As soon as he heard this sentence, Xiao Nan, who could not bear it, ran out all over the place. His eyes had already become red with blood.

Ye yubai and ye Canglang, who know Tianna's strength, can't let Xiao Nan deal with Tianna and jikejun alone, especially ye yubai. Among the three, he has always regarded himself as the eldest brother. How could Xiao Nan commit a single danger? Almost at the moment Xiaonan moved, he rushed forward at full speed.

But it was at this time that a ghostly figure came out of the jungle and slapped at the back of Ye yubai's heart.

"Be careful..." Ye Cang wolf, who has been following ye yubai's side, exclaimed in his mouth. He made a move at his feet and rushed towards ye yubai at full speed.

Ye Xiao and Zimo raised their heads at the same time, and their faces changed in an instant. With their strength, they didn't even know that someone was approaching. They didn't expect that the shadow would come so quickly. Even if they wanted to rescue them, they didn't have time.

However, both of them still ran towards ye yubai's direction at the same time. Although they wanted to kill Shangguan Wudao very much and didn't want to give him any chance to escape, in Ye Xiao's heart, the brother's life is always greater than all hatred.

If ye yubai and others really suffered from any accident, even if they killed Shangguan Wudao? What's the point of everything when people are dead?

"Pa..." Ye Cang Lang pushed ye yubai away, and the palm slapped him mercilessly on his shoulder. Suddenly, he heard the crack sound of "crack". The power of one hand even broke the shoulder bone of Ye Cang wolf. How big is the power of this palm?

If this palm really clapped in ye yubai's back heart, wouldn't it shatter the heart directly?

Everyone was shocked, but ye Cang wolf's body flew toward the other side like a withered leaf. Ye yubai turned his head and looked at it. He was shocked. His mouth was even more instinctive: "little wolf..."

At this time, the ghost like figure has continued to take the second palm. With the help of Ye Cang wolf, ye yubai has already come back to his senses, and can't care to run forward. He turns and reaches for the clap.

"Click" is another sound, ye yubai's arms were shot to pieces in an instant, the rest of the way is to beat his whole person to fly out, mouth is a gush of blood.

"Big power Vajra palm?" Ye Xiao and Zimo screamed out at the same time. They really didn't expect that in today's society, someone can use the hard Qigong which has been lost for a long time. It is said that this palm technique has been cultivated to a very high level, which can open mountains and crack stones. It seems that a figure less than 1.6 meters has already cultivated this palm skill to such a level?

When the figure is ready to continue to attack and kill ye yubai, the figures of purple desert and ye Xiao have already rushed forward.

In the face of his opponent's terrible palm, Zimo didn't have any reservation. He smashed his fist at full speed. With his fist, his arm muscles expanded rapidly, and his whole body muscles began to expand. At this moment, he directly chose to be crazy. This is an existence that surpasses the "God of war", and is definitely the most powerful expert they met.

In the face of such a master, any negligence may kill his life.

"Bang..." The man turned his hand into a fist, and a blow hit Zimo's fist. Zimo's sleeve was torn to pieces by the powerful force, and his whole arm was trembling, and his body was also shaken back. The man was forced back by Zimo's fist. He stepped back for three steps, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. Obviously, he didn't expect that the young man not only resisted One of their own punches, but also their own shock back.

But he didn't have time to think about it, because a more violent fist had been smashed into the air.

Ye Xiao's figure has already rushed to the front of him, and his eyes have become blood red in an instant. The violent power in his body has been mobilized in an all-round way, so he smashes the figure who has no time to stand still with the most violent punch.

The figure has been carrying his left hand behind him, and he is also clenching his fist. Seeing that thin fist, ye Xiao is really a little impatient. This is just the palm of an old man who is about to enter the wood. However, when he thought of the terrible strength that he broke the shoulder bone of Ye Cang wolf with one hand, he did not dare to have any carelessness. His muscles all over his body were shaking wildly at this moment.

"Bang..." There was another loud noise. Their fists collided with each other again, and the force of terror broke out in an all-round way. Then, their bodies were shaken back at the same time. Ye Xiao withdrew seven steps, and the other man withdrew nine steps. He opened his mouth and was a stream of blood gushing out.

The color of horror in the eyes became more intense, and a hoarse voice came from his mouth: "five inch strength?"

Obviously, he didn't expect that ye Xiao was so young that he realized the highest level of Yongchun boxing, which was just as good as his powerful Vajra boxing.

Ye Xiao's horror is even stronger than the old man. Until now, he can see clearly that he is an old man full of wrinkles. He is such an old man who may fall down when he walks. Although he attacked ye yubai and ye Canglang with two palms, he is still appalled by his powerful palm style. Now he has a hard fight with Zimo, but he doesn't stand at all Even so, he just sprayed a mouthful of blood and retreated nine steps.What about yourself? His arm is now numb, and his blood is also tumbling. It seems that he has the upper hand. However, he clearly knows that in this round of confrontation, he has already failed. If Zimo didn't fight back the other party with one punch before, he would not have shaken him back and hit him hard.

Who the hell is this man? How could it be so terrifying? What's more, his fist power is too terrible. The great shift of heaven and earth that he learned from "fighting God" doesn't work at all.

"Wu bo..." At this time, the most surprising surprise was that Shangguan had no way. He really didn't expect that Wu bochui appeared at such a critical time. Seeing Wu Bo's attack, he wounded two people and forced him to retreat with Zimo, and he was quite sure.

The speed between them is too fast, until this time, Xiao Nan rushed to Tianna's body.

"Go Wu Bogen didn't talk much nonsense. He snorted coldly, and then he made a move and rushed toward Ye Xiao.

Shangguan didn't have a strange cry. He turned around and ran. Wu Bo let him run. What is he doing here? At this level of fighting, he stayed here, not even cannon fodder.

Tianna also had a hard fight with Xiao Nan, and then she turned around and ran. As for jikejun, he ran faster at this time. Just now the fight between the three had completely suppressed him. No matter Ye Xiao, Zimo or Wu Bo, their strength was far from being able to fight against. Staying here could not help him at all.

Seeing Shangguan Wudao and others running in another direction, Xiao Nan directly chased up.

"Give me the old man!" Zimo steps forward and wants to stop Wu Bo with his own strength. He knows that Shangguan has no way to be killed in Ye Xiao's heart.

"No, they can't run away. They joined hands to be the old man!" Ye Xiao shakes his head. Li Siqing has already arrived with his brother from tianyaomen. Without the help of an expert, he can't escape with the help of the two people around him. Here is his territory

But the old man in front of him can't be underestimated. He doesn't want any accident in purple desert

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