In the lengthened Lincoln car, Bai choufei was dazzled by the sudden impact. He also lost that the car had been refitted and its safety performance was first-class. Otherwise, such an impact would have killed him. According to reason, such an accident happened. In the car, it is the safest. Finally, no one can guarantee whether there is a sniper near here, but when he sees the sniper on the truck When the gun barrel was aimed at the car he was riding in, Bai choufei kicked the door open, and the whole person rushed out like a civet cat. Almost at the moment when he just ran out of the body, three sniper guns simultaneously emitted dazzling fire. Three shells flew out, and one shot directly at the Lincoln car. The whole explosion broke out, and the huge impact force actually made the car more than nine meters The long, long limousine flew up in full swing.

Bai Chou Fei, who just ran out of the car, a tiger fell on the ground. The Lincoln car almost wiped his scalp and flew over his head.

However, the danger has not been relieved. A man sitting in the co driver's seat on the truck has raised a machine gun installed on the chariot and fired at Bai choufei's position. Countless bullets are ejected from the front window with only one structure left. Bai Chou's body keeps rolling, constantly avoiding the bullets swept, but facing such a dense population of children In a hurry, he did not avoid it all with his skill. A bullet hit his shoulder. On the spot, a flower of blood was blooming. Bai Chou could not care about his shoulder pain. When he pushed his legs hard, his body leaped over the flower bed like a cat and hid under the flower bed.

At this time, two of the motorcade following him were blown up by sniper guns and pressed heavily on the ground. These two cars did not have the same safety performance as Lincoln. The members who were loyal to Bai choufei were shocked to vomit blood and died on the spot. However, the car which had been rushing to open the road in front of him but escaped the robbery stopped at the roadside, and seven or eight members jumped out of the car, However, before they launched the attack, more than ten masked men behind the truck had already held submachine guns and pulled the trigger at these people. In the face of such a dense attack of bullets, even if these men were the elite selected by Bai choufei, they were all shot in succession.

The sniper gun was loaded with shells again, followed by the sound of fire. Two shells continued to fire at the rear of the vehicle, and one shot at Bai choufei's hiding place. All of a sudden, there was a tremendous noise on the scene, and two cars were lifted off. However, the members of the car had jumped out in time, but it was the dense bullets waiting for them.

As for Bai Chou Fei, he was also shaken out by the terrible force of the shell. He was hit by at least three pieces of shrapnel on his body. Although he did not hurt the vital part, his whole body was dyed red with blood.

What happened here was so sudden that the other party not only accurately calculated the driving route of Bai choufei's motorcade, but also calculated the number of guard forces around him.

However, this is the corner of Chinatown after all. In order to protect Ouyang Qianqian's safety, Bai choufei planted dozens of elite here. When he saw Bai choufei's motorcade meet such a strong attack and see ye Xiao running to the accident site at full speed, these hidden elite rushed out in full speed to the truck, and many more people fled from the streets, These are the members of the Chinese gang who have been stationed here. Now these people are all turned into the most bloodthirsty soldiers and rush to the truck like a devil.

On the truck, the man sitting in the co driver's seat saw Bai Chou Fei, who was blown up on the ground, and then looked at Ye Xiao who was running towards this side and the members of the Hua Gang who came quickly. Unexpectedly, he didn't mean to retreat. He kicked the door open and jumped out of the car. He left the heavy machine gun in the car, but there were two more black deserts in his hand The eagle, quickly toward the white sorrow that falls on the ground to fly to go.

However, the others on the truck aimed their firepower at Ye Xiao and others. Three sniper guns were firing wildly. Within a kilometer distance, it was almost impossible to cross the road of death. With only a few breathing time, at least 100 members of the Chinese Gang died under the fire of the other party.

In the face of such fierce firepower, these people are difficult to rush up. Only Ye Xiao, relying on the agile figure and the cover of the roadside stores, quickly rushes towards this side.

The man who jumped off the truck didn't look at Ye Xiao, who was approaching rapidly here. He came to Bai choufei's body. Looking at Bai choufei who was still on the ground, a cold smile appeared on the corner of the man's mouth.

"Goodbye, my white leader..." When the voice fell, the man did not hesitate to pull the trigger in his hand. In the distance, ye Xiao exclaimed. But when everyone thought that Bai Chou Fei was doomed to die, he suddenly turned over and avoided the bullet. However, a black pistol appeared in his hand.

"Lilo, you really let me down..." Bai choufei snorted bitterly, then pulled the trigger. A bullet went directly into the man's forehead. The man's eyes showed a look of horror. Obviously, he didn't expect that he was covered with his face. Bai choufei also knew his identity, and that he had been hit hard like that and had such a quick skill.

However, no matter how much unwilling, his consciousness also quickly dissipated, and the whole person fell down so straight.At this time, ye Xiao has swept to Bai choufei's body, looking at the injury is not light, but his face is still hung with arrogant color of Bai choufei, his tight heart finally breathed a sigh of relief, but at this time, the huge truck started again, and was about to escape. Obviously, he knew that he would never have a chance to kill Bai choufei.

"Ye Xiao, don't let them escape. They are all traitors of the Chinese gang..." Seeing through each other's identity, Bai Chou Fei, who may let them leave, quickly climbs up from the ground and calls to Ye Xiao at the same time.

Ye Xiao understands that, with his feet moving, he rushes towards the truck that starts to go backwards. Seeing ye Xiao rushing towards him, the driver of the truck is turning the steering wheel wildly with one hand, and grabs the handle of the machine gun with the other hand, and pulls the trigger. However, he has two purposes. Naturally, the standard is much worse. Where can he shoot Ye Xiao who is running.

Just a roll, to avoid a row of bullets swept, and then body jump, the people in the truck had no time to shoot, grabbed the truck door, so turned into the cab of the truck, in the driver's time to make other reactions, has seized the driver's head, twisted him toward the truck The bridge crashed.

This hit, contains all the power of Ye Xiao, suddenly heard a "bang" sound, the driver's head turned out to be heroic, white brain spray is the entire cab is.

We are about to kill the people behind us. There is a burst of explosion in the distance. Then we hear the voice of the housekeeper: "what are you going to do? Put down the lady quickly..."

Ye Xiao looked back and saw a group of people in black running out of Ouyang Qianqian's place. The front one was carrying Ouyang Qianqian with an apron on his shoulder. He ran towards a sports car parked opposite. The others pulled the trigger at the left behind members of the Chinese gang. Ye Xiao's face suddenly changed

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