"What are you here for?" Ye Xiao's voice cooled down and went to Sanbao hall. Since the other party is Bai choufei's friend, it's no good to come to find yourself!

It's just that this guy's mind is too deep. If it wasn't for what he said, he didn't even know what he was thinking!

"No, I'm just here to say something for my friend!" Shangguan Wudao smiles more brightly

Ye Xiao didn't speak, but looked at Shangguan Wudao. The meaning was very obvious. What words

"Stay away from situ Haoyue, she is not something you can provoke!" Even if it is a full of threatening words, but Shangguan Wudao's face is still hanging a faint smile, as if these things have nothing to do with him!

But this sentence in the classroom, but a huge wave, many people are full of worship, looking at Ye Xiao, how they did not expect, this guy should be so cow, unexpectedly and Bai choufei grab girlfriend!

As we all know, situ Haoyue is the flower of the last Yunlong private school. She and Bai choufei are also recognized as a couple made by nature. However, the progress between them is not very fast. At least, no one has ever seen them appear as lovers!

Of course, more people are gloating, especially Hua Xiaodie, who is about to laugh!

Aren't you very picky? Aren't you good at it? Do you want to fight with Bai choufei and take back situ Haoyue?

He has now concluded that ye Xiao is a madman. He has only come to school for a few days. He didn't think that he had done so many earth shaking events in secret!

As for Tan Xiaoxiao, when he heard these things, he was slightly sour. He had something to do with situ Haoyue? It's just that she didn't even feel it

Hearing such a sentence, ye Xiao's first feeling is that he wants to laugh. He and situ Haoyue haven't met at all. How can we provoke him? Even if there was a previous engagement, I had already retired from the marriage yesterday. Why should I provoke her?

However, since the other party took out this kind of words and said, no matter what his intention is, he is always beating his face and hitting his own face. Ye Xiao is not a loser!

"Please bring me a message to your friend..." Ye Xiao smiles and looks at Shangguan Wudao!

"What words..." Originally thought Ye Xiao would be furious for this, but who knows he just smile, which makes Shangguan's smile a little introverted!

"You tell him that I'm not interested in the worn-out shoes that have been returned. If your friend is interested, just let him take them. I won't mind..." Ye Xiao shrugged his shoulders

Originally still kept smiling Shangguan Wu Dao's face changed. What does he mean by this sentence? Isn't it that Bai Chou Fei is inferior to him?

As for the three people behind Shangguan Wudao, their faces became extremely ugly

"Brother Ye has a sharp tongue..." Shangguan has no way to sneer

"Ha ha, I'm flattered, I'm flattered..." Ye Xiao shamelessly arched his hands, and did not care about the irony of Shangguan's nonsense!

"Brother ye, take care of yourself Shangguan Wudao snorted coldly, turned around and walked outside the classroom. The three people behind him looked at Ye Xiao with bad complexion. They walked out after Shangguan Wudao. Without Shangguan Wudao's command, they were not easy to start

Seeing ye Xiao dare to be so shameless to Shangguan, the classroom has fallen into silence. Many people's eyes toward Ye Xiao have changed, especially those who saw him deal with Zhang long and others yesterday. Their eyes are full of curiosity. What is the origin of this guy? How can it be related to such big people as Bai choufei?

But I don't know why, originally some sour Tan Xiaoxiao heard Ye Xiao's broken sentence. When I was not interested in the worn-out shoes, it was sweet in my heart. She didn't even notice these feelings!

As for ye Xiao, there was also a confusion in his eyes. Yesterday, he had drawn a clear line between him and situ Haoyue. It can be said that his engagement with situ Haoyue has been terminated, and he has no relationship with her any more. Logically speaking, even if Bai choufei knew that there was such a thing, he could not remind himself again. Moreover, he would not have come late? Why come at this time?

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