"Pa!" The big mouth of zima flew out, and the whole face of Zitai fell off with a big slap of his hand. The whole face of Zitai fell off with a big puff of his hand, It's like a pig's head.

But purple Mo didn't let go of his meaning, this guy, dare to insult his brother, this is not looking for smoke?

One step forward, another foot in Jiang Zitai's heart, the same is so condescending looking down at Jiang Zitai, cold voice from his mouth: "what did you just say? Say it again

With the same posture, the same attitude, and the same formidable power, Jiang Zitai is about to cry.

What kind of Nirvana have you suffered? It's even if you are beaten up by an unknown guy. How about beating yourself up, even if you are big or little purple? Doesn't he know himself?

"Zida young master, it's me. I'm Xiaojiang. I'm..."

"Bang..." Zimo doesn't care whether you are a small river or a big river, but also a foot in the heart of Jiang Zitai, interrupting what Jiang Zitai is about to say.

"I don't care who you are, I only ask you, you have seed, you repeat what you just said!" Purple desert says coldly.

Even if Jiang Zitai is stupid, he also knows that he seems to have provoked a character who can never be provoked. How can he be able to provoke such a character who can make such a pleasant purple young man so angry?

"I'm wrong. I'm really wrong. I don't know he's your friend!" Jiang Zitai's vitality can be called tenacious. After being beaten by two experts, he didn't even faint. Now he cried with Zimo's leg.

He is really afraid now!

"Friend? He is not Lao Tzu's friend Purple desert cold hum a, but disgusted will feet from Jiang Zitai's hands to break away, he is worried about this guy's snot saliva on his pants.

"Ah?" Jiang Zitai is stunned. He is not a friend. Why do you beat me?

"He's my brother, the best brother!" However, Jiang Zitai's fantasy idea has not yet risen. Zimo's resolute voice has sounded. This sentence completely suppresses Jiang Zitai. Not only is Jiang Zitai Leng there, but other people are all in the same place. This seemingly sick guy is actually the brother of Zida young master? How could that be possible? Why have they never heard of it?

But these people have not come back to God, ye Xiao's voice has sounded: "brother, your sister, do you have such a pit brother? Xiaobai, Anand, wolf, come with me and beat the lying bastard! Today is the new account and the old one together! "

When ye Xiao's voice dropped, he took the lead in running out. He didn't care what lieutenant general you were or what the first Prince of China was. He could have slept well with his wife at home, so he was fooled out and provoked such a coquette. Ye Xiao's heart was very upset, very, very upset. Since he is not happy, he naturally wants to vent his anger, but what else How can he vent more than beating the youngest general of China? Especially when he was a child, he bullied himself and others by relying on his own strength. Later, when he grew up, he always took revenge. Now he finally came to Anla.

Ye yubai, Xiao Nan and ye Cang Lang, who have already rushed over, are stunned when they hear this, and beat the lying bastard? Let them do something to the purple boss. How nice of it?

However, hearing Ye Xiao's last sentence, when the old and new accounts were calculated together, the three people ran out. NIMA's was bullied by the purple boss when he was a child. Now Brother Xiao is in the lead. If he doesn't get revenge, how can he be worthy of himself? It's an opportunity. The loss will never come again.

Ye Cang wolf even recited a sentence in his heart: "sorry, sir!"

Zimo hasn't responded, ye Xiao has already rushed over, and then hit him in the abdomen directly. This is not a joke, but a real one. Although he doesn't use inch force, ye Xiao's strength is so huge. Zimo is strong in body. At this time, he is hit hard. This little bastard, he is playing real.

But ye Cang Lang, ye yubai and Anan have already attacked him. They don't care about Zimo's fists. They fight and kick at Zimo. As a result, there is a very strange scene in the hall.

Countless young beauties covered their mouths with their hands, and their eyes were wide open. They were staring at the door of the hall. Four men were pressing Zimo, the first Prince of China, deputy commander of Jinghai garrison, on the ground, punching and kicking.

Nima's, that's a lieutenant general, that's a real power lieutenant, or the youngest real power general. How could he be beaten like this? What kind of a sensation would it cause if it spread?

After several minutes, ye Xiao and others got up, and purple desert, who was black and blue, lay down for a full minute. Then he stood up and glared at Ye Xiao fiercely and swore: "boy, wait and see!"Ye Xiao cast a disdainful look, which means very clear, ready to accompany.

When Zimo looks at ye yubai, the three bitches lower their heads at the same time and murmur "one, two, three..." Such a number seems to be counting the number of ants on the ground, but the conscience of heaven and earth, the ground is covered with carpet, where are the ants from.

The three of them know very well that brother Xiao has the capital to fight against the purple elder brother. Even if they are alone, they don't worry about the Revenge of the purple boss. But if they are alone, or if they don't have Xiao elder brother together, once they are fixed by the purple elder brother, they will be badly repaired. So they resolutely do not look at Zimo's eyes, as if this matter has something to do with them none.

But he took back his eyes. Purple desert, who was black and blue, cleared his throat and opened his mouth to the crowd around him: "don't be surprised. This is the way our brothers haven't met for a long time. I forgot to introduce him to you. Besides my brother, he is the only dragon soul warrior in the legend. His identity is a state-level secret, which happened here today Everything, I do not want to spread to the outside, Yunfeng, you take a person to do a registration, all the people present, all registered, if someone here to pass the news out, then the crime of treason will be severely punished! "

Ye Xiao turned his white eyes directly. What is the only dragon soul warrior in the dragon clan? Where is the dragon soul warrior? It's a complete hoax. Doesn't he want other people to know about his beating? Frankly speaking, this is the problem of face. This bastard, in order to save his face, he even moved out of the felony of treason. Is that shameless?

Although Ye Xiao turned his white eyes, others were shocked. Was this dragon soul warrior of the dragon clan? What is dragon soul warrior? They don't know what the dragon people are, and most people don't know. But just one identity is a state level secret. What does it mean? It represents his extremely noble status, and Jiang Zitai, who heard this sentence, has been completely stupid

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