"Bang..." With the sound of the sound of the right knee, Vicia's straight nose bone suddenly cracked like rotten wood, blood splashed out, and the broken bone of the nose was also carried. The fierce pain made the oppressive head dizzy, so the white eyes rolled and fainted.

Ye Xiao glanced at Rowling, then continued to turn around and walk towards the Mercedes Benz. He still had to go back to China? There's no time to waste time with these dudes.

Seeing such a bloody and violent scene, the other childe brothers were shocked again. How could they have never thought that this seemingly sick man should have abandoned vivia so easily. You know, vivia's skill is also good.

However, several bodyguards who stayed by Rowling's side flashed a little surprise in their eyes. Relying on instinct, they felt Ye Xiao's danger. However, they did not expect that he would be so dangerous. The speed of the move, with their eyesight, could not even look down on the track. Moreover, he made a decisive move, and did not worry about killing Vivian at all On the precipitation of the breath is to let them palpitation, this is absolutely a real killing role, human life, in his eyes, and grass mustard no difference.

However, Rowling was not frightened by Ye Xiao's means. When she saw Ye Xiao's three fists and two legs, she fell to the ground, and her eyes suddenly lit up!

Especially when ye Xiao looked at her, she only felt that her heart was beating uncontrollably again. However, this beat was totally different from the tension just now, but it was a kind of strange beat. She could not tell what this feeling was. She only felt that she was deeply attracted by the knee top just now, such domineering power, and so on Strong, only such a man can be qualified to be his own man.

"Yanni, stop him, I want to marry him..." Rowling jumped up with excitement. She didn't care what other people thought? It's not easy for her to have this feeling called heartbeat. She doesn't care what is reserved, so she calls out directly.

When hearing her first words to stop Ye Xiao, Yani and others all felt a burst of bitterness in her throat. Could such a character be stopped by others? But when they heard Rowling's last words, they almost gave out a mouthful of blood.

What? Marry him? Miss, you just saw him for the first time? Well, even if there is love at first sight in the legend, don't say it directly. You keep a little reserved and let us investigate his identity quietly and then make a decision? Did you want someone to clean him up just now? If you want to marry him now, is it too fast?

When the other men heard this sentence, the blood color just faded again filled the eyes. What did miss Rowling say? Marry this man? Nima, who is this man? Where does he come from? Did he win Miss Rowling's heart just because he knocked Vianna out of his way? All the people are red eyes, angry looking at Ye Xiao, looking at the sudden appearance of the Oriental man, if the eyes can kill people, this moment of Ye Xiao has been broken into pieces.

Ye Xiao, who was a bit of a flighty step, stumbled and nearly fell to the ground after hearing such a sentence. If he was just guessing just now, now he has confirmed that, no matter whether the woman in front of her knows it or not, she must be Medusa's twin sister. She is as crazy as she is, and has the same free thinking and needs people just now Teach me a lesson? Is it too fast to marry yourself now?

However, when feeling the anger of the men around, ye Xiao suddenly felt that this seemingly pure and innocent woman was not as ignorant as she imagined. Her seemingly ignorant words had always affected the atmosphere of the scene.

When the men around him hesitated to stop Ye Xiao, a huge roar resounded through the night sky. Almost at the moment when the voice sounded, a cold sense of cold entering the bone marrow enveloped Ye Xiao's whole heart, and then his body rushed forward involuntarily.

Almost at the moment of his forward attack, a bullet grazed his scalp and directly hit the ground behind him. If he didn't make such a move, the bullet would go straight through his forehead.

Body a roll, forced to hold back the wound, because of this violent exercise tear pain, ye Xiao full speed toward the dark.

"Kanu, go first!" While fleeing toward the shadow, ye Xiao said to Kanu at the same time.

The target of the other party is obviously him. At this time, it is easier to escape by letting Kanu take Suzanne and her daughter away by themselves!

Without saying anything, Kanu ran into the Mercedes Benz, started the motor, and ran forward at full speed. He knew that what ye Xiao was most worried about was Suzanne and her daughter in the car. As long as he took them away from here, he would give him the greatest support.

Ye Xiao's side, there is Sarna, cold soul, ah Wu lurking around, want to kill him, is not an easy thing.Mercedes Benz directly smashed a sports car in front of it. This car is the private car of croti family, and its safety performance is extremely reliable. Unless the other side uses large-scale lethal weapons, it is absolutely impossible to hurt half of the people in the car.

Suzanne in the car also heard such gunshots and ye Xiao's roar, and wanted to rush out to fight with Ye Xiao. However, seeing her only three-year-old child, she still hugged randis who wanted to rush out and grabbed the handrail in the car.

The Mercedes Benz galloped at full speed and ran towards the airport. However, ye Xiao's body has been rolling for several times and has been hiding behind a stone pillar

Sniper, although the sniper's strength is not very good, it at least shows a signal that the people who want to kill themselves have arrived, perhaps from the Holy See, or from the dark Council. In short, who knows?

Other people are also shocked by the sound of such a gun, one by one standing in situ, when seeing ye Xiao's image of reckless forward, another roll, Yanni finally came to her senses.

"Miss protection..." With the fall of her voice, in addition to a few men who had been close to Rowling just now, several men and women rushed to protect Rowling. They protected Rowling with a man wall, and ran towards the Bugatti air vehicle behind step by step.

This is the best luxury car that Kaiser Family has spent tens of millions of money to build. This is the only car in the world, which has reached the world's top in terms of safety performance and other aspects.

In the other side has snipers in the case, naturally will first miss to the car.

Rowling didn't have any fear in her eyes. She just asked Yani curiously: "Yanni, what happened?"

"Miss, there's a sniper. It's a sniper!" Yanni said as she protected Rowling's retreat. She really didn't know whether the sniper had assassinated Rowling or other forces?

As soon as the other childe brothers heard of snipers, they were scared to be pale. Originally they gathered together and scattered quickly, and no one came to protect the flowers. Although Rowling was the most easily favored by Rowling at this time, what if the other party's target was Rowling? Isn't it death to go forward to protect the flowers? Although beautiful women are important, they are not as important as their own lives, aren't they?

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