"No, you should know that the biggest danger of this trip is not to kill the target, but how to escape after killing. For a place like the White House, how many people enter is not of great practical significance." Ye Xiao shakes his head. How can he not understand Bai choufei's intention? However, there is no big difference between one person and two people.

Hearing Ye Xiao's words, Bai choufei can only nod his head, although his heart is not a taste.

The black lengthened Lincoln returned to the villa where they had lived before. Kanu, Lenghun, and others had arrived. When ye Xiao came in, they both showed a smile on their faces. Now Maple Matsushima is still supporting Fujiwara in Japan, but he has not come.

"Boss, is there something important to do?" When ye Xiao sat down, Kanu grinned and showed two rows of scorched yellow teeth.

"Well!" Ye Xiao nodded and then said his plan for this trip.

"Boss, I don't agree!" The first one who said no to the plan.

In Ye Xiao's plan, all the three of them have to do is to meet them outside. In this way, all the dangers are borne by Ye Xiao alone, which is almost equal to Ye Xiao's taking risks alone. They are just shouting and cheering outside. This makes sharna, who has already felt guilty in her heart, how to agree, she has already decided to pay attention, Even if it is death, we should accompany Ye Xiao to die.

"Boss, I don't agree either..." He and ye Xiao have been going through life and death together for several years. How could he have watched Ye Xiao die alone? Although Lenghun didn't say anything, his eyes had already told ye Xiao.

Several people's reaction has long been in Ye Xiao's expectation. Seeing the glittering salna and others, ye Xiao asked directly, "do you have no confidence in my strength?"

"Boss, I don't mean that!" Kanu shook his head and joked. Ye Xiao's strength is obvious to all. Who dares to say that he has no confidence in him?

"Since it doesn't mean that, do as I say..."

"But the boss..."

"Nothing, but, Kanu, Sarna, you should understand that the difficulty of this operation is not killing, but retreating. Any one of us can do it. The real difficulty is how to retreat. The White Palace is heavily guarded. I have to go in alone, and it's more convenient for me. There are you outside to meet me The possibility of success is higher, but if you go in with me, I have to be distracted to take care of you, and then it will be more difficult to get out! Besides, we can only get one invitation at most. Even if we want to take you in, we can't help it! " Seeing several people with solemn looks, ye Xiao said mercilessly.

He knew that they would not allow themselves to go in alone.

After hearing Ye Xiao's words, canu lowered his head directly. He knew that what ye Xiao said was true. In particular, although he had great strength, his speed was not as fast as ye Xiao. If there was nothing wrong with ordinary occasions, he could still rush through by relying on his strong body. However, it was the White House. If he went in, he could not rush out, and he would really become Ye Xiao's burden.

Lenghun didn't drop his head, but he also understood the truth in Ye Xiao's words. His close combat ability is only a little better than ordinary special forces, and there is no way to compare with top experts. If he follows into the White House, his role is far less than staying outside.

Only Sarna snored, as if to say something else.

"It's settled. All right, salna, come with me. I have something to tell you!" Seeing Sarna's appearance of wanting to talk but not stopping, ye Xiao knew that she was still very unconvinced in her heart. She snorted coldly and turned around and walked to the room upstairs.

Sharna stamped her feet, but also closely followed him up the stairs, she had never seen Ye Xiao so serious.

When sharna came into the room, ye Xiao closed the door, and then took her directly to the bedside, pressed it on the bed, sat down, and tried to move her eyes from her deep gully to her face. Ye Xiao said cautiously, "Sarna, I know that because of the last thing, you always feel guilty, so no matter how big you are Danger also wants to go with me. Even if you know you will die, you won't frown. I know all these But this time you really can't go with me. You have more important things to do... "

"What do you want me to do, boss?" Hearing Ye Xiao say that she understood herself, sharna's heart was moved. Her gray eyes twinkled with tears. Her heart secretly vowed that no matter what ye Xiao asked her to do, she would try her best to do it, even if she paid her own life.

"Haoyue is pregnant with my child and is also in charge of the whole Tushi group. Now, the life of Tu's group is not easy. This time, if I have any accident, I hope you can come to her side and protect her well." See Sarna that pair of gray eyes, leaf Xiaoyu gravity center long said.

Sharna was stunned. Obviously, she didn't expect Ye Xiao to call herself to the room alone to arrange such a task for herself. Especially when she heard what ye Xiao said had happened, she was even more flustered, as if something was going to be lost."Boss..." Originally still in the orbit of tears, but now can't help, directly flowing down.

"Salna, promise me..." Seeing that she was so strong that she even shed tears, ye Xiao began to have tears in her eyes. However, he knew that he could not cry. As a man, could he easily shed tears? His hands firmly grasped Sarna's shoulder and said cautiously.

"Good I promise you, boss Said sharna in a solemn voice, trying to hold back her tears.

Thank you, Sarna Hearing sharna's promise, ye Xiao heaved a sigh of relief. With Sarna's personal protection of situ Haoyue, he didn't have to worry about situ Haoyue's safety even if something happened to him. As for other women, he also had his own arrangements.

"Boss..." Hearing Ye Xiaona's heartfelt thanks, she was as strong as sharna. She even threw herself into Ye Xiao's arms like a flood, and burst into tears. Even the carnou people downstairs could hear clearly.

At the thought of that sexy, cold, moving and powerful, sharna would cry so sad, cold as cold soul, strong as Kanu, her eyes were even flickering with tears.

"Shit, it's all a group of big men. What are you crying about? It's not a life and death parting. Don't you believe in Ye Xiao's strength?" Seeing the tears in their eyes, Bai Chou Fei disdained to scold, but anyone could hear the cry in his words

Xiaofei and Xiaofei are full of confidence and hope for their death.

"Big brother Bai, here is a letter from brother Xiao!" At this time, Wujian suddenly came in from outside, holding an envelope in his hand and handed it to Bai choufei.

Bai choufei takes a look at the unmarked envelope and gives it directly to Ye Xiao, who is just walking down from upstairs.

Ye Xiao took a look and tore open the envelope in front of all the people. He saw eight characters of soft brush writing on the white paper inside: "at the third watch hour, the lotus pond is moonlight!"

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