"Ha ha, as I said just now, your mother is not feeling well and is taking a rest. I think you'd better not disturb her for the time being and wait for her to have a rest..." Ye Xiao smiles awkwardly and tries to calm down. Even if he is facing Shangguan Wudao, he doesn't feel so nervous.

"Discomfort?" Elena's eyebrows wrinkled. How could her stepmother feel ill at such a grand party? Every time such a party is her most exciting party, how can she feel uncomfortable? Did they just

But she saw two people come in. Even if it was a second shot man, it couldn't be so fast.

"Well, just now that she felt unwell, I helped her to come in and have a rest. Now she has fallen asleep. I don't believe you can go and have a look!" In order to show his innocence, ye Xiao made way for a way and invited Elena to check in.

"Oh, since she's asleep, that's fine. Come back when she wakes up. Are you going to stay here?" Elena didn't go in immediately. She just took a look at Alice lying on the bed and said to Ye Xiao.

"Ah No, no, no, I just helped my wife in. She's off now. I should go to the party, hehe Or together? " Seeing Elena's meaningful eyes, even if ye Xiao really wants to stay here, he is too embarrassed to say that he will stay here. Other people will forget about it. He doesn't want Elena to think that something really happened to her and her stepmother.

Elena looked at Ye Xiao up and down. She didn't promise or refuse. She turned and walked in the direction of the banquet. Ye Xiao laughed and locked the door with her backhand, and followed her.

Back in the hall again, Elena went directly to her circle of friends. Ye Xiao wanted to follow her. But at this moment, there was a very noisy voice at the door of the hall. Ye Xiao looked up and saw an Shangguan in a Chinese tunic falling into the water. Accompanied by the president of M, she walked in slowly. She saw the kind smile on her face and her mind Zhong immediately flashed past the bodies of countless tianyaomen's brothers floating on the sea. Thinking of the extremely tragic scene, the murderous intention in his heart was almost instantly exploded, but he was soon suppressed by him. There were too many experts hiding in the scene. Any change might attract the attention of these experts.

A faint smile suddenly appeared on his face. He took a wine glass from a waiter and tasted it gently. His eyes also moved to other places. It seemed that he was looking for new prey. Now Shangguan is surrounded by people when he fell into the water. This is not the best chance to kill him.

The Shangguan came in with a smile and fell into the water. Under the personal introduction of the president of M, he shook hands with the authorities of M. because it was a private event, it was not so grand. It was mainly about getting to know each other. However, no matter who he shook hands with, a man in a suit would be less than three steps away from him, with a pair of seemingly godless eyes Clear sweep every person who shook hands with Shangguan.

This man didn't emit any strong breath, but ye Xiao clearly understood that he was definitely an expert. He was probably one of the two great gods mentioned by enchanting. Not only that, ye Xiao also saw several dark Dharma protectors and Dharma protectors that he had seen in the dark palace. At least four familiar faces were not far from Shangguan's falling into the water Almost all of us knew that this banquet would be dangerous, and almost did not leave Shangguan in the water.

At least four experts have stepped into the divine realm, and two of the world's top strong men. Even ye Xiao envies such a luxurious lineup. The secret of the dark moon alliance is really extraordinary.

Looking at the Shangguan falling into the water, he slowly walked into the meeting hall and shook hands with those dignitaries one by one. Even the owners of the three families also appeared at the meeting and shook hands with the Shangguan. At this time, an agent in black suddenly came in quickly and said a few words in the president's ear. The president's face changed slightly, but recovered quickly Then he apologized and said in a low voice, "dear friend, something happened. I may have to excuse me for a moment."

"Ha ha, Mr. President, you are welcome. If you have something to do with it, just do it!" Shangguan fell into the water and nodded with a smile.

"Thank you for your consideration, ma'am. You should take good care of Mr. falling into the water!" The president said to his wife, and then went out with the agent. At least seven or eight people left without knowing it. Even in the White House, the defense around the president was not bad at all. After all, as the general manager of country m, there are many political enemies, and many people want him to die. Even at such a grand gathering, he also has a lot of political enemies You have to be careful.

See in their own place are so careful, Shangguan fell into the water mouth exposed a trace of not easy to detect ridicule.

"Dear Mr. drowning, this is my good friend, Mrs. shacheh. This is her good friend, count Mandy, of British royal blood!" At this time, Shangguan fell into the water less than ten steps away from ye Xiao. However, he was surrounded by a group of people. Ye Xiao still couldn't get close to him. The first lady of M, with a smile on her face, introduced a lady about her age to Shangguan Luoshui, and introduced her good friend or lover together.The British royal family is Mandy, who has the title of earl. Although he is not in politics, he is not an ordinary cat and dog.

Shangguan fell into the water and shook hands with Mrs. shacheh with a smile on his face. He quickly took back his hand and wanted to shake hands with count Mandy. However, when he set his eyes on count Mandy's face, an ominous premonition suddenly appeared in his heart, and a strange color flashed in his eyes, which made him wear a suit beside him Without any hesitation, their bodies moved at the same time. Among them, a new Dharma protector nearest to Shangguan fell into the water and stopped in front of Shangguan's falling into the water.

"What do you mean, Mr. Shangguan?" Count Mandy stretched out his right hand and saw a few nervous people around him. His face showed displeasure. As for the others, they also looked at this side in surprise. What does this guy from China mean? It seems that he still has several masters around him.

Seeing the displeasure on count Mandy's face, Shangguan fell into the water and realized that he was too nervous. At the moment, an expression of apology appeared on his face, and he wanted to apologize to count Mandy. A figure suddenly came out of the crowd and rushed towards Shangguan. Almost as soon as these people were relieved, they had come to Shangguan's drowning body and then straightened up Then he hit Shangguan and fell into the water.

It was a ferocious blow. Just after the fist was wielded, the terrible fist almost tore the void. Not to mention Shangguan falling into the water, even the Chamberlain with the title of "God of war" changed his face greatly. He was a little far away from Shangguan's falling into the water. In the face of such a blow, he could not stop it in time.

Fortunately, a former dark protector, now the Taurus protector, has stopped the Shangguan from falling into the water for the first time. Other people also kept his left and right directions, and one of them even rushed towards the passers-by. Only count Mandy was unprepared in front of him. Chamberlain's look changed. However, his brain thought, his body rushed to count Mandy at the first time

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