"Brother in law..." Seeing ye Xiao again, Hua Xiaodie's face showed the most brilliant smile. After many years, Hua Xiaodie, who is more than 20 years old, has maintained her innocence. I don't know why. Seeing such a smile, ye Xiao seems to have returned to that short and happy student years.

"Well!" Gently nodding, ye Xiao and Hua Xiaodie came to a big hug. If it had not been for this guy, he would not have been able to walk with Hua YUEWU. At the thought of this woman who had paid too much for herself, ye Xiao's heart was filled with tenderness.

The killing spirit of his body quickly converged. Although his age was not big and little butterfly, he really regarded this guy as his brother, which was also a kind of love for his wife and dog.

"Sister Haoyue is about to give birth. She is talking with her in the sanatorium, so I can't come to pick you up in person, so let me take the place of you. Do you mind..." After hugging, Hua Xiaodie said with a smile.

After a few years, Hua Xiaodie, who has been living in the metropolis, has not spent the fighting like Ye Xiao. He has a strong brother-in-law and a sister who is the president of star entertainment company. His life is very moist. Even when ye Xiao was framed by Shangguan drowning and other people, he was not affected.

So even now, he can still maintain that kind of childlike innocence, of course, that top dandy's airs are gradually put out.

"Mind..." Hua Xiaodie said with a smile. She thought her brother-in-law would not argue with her. She thought Ye Xiao snorted coldly.

"Ah..." A little butterfly.

"Do you mind if you get more and more handsome..." Seeing the startled look of Hua Xiaodie, ye Xiao patted him on the shoulder with a smile.

"Ha ha ha, brother-in-law, I'm sorry to say that..." Hua Xiaodie actually showed a shy look. Ye Xiao vomited. The bastard gave him a little sunshine, which was really brilliant.

"Do you know this man?" Did not continue to entangle on this issue, ye Xiao pointed to Qin Shao, who had been scared to death.

"Oh, he is a distant nephew of Mr. lang. his father is the chairman of a listed company. He has just transferred from Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to Jinghai City, and he often mingles with us. Brother in law, how did he provoke you? I killed him myself... " Hua Xiaodie said indignantly that the general manager Lang in his mouth was a giant in Jinghai advertising industry, and also one of the twelve giants at the beginning. With the help of tianyaomen, his assets have become bigger and bigger. However, even when the general manager sees himself, he is also polite, let alone this boy.

On weekdays, if it was not for Mr. Lang's face, Hua Xiaodie and his group would not take him to play. Even if he was barely qualified to follow Hua Xiaodie and others, he was totally a role of running errands and giving money.

For such a little brother, where can flower butterfly really put in mind.

"Ha ha, since we all know each other, that's OK. But tell him, no matter where you are in the future, don't be so arrogant and low-key. That's the king's way!" Ye Xiao shakes his head, and such a small figure, it would be a loss of identity, anyway, has taught him.

"Do you hear me? Low key is the king..." Hua Xiaodie immediately snorted to the Qin Shaolian, who was scared to crawl over and nodded repeatedly. She was grateful to Ye Xiao for letting him go.

He has heard his uncle Lang Haiping say something about ye Xiao. This is a super hero who dares to fight against the state machine and is still safe in the end. Can he be compared with a small person like him? I was really blind today. I met such a big iron plate.

"Go away..." Disgusted at Tai Shao, Hua Xiaodie snorted coldly.

Tai Shao didn't dare to resist. He turned over, rolled to one side and made way for the road. The passengers on the plane were stunned by this scene. What kind of man was this man in Chinese tunic? He was so powerful?

"Brother in law, please, the car is over there..." Hua Xiaodie looks at sharna and a Wu behind Ye Xiao, and her eyes flash with amazement. However, she conceals them quickly. He clearly understands that this is her brother-in-law's woman. If you kill him, you won't want to fight your brother-in-law's woman.

"Well..." Ye Xiao nodded and walked towards a silver Rolls Royce in the distance under the crowd. This is also Hua YUEWU's current car. If she had come in person, she would have driven the original silver BMW.

When passing by the girl, Hua Xiaodie also doesn't look at her. In his current identity, what kind of women can't get, where will these women who are attracted to the trend be put in their eyes.

But the girl's eyes showed a timid look, and saw Hua Xiaodie walking from the side, either follow up or not. Until Hua Xiaodie and his party got into louloulouse, they ran to Qin Shao who was still climbing on the ground.

"Brother in law, you see, I heard that you are coming back. This is the best Lafite I prepared for you. It was made in 1982. Now it is available and has no market..." Just got into the car, Hua Xiaodie immediately took out a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet and was about to open it."Don't drive, I don't want to drink now..." Ye Xiao shook his head. Not long ago, he had drunk so many excellent red wines with a history of over 100 years. In addition, he still has a bottle of wine with a history of hundreds of years. Now he is not interested in the so-called Lafite in 1982.

"Oh, I see. Is there no beauty? Ha ha, don't worry. I have made arrangements for this evening's "classic diamond". I have already contracted the whole venue and found a large group of excellent beauties from art schools... " Hua Xiaodie's face suddenly showed the ambiguous look that men all know. Ye Xiao was speechless for a moment. He betrayed his sister at first. Now he is his brother-in-law. He just came back and didn't persuade him to see his sister, so he arranged so many women for himself. Is this brother-in-law really thoughtful?

"Forget it, let's go to the sanatorium first..." Ye Xiao shakes his head. If it's normal time, he doesn't mind going to play with Hua Xiaodie. Anyway, it's just a play on the spot. It's nothing at all. But now that situ Haoyue is about to give birth, he really has no mind to go outside to look for flowers and visit willows.

"OK..." Hua Xiaodie sighed helplessly and said hello to the driver in front of her. The huge motorcade quickly opened and drove towards the direction of Longteng sanatorium. There was the first sanatorium built by tianyaomen in Jinghai City, and the sanatorium with the strongest defense under tianyaomen.

About an hour later, a huge motorcade arrived at the gate of the sanatorium. Lin Siyuan, the president of the sanatorium dug by Ye Xiao from Hengtian Group, personally led the most important members of the sanatorium to stand at the door to greet them. Naturally, they should meet their boss in person.

The door of the car opened, and ye Xiao got out of the car. When he saw the welcoming posture in front of him, Rao was shocked by his mood. Is this a sanatorium or a beauty pageant?

In addition to Director Lin Siyuan and several senior members of the sanatorium, at a glance, the two rows are all beautiful women in sexy nurse clothes

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