Ye Xiao? Hearing such a name, kajiff's heart suddenly jumped. It seemed that he had heard the two words somewhere. An ominous premonition also appeared in his mind.

However, this ominous premonition just appeared. Ye Xiao, who seemed to be kneeling down to kommert, suddenly made a lunge and came to him in an instant. When everyone didn't respond to him, he had already pulled Colbert's hair and hit him directly against his knee.

"Bang..." In the face of Ye Xiao's great power, comett has no ability to resist. His nose bone hits Ye Xiao's knee bone severely. He immediately hears a "click" sound. The bone of the nose smashes, and a blood arrow shoots out.

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, ye Xiao tightly grasped kommert's head with his right hand, and then had a most intimate contact with the ground. This time, he met his forehead, and immediately saw blood splashing all over the place. But in the blink of an eye, the original handsome and natural comett has become a bloody man.

For two consecutive thugs, ye Xiao directly lifted kommert up, just like a chicken.

At this time, kajif and other talents completely recovered. Their muzzle unconsciously aimed at Ye Xiao. However, no one dared to shoot without authorization in the face of Ye Xiao, who was extremely cold.

"Let go of the young master..." After swallowing a mouthful of water, kajif tried to calm himself down. Now he has no time to think about who ye Xiao is. He just wants to rescue kermert from ye Xiao's hand as soon as possible.

"Let him go? Let him go and you can let me go? " Hearing kajiv's obviously idiotic words, ye Xiao's mouth appeared a sneer.

Kajif and others were silent. Indeed, as long as they were not fools, they would never let people go at this time.

"You smash, let me go at once, I can keep your whole body!" Kajif and others were silent, but kommert, who was knocked into a daze, yelled. From childhood to adulthood, everyone was respectful to him. He had what he wanted and when he had suffered such hardships. If it was not for his own strength and ye Xiaoda, he would really like to skin this guy.

"Bang!" Ye Xiao did not speak, once again grabbed his head and smashed it to the ground. This time, the impact was not on the forehead, not on the nose, but on the lips. Suddenly, he heard a crackling sound. When he lifted up his head again, the two rows of teeth of comett had all fallen out, and his lips were smashed into pieces Pieces of flesh and blood fell there. It looks terrible.

Seeing that ye Xiao was so ferocious, kajiv and others turned pale again.

"Do you know his identity..." Seeing ye Xiao abusing his young master so badly, kajiv snorted directly. He hoped that after reporting his name, he could shock this guy, at least not to let him abuse him again.

"Comett Quran, the only son of the Mafia godfather of M, don't you know what I said is wrong?" A faint smile appeared on Ye Xiao's face.

"You You Are you ye Xiao, the Lord of heaven On hearing Ye Xiao's accurate report of his young master's identity, kajiv was shocked. He suddenly thought of who ye Xiao was. Suddenly, he was a little pale and turned white. It was as if he had smeared a thick layer of arsenic on his face.

As soon as you hear the master of TIANYAO Ye Xiao, don't talk about kajifu. Even several big men around him also change their faces. Is this man the evil star? As members of the Mafia, they have been living in the underground world all the year round, and even a few of them who were lucky enough to accompany mossans to the island to attend the dark congregation did not know who ye Xiao was.

This has already represented a miracle of the underground world, and it has become a legend. Even their godfather, mosance, is not willing to fight against this man, but now, their young master has fallen into their hands.

"Yes, it's me..." Seeing the expression of people's surprise, ye Xiao smiles faintly.

"You What are you going to do to release our young master After knowing the identity of the other party, kajiv gave up all the rescue ideas. With Ye Xiao's skill, if he wanted to kill his young master, no one in the world could save him under such circumstances.

"It's easy. Go back and tell mossans to get out of Las Vegas and I'll give him a living son!" Ye Xiao said his purpose directly.

"It can't be..." Kajiff's face suddenly changed. Las Vegas, which is the headquarters of the Mafia, is also the most profitable place for the Mafia. Every year, Las Vegas's casinos, including the tourism industry, bring huge benefits to the Mafia. It's almost more difficult to let mossans get out of Las Vegas than to kill him.

So kajif refused.

"Impossible? Then you can only take your young master's body back! " Ye Xiao said that he had raised his left hand and was about to give him the most lethal blow.

"Don't..." Seeing ye Xiao really wanted to kill him, kajif and others all changed their faces. If kommert really died here, they should not be said. Even their relatives should be executed. Only in this way can we extinguish the anger of mossans."What? Can you help mossans make the decision? " Seeing the frightened faces of kajif and others, ye Xiao smiles with satisfaction. To tell the truth, if you want to deal with the Mafia, such "talents" as kommert can't die. He can't bear to kill him.

"No, but are there any other conditions?" Kajiv lowered his head, and his eyes were full of begging. He begged Ye Xiao to let him go.

"Other conditions? Yes, as long as you all die in front of me, I'll let him go, OK? " Ye Xiao said with a smile.

"Boss, it's all dead, fight with him!" However, when he heard his pistol snapped, he was still in a state of no reason when he heard his pistol snapped Sound, and the desert eagle in his hand also fell into the hands of the man, immediately heard the "boom" of gunfire, and then his companions head one by one more blood hole.

But in the blink of an eye, all of the partners on the scene fell down, and his own consciousness was gradually blurred. What's the matter?

When ye Xiao killed several people in a row and came back to kommert again, a voice of "no" came from kajif's mouth. It was the order that he wanted to stop his partner from shooting. However, his orders had just been issued, and all his subordinates had been killed. The speed and strength made him scared and scared

It's not just him, but comett, who was caught by Ye Xiao, feels like a ghost. He never thought that a person's speed would be so fast. Just now he felt that ye Xiao grabbed his hand and gave it away, and then all the people around him died. This is not the ghost. What is it?

"Putong..." A sound, already scared out of his wits, kommert knelt down directly

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