If it was not for his own identity, the pope would really curse. What is the doctrine of the Holy See? Where and where? Yes, the Vatican does advocate supporting the wounded and dying. Many friars often do this when they travel outside. But this is just a way for the Vatican to win people's support. As long as it is not something that a fool can understand, do you really think that the holy see is a charity? When you see all the wounded, you have to rescue them?

Well, even if it's to help, it's not like this?

The holy daughter of the Holy See, which is the most holy existence, is the one selected from countless young girls, and has received the most noble education since childhood. That is the supreme existence. Is it just for the sake of saving people that she has been cut off? According to this view, is it not as long as a man needs detoxification, the virgin should take the body to rescue?

Is this saving people or looking for abuse?

The Pope wanted to curse, but his identity made him unable to scold. The Pope wanted to refute it, but he just didn't know how to refute it. Is it not the doctrine of the Holy See? No way to refute and no way to scold the Pope was angry with a mouthful of blood gushing out.

He coughed several times continuously, coughed several mouthfuls of blood, and the Pope calmed down his mood.

"No matter how cunning you are, in a word, you have desecrated the virgin, you..." The Pope knew that ten of them were not his opponents when he argued with this guy, so he was too lazy to argue any more, so he would have to convict Ye Xiao, but this time he was interrupted again.

"What about me? What if I desecrated the virgin? Don't you want me on fire? St. Peter, dare you? " Ye Xiao took a step forward, and his powerful domineering spirit came out. His eyes were fixed on St. Peter III. he was full of terror. It was like a giant beast coming from the flood land slowly waking up, and the huge pressure came out. Even though he was separated by a bullet proof glass cover, the Pope was also shocked by the breath of Ye Xiao.

"You..." But after all, he is the Pope of the Holy See. How could he be really threatened by Ye Xiao and be angry? Unfortunately, he was interrupted by Ye Xiao again.

"Yes, the saint and I have such a relationship. I have also told you about the specific situation. In order to detoxify me, the child was born. It is indeed my child. But can't you see the plot behind it with your IQ?

The main enemy of your holy see should not be our tianyaomen. Although tianyaomen can't destroy your holy see, it's very certain that if we fight to the death, the Vatican will suffer heavy losses. You say, if your real enemy launches a full-scale attack on you at that time, do you really think the Holy see can resist it? " Ye Xiao said coldly, in the eyes does not have the slightest retrogression meaning.

The Pope, who was already completely angry, was stunned. Ye Xiao said that the real enemy of the holy see is the dark parliament that lurks around the world. Since the holy war of more than a thousand years ago, the friction between the Holy See and the dark Council has been constantly on the rise. Especially after so many years of cultivation and recuperation, what kind of power has the dark Council accumulated? This is not even him Yes, but he believes that the hidden power of the dark Council must be very big.

With the current power of the Holy See, naturally, it is not afraid. But if ye Xiao really catches up with tianyaomen first, and then his vitality is greatly damaged, is it really possible to fight against the dark Council?

Tianyaomen, a new organization in the underground world, has already become a big organization that shakes the world. Other than that, the madmen in tianyaomen and those who dare to fight against the Chinese government are no weaker than those guarding Knights of the Holy See. Moreover, the Vatican is in the light and tianyaomen is in the dark. If you really kill Ye Xiao at all costs, then It will face a steady stream of attacks from tianyaomen.

The attack on the church these days is not this man's warning to himself?

They did not completely destroy the strength of the Vatican, but if they really launched a continuous attack, relying on tens of thousands of tianyaomen members and huge financial resources, they might seriously damage the Holy See.

Although he was very angry and angry, he had to admit that every word that ye Xiao said was true. In this incident, it was obvious that someone was behind all this. How could his intelligence quotient be low if he could become the Pope of the Holy See?

But let him just let go of this blasphemer? How can I bear it?

"Don't say that the Holy See can shine on everything under the light of God. We are all wise people. Whether there is a God or not, even if there is one, can your God really give you shelter? If so, the Vatican would have unified the world. If you want something practical, buy it now, what conditions do you need to let Suzanne and my children go! " Waiting for the Pope to speak, ye Xiao said again. The Pope was choked for a while. Where could anyone speak so directly? What is a buy it now price? You're the meat of the vegetable market, aren't you? Is it a buy it now? But ye Xiaodu said here, he is really not good to put forward what, is it really kill Ye Xiao here? And then face the crazy revenge of tianyaomen?

Moreover, the Pope clearly knows that behind Ye Xiao, there is also the dragon clan, the most mysterious and terrible existence in the world.Even if the dragon clan can't really make all-out efforts to the Vatican for some reasons, it will do great harm to the Vatican if he just adds fuel to the flames. This is also what the Pope does not want to see and is unacceptable,

"if you want to pray for God's forgiveness, you..."

"Are you suffering from occupational disease? Here are just the two of us. Don't come with me about those prodigal things. Be direct and frank... " The Pope is almost a mouthful of blood spurt, this bastard, how to say that he is also the Pope, can not respect himself a little?

"It is impossible to take away the virgin, but if you can destroy the whole dark Council, I can promise to forgive her and your sins." Stifle the anger, the pope said coldly.

"Shit..." Ye Xiao rolled his eyes directly, turned around and left.

Not even a word.

Seeing ye Xiao turn around and go without saying a word, the Pope is dumbfounded. Isn't this guy here to save Susanna? Why don't you bargain with yourself and leave like this?

Of course, he understood that ye Xiao would not agree to such a condition, but what conditions do you always have to put forward? Even if it's business, isn't it done through bargaining? What's more, such a big event?

But how could he? Don't say anything, just say two words and leave directly?

What is this?

"Ye Xiao, do you think you can leave here safely when you come here?" Seeing ye Xiao going out of the hall, the Pope came back to his senses and snorted again.

"I didn't want to leave, but if I wanted to kill me, I couldn't stop me if I didn't send a dozen paladins. By the way, I forgot to tell you that I had several friends outside. If I didn't go out when I was a child, they would directly blow up St. Petersburg Cathedral, a nuclear warhead, which should be able to blow up here..." Ye Xiao murmured, and continued to walk towards the front

And hear this sentence of the Pope immediately face green, nuclear warhead? Bring all the warheads? Are you going to start a world war? Why don't you go to hell?

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