"Well, Europe, besides, look at this..." As an adjutant of Zimo and his wife, Ouyang Xueying nodded slightly, and then sent a large stack of information. Zimo took it and frowned.

"Do you think ye Xiao did it?" It's all about the attacks on several churches in Europe.

"Although the reward offered by Xiaoting and the whole world has not appeared in the recent period, the reward offered by Xiaoting and the whole world is not the same." Ouyang Xueying nodded.

"Why did he do it? The Vatican seems to have no deep hatred for him Purple desert eyebrows tightly knit together.

"I just got in touch with the dragon master. She said that the holy daughter of the Holy See gave birth to a child for ye Xiao, and now the Pope has found out..." Ouyang Xueying continued to speak.

"I grass This son of a bitch, even a saint? " As soon as he heard the news, Zimo immediately turned his white eyes. Obviously, he didn't expect Ye Xiao to be so powerful that even the holy daughter of the Holy See became his bag.

"Help me arrange a plane to Europe right now, fast!" After a low voice curse, purple Mo immediately said.

"Alone?" Ouyang Xueying frowns. Although she knows that the relationship between Zimo and ye Xiao is extraordinary, they are friends of life and death. After all, Zimo is her husband, and what ye Xiao does can only be described as crazy. There is danger of death at any time. If Zimo goes alone at this time, isn't he in danger.

"Well, the last time that boy broke into the White House, he didn't get together because of the reason of closing down. Can you let him show off all by himself this time? Snow shadow, don't worry, I'll be OK!" Purple desert nodded, see the worried look in Ouyang snow shadow's eyes, and added a sentence.

"Well then..." Ouyang Xueying still wants to say something, but seeing the resolute expression of Zimo, he knows that it's useless to say any more. He can only nod his head gently.

She knew that if Zimo still stood idly by at this time, it would not be purple desert.

More than ten hours later, an international flight from Bashu to Rome stopped steadily at Rome International Airport, and purple desert with purple hair got off the plane with a smile.

It was at this time that ye Xiao came to the Vatican St. Petersburg Cathedral alone and came to the Holy Land in the minds of countless believers.

St. Petersburg Cathedral looks like an ordinary Cathedral outside. It has the same building, the same decoration and the same clergy, but its scale is much larger than that of ordinary cathedrals. However, for the top strong people like Ye Xiao, it is like a wild beast, revealing crisis everywhere.

Dressed in a Zhongshan suit, he entered the cathedral like other citizens who came to pray, and then learned from other citizens to put their hands on their chest and murmured in their mouths.

Of course, he can't read the Bible, so other people can't understand what he says. However, no one pays attention to such a seemingly ordinary Oriental at this time. When the time of prayer is over, the citizens who come to pray leave one by one, but ye Xiao still stays in the church.

Step toward the priest who is packing up in front of him.

It seems that someone is coming. The priest raised his head and immediately saw a handsome Oriental. His eyebrows jumped. In the Vatican, there are not many oriental people who come here to pray.

"Child, are you still confused?" Seeing ye Xiao standing in front of him, the priest didn't think much about it. He put on a kind smile and said slowly. Although there are always attacks these days, he doesn't think that anyone dares to go to the Vatican. If there are thugs who dare to destroy the Vatican St. Petersburg Cathedral, it will not be called a terrorist attack. It is called death or suicide Kill.

How powerful is the Vatican's defense as a sacred place for all believers in the world? No one will be able to leave here safely unless a large army is launched.

"Yes, I have a great confusion and want to ask God!" Ye Xiao is very sad to say.

"Dear child, what kind of problem will make you so confused? You can rest assured to tell me, I will pass on your question to the God, the great and kind God will certainly solve the puzzle in your heart... " The priest didn't realize Ye Xiao's mistake. He only thought he was a young man who was numb to reality. There should not be too many young people in the present society.

"Father, what I want to ask is, if I had planned all the recent terrorist attacks on the Holy See, would God forgive me?" Ye Xiao sighed, and then said such a sentence. A pair of eyes looked at the priest curiously, as if he wanted to know the answer.

"As long as you..." The priest originally wanted to say that as long as you are religious, no matter what kind of sin, God will forgive, no matter what kind of doubts you have, God will answer, but only half of the words, on the whole Leng there, and then a look of surprise at Ye Xiao: "what do you say?"

How could he have thought that he was the mastermind of the Vatican terrorist attack?"I said, I planned several attacks on the Holy See. Will God forgive me?" Ye Xiao continued to repeat, without any emotion.

"You You... " At this time, the priest was surprised and didn't know what to say.

"It seems that you can't answer my question. Tell your holiness that I want to see him! I will be responsible for these Vatican attacks! " Seeing the priest's startled expression, ye Xiao still has no expression to say.

The priest came back to his senses and wanted to scold him. However, seeing ye Xiao's eyes without emotion, he wisely chose to shut up. No matter whether he was a madman or a fool, since he dared to come to the Holy See, he had two brushes. Such a person could not pay himself. He should inform his majesty first. As for whether his majesty killed or saw him, it was up to his majesty The mood of, anyway, as long as he left his side, and he has no relationship.

"You wait here!" The priest dropped such a sentence and ran to the back in a hurry. No matter whether it was true or not, he must inform his holiness of it as soon as possible.

A faint smile appeared in the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth. Then he took out a cigarette in the empty Cathedral, threw it into his mouth, threw out a lighter, lit it gently, took a hard puff, and spit out a circle of cigarettes. The feeling of smoking in St. Petersburg is better than that in other places.

Just as ye Xiaogang finished smoking a cigarette, the priest who ran in ran out in a hurry. This time, he did not come alone, but brought 108 knights in armor, all of whom were the guardian Knights of the Holy See.

Everyone stares at Ye Xiao with cold eyes, and is eager to tear him into pieces. Obviously, in their minds, ye Xiao is a heinous heretic.

"Your Majesty has an order. Come with me!" The priest tried to suppress the shock in his heart and said a word to Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao gave a faint smile and ignored the 108 guard Knights around him, so he strode forward

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