There was a low voice of discussion around him. No one was optimistic about Bai choufei. In their opinion, even those old guys who have been steeped in gambling for decades are not rivals of the king of gamblers, let alone such a young man in his twenties? This guy just didn't know what their bets were. He had to let hollyfield wait in person!

Is not the young man who has been looking for such a young man to challenge his father? However, he became the leader of the Chinese gang at such a young age, which was beyond his expectation. This girl was the youngest girl of hollyfield, Lisa hollyfield!

"Mr. White, what are we gambling on? Texas Hold 'Em? Dice? Or your mahjong of China? " When he saw Bai choufei sitting on the opposite side, his eyes brightened. It was the first time that he saw Bai choufei. He was also convinced by his bearing. Under the pressure made by himself, he did not have any fear. He sat down so magnanimous. At such an age, he had such bearing and was worthy of being the helmsman of the Chinese gang.

"Don't you think it's too vulgar to gamble?" Bai Chou Fei shook his head and said softly.

"Ha ha, what does Mr. Bai think is good for gambling?" Holifeld is interested in seeing Bai choufei. As a king of gamblers, he is not only proficient in gambling, but in his opinion, everything in the world can be gambled.

"Let's have a win-win game, shall we?" Bai Chou Fei said with a smile.

"Well, it's up to Mr. White to decide." Holyfield nodded. He didn't care what the other side played. He believed that it was himself who won in the end!

"Don't you want one of my arms to worship your son? Then we'll bet who cut off my arm, you or me... " Bai Chou Fei points to his left hand and smiles.

On hearing what he said about the gambling method, the people present took a breath at the same time. This guy really dares to gamble. How could he use such a gambling method? Play with one of your hands? No matter whether he wins or loses, his arm is useless. How dare he gamble like this?

Lisa is also stunned, looking at Bai choufei not far away, looking at this is not handsome, but temperament calm man, she never thought, there are such ideas in the world.

Holyfield also looked at Bai choufei in surprise. He really didn't expect that Bai choufei would give him such a problem. No matter what choice he made, he would lose. Only because he had already said that everything was decided by him, and he had set the topic, two choices, he was still himself? But no matter how you choose, it's up to him.

Unless I don't want his arm, I will lose

"Mr. White, you won!" After a moment's meditation, Holyfield began to admit defeat.

Everyone at the scene took a breath at the same time. A generation of King gambler, holifeld, who has been around for decades, even announced that he had lost. His first failure unexpectedly came so suddenly? Even a lot of people didn't understand what happened, so they lost?

Lisa also looked at her father in horror, so she gave up? Is this how the myth of the king of gamblers is broken? The father who was like a God in his mind was easily pulled down from the altar?

How could his father lose?

Thinking of her father's and Bai choufei's bets, Lisa knows that her father really has no choice but to admit defeat. If he says that he cuts down, then Bai choufei will immediately cut off his arm. If Bai choufei cuts it himself, then Bai choufei doesn't move, it means he doesn't cut it. Then the gamble is not finished. It's an unfinished gamble Is a kind of failure, it is better to simply admit defeat.

Thinking of this, Lisa looked at the man in white in horror. She had never thought that this man would win his father so easily.

"Thank you..." Bai choufei stood up from his seat, and with one hand, a sword had already appeared in his right hand. In front of the crowd, he made a knife to his left arm. The sharp blade directly cut off his left arm under his great power, and the bloody left arm fell on the gambling table.

"I hope this arm can express our debt, and I hope you can abide by our bets." After seeing hollyfield, Bai choufei turned around and left, leaving a gaping crowd.

My God, the chopper was his own hand. He said that he would chop as soon as possible, which was not ambiguous at all? Look at his expression, even did not frown, this is what terrible willpower?

Seeing the bloody arm, seeing the back of Bai Chou flying away step by step, everyone felt an inexplicable chill sweeping his whole heart.

Lisa is also staring at Bai choufei's back. She never thought that a person could be so cruel to herself? Can you be so cruel to yourself? Cut off one of your arms, it's like cutting a few hair as easy? Is this still human?

I don't know why, just now the disdain for Bai Chou Fei has disappeared and replaced by full of admiration. Such a man is the real man. How can such a man be the murderer behind his big brother?Holyfield didn't expect that Bai choufei was so straightforward that he cut off his arm in this way. Moreover, judging from the speed and strength of his knife, he was definitely a top-level strong man. Such a strong man just cut off his left arm? What kind of a blow will this have on his strength? How could such a man be the murderer who killed his son?

But if it wasn't him, who would it be? Are they the forces that have recently sprung up in those two cities? They've been targeting San Francisco, and who are they?

Holifeld suddenly felt that the water in M country was getting muddy.

"Tell me to go down and no one will hurt him until he leaves Las Vegas!" After a brief absence, hollifeld whispered to his daughter.

"I see, father!" Lisa answered softly and left quickly.

Seeing the back of his daughter's leaving, holifeld sighed softly. All he can do is to do. As for what kind of trouble he will encounter after Leaving Las Vegas, it is not Holyfield's control.

He is a god of gamblers, but he is not a real God after all. In the face of the surging forces, it is good for him to protect himself. Although he admires Bai choufei very much, and basically believes that he did not murder his son, it does not mean that holifeld will sink the whole hollyfield family for a complete stranger.

Bai choufei goes straight out of the Holyfield casino. Hong Xiaolong has been waiting for him. Seeing Bai choufei with only one hand left, Hong Xiaolong's face changes greatly. He quickly takes out the toolbox from the trunk and gets into the car.

"White boss, did we lose?" Hong Xiaolong asked while dressing the wound for Bai choufei's hemostatic forehead. According to his bet with Holyfield, he would cut off his arm after losing.

"No, we won But the real gambling is just beginning... " White Chou Fei's face, showing a smile, that smile is so profound

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