"First of all, thank you for coming to this party. It has been more than a year since we graduated from university. This is also the first time for us to get together after graduation..." As a host, Byrne Arthur first gave thanks to the people present and briefly talked about the changes of some students over the past year. At the end of the day, Beane's tone changed and he said in a loud voice: "every time we get together, we dance, drink and chat. I think we should get tired of such a party. So, this time, we should have fun with it, I have prepared a wonderful program for you... " Speaking of this, bien's eyes turned to Ye Xiao, full of scraps.

The other people's ears were all up and their faces were full of curiosity about what kind of wonderful show Beane was preparing.

"Ha ha, I think you must be looking forward to it. Now please come with me. After a while, you will be very excited. However, if you don't have the courage, you'd better drink, chat and dance in the living room. The following activities are extremely exciting and exciting..." Byrne Arthur said with a smile, and then took the lead to the corridor on the left side of the hall.

When I heard Arthur's last words, many people's eyes lit up, especially some girls, who even showed a crazy look, wonderful exciting? What kind of activities will be exciting and exciting. Different from China, the character of m people is very open, especially women, who like to meet all kinds of challenges. At present, a large group of girls are following Byrne to the corridor. Alice has already been surrounded by a group of female students. She also wants to know what kind of program needs courage.

Seeing that so many beauties have passed by, those male students, no matter what their occupation, are naturally not easy to stay in the living room and follow them one by one. After a while, there is not much left in the huge hall. Seeing the empty hall, Elena turns her head and looks at Ye Xiao: "Ye Xiao, are we going?"

"Let's go and see what your classmate wants to play..." Ye Xiao faintly smiles, embraces Elena's slender waist to follow up.

Through the corridor, a group of people came to a stadium the size of a basketball court, but the center of the stadium is not a basketball court, but a stadium similar to a arena. The ground of the venue is about a foot high from the audience, and there are several iron doors below. At this time, the iron gate is closed, but in the middle of the field, there is a huge cage, which is covered with black cloth I don't know what's inside.

Seeing such a scene, many students' faces showed a look of curiosity. Only Ye Xiao's expression did not change. He had already smelled the bloody smell coming from the cage. If expected, there should be some wild animals in the cage. It seems that bean wants to show these students a fight.

This kind of program is extremely exciting and exciting for most people, but it is a piece of cake for ye Xiao. The real underground world is not to let two wild animals fight, but to let people fight each other with bare hands. This is enough blood and violence.

However, seeing other people's nervous and excited appearance, he still accompanied Elena to sit in the audience.

Think of it as an entertainment.

"Wow, what a spectacular arena..."

"What's in there?"

"It's not a beast, is it?"

"Is bien going to show us a battle of beasts? Wow, that would be great. I only saw it on TV... "

Many of the girls had already uttered an exclamation of curiosity, and when they heard them, bean's face grew stronger, and then he saw him clapping his hands.

With his applause, the black cloth covering the cage was slowly pulled up, and then everything in the cage was revealed. All the people with the black cloth raised their eyes to the cage, and then everyone, including Ye Xiao, showed a look of surprise. In the huge cage, it was not the tiger in the mountain, nor the bear in the ice field, but one Individual, or a woman.

A woman with long, messy hair and a beautiful figure, but she can't see her face clearly.

The woman's long hair covered her body, and she sat motionless in the corner of the cage with her knees in her arms, as if everything around her had nothing to do with her.

Seeing such a woman, a lot of people turn their eyes to bean. What kind of passion is this? What kind of stimulation? Can't he have a hand to hand fight with this woman in this Colosseum?

However, seeing the woman's infuriating figure, many men were ready to move, only Ye Xiao's eyes narrowed, because he found that this woman was not an ordinary woman. In this woman, there was an extremely dangerous breath, which was not weaker than tianbang, or even the spirit of a master.

And this breath is extremely wild, full of violence, full of blood, like a hungry T. rex.

In the face of the public's eyes, the smile on bean's face was even more brilliant. Without any explanation, he just looked into the field. At this time, the first iron gate of the arena opened slowly, and then there was a roar from inside. It was the roar of wild animals. Hearing this roar, many people wanted to ask him what was going on They closed their mouths and looked down one by one. They saw two bright green lights from the open iron door. Seeing this light, many people were frightened. The noisy scene immediately quieted down. Even Alice, the most excited woman, covered her small mouth and stared at the door."Roar..." With this low roar, a black figure slowly came out. It turned out to be a two meter long panther with a strong body and a long tail. As soon as he walked out of the iron gate, he looked at the crowd around him. It seemed that he knew that he could not jump up. After that, he directly looked at the cage in the field, or the woman in the cage.

What an attractive delicacy! The instinct from animals makes the Panther stare at the woman in the cage, as if wondering how to get in and tear the naked human into pieces.

It was at this time that the top of the cage suddenly made a click sound, and the cage broke down completely. The iron fence above the cage was hoisted, while the iron fence around it fell down directly towards the surrounding area with a clattering sound.

The Panther shrank back, but soon he noticed that the cage that had been intercepted in front of him had disappeared.

The light in the black leopard's eyes is more brilliant

"Beane, are you crazy? The Panther will tear up the girl... " Seeing this posture, the crowd finally recovered from their astonishment. One of the young men, who had a good price and was not much different from the Arthur family, had already called out.

It's a pity that such a hot woman is eaten by a leopard like this. How wonderful it would be if she could get to bed? But this son of a bitch, even let her fight a leopard, this is a waste of resources.

"How do you know that the Panther is bound to tear her apart, instead of her tearing up the Panther?" There was a faint smile on bean's face.

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