This drop of tears is not sad, nor sweet, even Flower Moon Charm herself feel a little baffled

For ye Xiao, at first, I was just curious. I was curious about how this new boy had such great courage and dared to confront Bai choufei

But with the second contact, for some of his intimate jokes did not feel disgusted, even in his body to feel a rare warmth!

From childhood to adulthood, Hua YUEWU's parents have been running around for business. She and her brother, Hua Xiaodie, depend on each other. However, Hua Xiaodie is her younger brother, and only she takes care of her, she never feels a kind of dependence, a kind of warm dependence!

This feeling, she felt in Ye Xiao's body!

Hua YUEWU is an excellent woman. Otherwise, she can't become a formal member of the celebrity association because of her family background. With her conditions, there are countless boys who pursue her. However, for ordinary boys, she has no interest at all. It has nothing to do with her family background, but has something to do with her experience!

Because of taking care of Hua Xiaodie all the year round, her mind is much more mature than that of girls of the same age. Generally, boys of the same age are just children in her eyes. It is impossible for them to have such ideas. What can be compared with her mentally is only Bai choufei. Shangguan has no such childlike brother, but Hua YUEWU knows that even if it is crazy like Bai choufei, it is not Maybe I'm really in love with myself!

They are a group of proud men, in their eyes, women will always be a vassal, they choose women's standard is to be able to bring help to their career, if not, it is only a plaything!

This is Huayue's intuition and her talent. She believes in her own vision!

However, the appearance of Ye Xiao gave her a different feeling. Although she had only met several times, she understood that he was a real man, a man who could give any woman safety with determination!

He is not as gentle and gloomy as Shangguan Wudao. He doesn't want to be arrogant and gloomy like Bai choufei. He doesn't want Han Jianyu to look evil and evil!

He has some lust, that's the nature of all men!

He has some shameless, shameless people in this world simply can not survive!

He looks modest and low-key, but actually he is extremely arrogant, crazy to the bone, proud to the soul, even if the white worry fly is not as good as him!

Hua YUEWU believes that Bai choufei can compromise because of interests like some things, but he will never, once he identifies things, even if the sky falls down, he will not compromise!

This is also the most different place from everyone!

The most important point is that he attached great importance to love and righteousness. He put it into practice with his own actions!

On Hua Xiaodie's birthday, she was worried that ye Xiao would ask her out. But when ye Xiao didn't ask her out at last, she felt a little disappointed. Until she finally learned from Yi Guyun that he had been seriously injured that day, and nearly put his life in for her brother, she was relieved, and even deeply moved!

In today's society, for the sake of interests, father and son become enemies, brothers fratricidal things happen constantly, but for the sake of brothers, how many people do not even want life?

Flower Moon Charm is a woman, maybe she can't understand the brotherly feelings between Ye Xiao and ye yubai, but she is still moved by the feelings beyond life and death!

Hua YUEWU doesn't know what feelings she has with Ye Xiao, but when she wants to find a boyfriend to block her roommate's words, the first person she thinks of is Ye Xiao!

So she asked him out!

So, she really became his woman!

Perhaps, he will have other women in the future, perhaps, that number is more than one, but Flower Moon Charm did not regret, did not regret what happened last night!

Is it true that men and women are equal?

Many men in their 30s and 40s still can't find a woman, but some men have to change a woman every day. Men suffer, women suffer too!

A lot of things, Flower Moon Charm see very clearly, with her own conditions, can marry into a rich family, but she knows that life is not what she wants!

She doesn't want to live with someone she doesn't like all her life!

Now that she has such a relationship with Ye Xiao, she also shows her own mentality. She is already his woman. She will not fight with other women for anything. She just wants to be a woman who supports him silently behind him!

Yes, be the woman behind him

With Ye Xiao's ability, there are no fewer women around him, and every woman is not simple. Whether it is Tan Xiaoxiao, or Yigu Yun, or his fiancee situ Haoyue, the family background of these women is not comparable to that of himself!

If you blindly occupy Ye Xiao, ye Xiao will only fall into a dilemma. He is not a man of unfeeling feelings. He can not ignore his own feelings, but in that case, he will only fall into endless pain!

If because of their own reasons, so that other women hate him, then for his future is a huge blow!Flower Moon Charm is a woman, so she understands women!

Women love a man can do anything for him, but once a woman loves a man, then she can do all she can to deal with this man!

You can't give him too much help, so reduce the obstacles to him!

At this moment, the understanding Flower Moon Charm has put her position

Ye Xiao didn't know what Hua YUEWU was thinking about after he left. He walked out of the room and asked the waiter if there was a lady's clothing store nearby. Finally, he found out that there was a lady's clothing store on the opposite side of the room, and immediately ran over!

Ye Xiao doesn't know much about women's clothes, or he doesn't care much about wearing them. All the clothes he wears are customized by the old man. Later, when she comes to Jinghai, she takes care of all the things on her clothes. Now it's painful to buy clothes for people!

At the thought of his rudeness last night, he is just a burst of regret

But anyway, if you tear someone else's clothes, you have to pay for it, right?

Thick skinned into that clothing store, fortunately, the beautiful shopping guide took him as a man who bought clothes for his girlfriend and received him politely!

The coat was better. Ye Xiao quickly chose a white casual dress, but about underwear

How can you open your mouth? Does the other person think he is a pervert?

However, thinking of waiting for him in the hotel, ye Xiao still plucked up the courage and said to the beautiful lady with good temperament: "Miss, do you have underwear for sale here?"

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