It has been three days since the attack on the White House. During the three days, sharna and others did not wait for ye Xiao to appear. However, the news came from the White House that all the people involved in the attack had been killed on the spot. Such news almost broke down for Sarna and others. But for Bai choufei's pulling, sharna was ready to rush into the White House with a bomb, which was completely different from that of sharna The collapse is different. Bai choufei draws some conclusions from the news released by the White House. Those who participated in the attack were killed on the spot. Does it mean that ye Xiao is not alone?

If ye Xiao is not alone, then who else?

At the beginning, ye Xiao told him to go alone. Since he said such words with his personality, it was absolutely impossible for him to seek foreign help. Obviously, there are other people who can enter the White House to attack and kill Shangguan?

Long Di, these two words appear directly in Bai choufei's mind. If it is really the Dragon Emperor who makes the move, then ye Xiao may not really have an accident, maybe he escaped from other places.

After all, the news of Shangguan's falling into the water and being attacked has also been reported. This is also the biggest diplomatic accident since the establishment of diplomatic relations between M and China. A vice head of state, a real power vice head of state who is about to be the first chief, was attacked and killed when he visited m. This is a matter of face. The whole government of M mobilized, the president, the vice president and national defense The Minister of state, the director of the Federal Bureau of investigation, and some unknown secret departments have been deployed in an all-round way. They must give an account to China on this matter. Otherwise, we should not say whether there will be a war between the two great powers, but what other countries will think of country M. who dares to visit country m in the future.

All the major organs are in full swing to find out the real murderer. If the government of state m really catches Ye Xiao or the Dragon Emperor and others, their identities can be made public. In that case, the pressure on their government will be greatly reduced. After all, ye Xiao and long Di are all Chinese people, and they are also members of the former dragon clan and their own people It is not the responsibility of the M government to kill its vice head of state, but a scandal of the Chinese government.

But they did not do so, which only shows that ye Xiao and others are not in the hands of the government of M.

Before getting the exact news, Bai choufei pulls sharna and others back. No matter whether ye Xiao has an accident or not, he clearly remembers what ye Xiao once said to him that Shangguan is dead. If ye Xiao is still alive, he should protect Ye Xiao's brothers, relatives and friends, maintain the foundation of tianyaomen and wait for ye Xiao's return If ye Xiao really has any accident, then he should develop tianyaomen.

The government of M apparently announced that all the terrorists involved in the attack had been killed, but secretly, it was looking for information about long Di and others. The whole of Washington was in a state of alert. The Ministry of foreign affairs sent a minister to visit China in person to discuss the issue of Shangguan falling into the water. Even the vice president accompanied him to go there. If it wasn't for the need for democracy here, the foreign ministry sent ministers to visit China in person In view of the overall situation, Mr. President will go to China in person. It is a responsibility that no one can bear when such a huge diplomatic incident has taken place.

Because of the attack on Shangguan, the relations in the whole Pacific Ocean have been in a stalemate. The fishing island incident, which was still in full swing in the previous period, was not paid attention to at this time. After all, compared with the attack on the vice head of a country, this matter is obviously too small.

As for the territory of Huaxia, there was also a fierce political struggle. The Shangguan fell into the water and was attacked and killed. This is a matter related to the political stability of the whole country, especially when the No. 1 chief executive was seriously ill and could not deal with the matter.

However, at a time when everyone thought that the political situation of China would fall into a long-term deadlock, the appearance of a figure made the remaining seven giants quickly reach a consensus

On the third night of the attack on the White House, while the vice president of M accompanied the foreign minister to visit China in person and was still on the plane, the seven giants of China gathered in mingcuiyuan, where Wu Anbang, the premier of Zhongnanhai, lived. This time, such a big thing happened. These old people, who are over 50 years old, have not really had a rest for several days.

Wu Anbang sat in the master's position, and the other six giants sat around him. They did not take their seats according to the ranking. They were just as casual as ordinary friends chatting, but their faces were more serious than ever.

Chief executive No. 1 was seriously ill, and the Shangguan who could have taken over his position was suddenly attacked. This is the biggest incident since the founding of the state of Huaxia, which is even more serious than when Yue Buxiu was killed. After all, at that time, several other giants were there, and Huaxia was relatively stable, and there was no international dispute.

However, this time, it is obviously different. Not to mention the problem of fish floating island, how to deal with state m this time is a headache. Shangguan fell into the water in state M. however, it is necessary for state m to explain to itself. If state m is forced to hurry up, it will not be good for the state of Huaxia. Shangguan fell into the water and died. The No. 1 chief executive was seriously ill, and so was the domestic Department of China People are in a state of panic. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to unite with the outside world all the time. If it is not handled well, it will be a disaster for the whole Chinese nation.

Although the tycoons here are from different political factions, in any case, the interests of Huaxia state are their interests. They absolutely do not want to see China in a great crisis. Even if the dead Shangguan falls into the water, he does not want to see this. However, they need them to re elect someone to take over the position of Shangguan in a short period of time It is not likely to be in China. It is related to the interests of the whole political group in the future, and no one is willing to compromise easily.Even if they are willing to compromise, the political group behind them will never agree. It has to be said that it is also the sorrow of these big figures. Despite their commanding power in front of outsiders, they have a lot of helplessness. They must constantly make compromises, compromises and compromises.

Just as the seven giants racked their brains to discuss how to deal with the incident, the guards of mingcuiyuan ran in and saluted the giants. Then they said in a loud voice: "report back to the prime minister, the Lord of the dragon clan, please see me!"

"Seductive?" Wu Anbang and others looked at each other at the same time. At this time, even those military generals didn't intervene. What did seduction do? Does she know the real inside story of the incident of Shangguan falling into the water and being attacked?

"Invite her in!" Although she didn't know what she wanted to do, Wu Anbang waved to the security guard to let the seduction in. After all, her identity as the leader of the dragon clan was there. It was a special department subordinate to the No. 1 chief, but he could not take charge of it. Especially in this extremely tense time, the existence of the dragon clan was related to the stability of the whole Chinese army, and he could not Neglect!

"Yes The guard respectfully answered, then turned around and ran out. In a short time, I heard the sound of dada's footsteps. She came in step by step wearing a uniform and a pair of military boots. She came in step by step. She didn't come alone. She helped an old man to come in. The old man's pace is still very vigorous. It seems that she doesn't need her to go at all She obviously respected the old man, and the old man also enjoyed the feeling of being helped, just like being helped by his granddaughter.

However, when the seven magnates present saw the old man, their faces showed a look of extreme fright

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