and soon he was soaked in the red blood

However, he still didn't mean to let go. When ye yubai rushed to the window, he looked back and saw that Su Hai had fallen to the ground. There was a machete in his body, which penetrated through his heart. His gradually lax eyes were staring at ye yubai, and his blood stained lips moved gently!

Ye yubai couldn't hear what he was saying, but he knew it was telling him to go away

A Yong was also chopped to the ground, his abdomen is still inserted that he used the broken glass, his eyes are still looking at this side, lips wriggle, spit out two words!

"Let's go..."

Tears blurred his eyes, ye yubai pressed down the anger in his heart, turned and jumped down from the fifth floor

He didn't have ye Xiao's climbing skills. The whole person fell so high. Under him, there was a parking Audi A6!

At the moment when the man landed on the roof, ye yubai's muscles were in a state of extreme relaxation. His feet had just touched the roof, and his body had already jumped forward

"Bang..." The roof of the Audi car collapsed, but ye yubai's body had already jumped forward, rolled over several times, and fell on the ground, but he was a stagger, fell to the ground

He felt a sharp pain in his bones. Although he had removed part of his strength at the moment of landing, it was the fifth floor after all, with a full distance of more than 10 meters. He fell down directly and didn't directly break his leg. His skill is good

Holding back the sharp pain at his feet, ye yubai limps to the front. Now, he can't run to the parking lot. While running, he takes out the phone and calls Ye Canglang

In the box upstairs, Zhang Haozhe, who saw that ye yubai did not fall to death, was extremely ugly. He roared at the people behind him angrily: "chase me, at all costs, you must leave him for me!"

"Yes..." In addition to leaving a few people to deal with the wounded, the other gangsters rushed downstairs one by one!

The boss said, even if it's broad daylight now, there are other passers-by downstairs, they don't care!

Zhang Haozhe knows that the reason why the flying car party is so powerful is that ye yubai, the three perverts, and ye Xiao, who has just emerged recently!

Now young master Han has spoken to deal with Ye Xiao in person. If he can't make sure about a ye yubai, what face do you have to face young master Han?

As long as ye yubai is killed, the feiche party will lose a lot of reliance. If Xiao Nan can be successfully solved on the other side, the party will face a desperate situation. If young master Han can kill Ye Xiao, the party with only one ye Cang wolf will no longer be a threatAt that time, with the help of young master Han, I will be the king of the underworld in South City. As for how to get rid of master Han's control in the future, this is also the future!

Jiang Chaoqi, what you want to do but dare not to do, let me help you finish it. If you die, it's time to name it!

It's just a pity that you have a son. If it's a daughter, I will love her well, but it doesn't matter. I will send your son to meet you. As for your wife, I will take good care of her for you!

At the thought of Jiang Chaoqi's beautiful young wife, Zhang Haozhe's abdomen is a burst of dry heat, as if there is some heat flow surging

At this time, in the ktv888 private room, Leng Shaoshang looks at Ye Xiao with a smile

"Yes, I didn't expect Ye Shao also knew my name..."

"I can't help it. This brain injury has a grudge against me. Naturally, I need to know more about him. I knew your name by accident..." Ye Xiao pointed to Han Jianyu beside him and said faintly

"Uncle Leng, why don't you talk nonsense with him? Let him go!" Han Jianyu was so angry that a mouthful of hot blood almost gushed out. If you want to fight, you can beat me. You can say nothing nonsense. How can you scold me for being brain damaged?

What's wrong with me?

"Good..." Leng Shaoshang should say, the voice just fell, the figure has gone out

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