The black Cadillac is driving on a long road, which is different from the heavy traffic in China. For the huge country m, as long as it is not a big city, there are not too many vehicles on the general road, let alone the road across the two states, romet Town, which is a small town on the border of Nevada. The population of this small town is no more than 1000, except for some Apart from the tourists of death valley, few people drive this road by themselves on weekdays. But today is not the weekend, so there are very few people on this road.

The long road, the lonely black car, together with the word "white dress" on the car, all of these combined into a bleak black and white picture. When the black car drove into the mountains and came to the valley of death, a faint smile appeared in the corner of Bai Chou's mouth. It was only because the road ahead was blocked by a thick tree. Several people seemed to see it It is the road officials who are trying to move the trees away. However, it is very difficult to move such a big tree without a crane. The car can't drive through. As can be seen from the three or four private cars in front, there is a truck full of goods parked on the roadside, which is also blocked by such a tree.

Looking at this is obviously a man-made scene, Bai Chou's sarcastic smile becomes stronger and stronger.

Like other drivers, Bai choufei stopped by the side of the road, but his eyes swept over the faces of those people. He wanted to make sure that these people were all sent by the black hand behind the scenes, or only a part of them, or the people sent by the black hand did not appear at all?

At a glance, in addition to those road officials, other people's faces are anxious, anxious, there are a lot of depression, such a big tree, how to say it fell down? These road officials, too, don't they get a crane when there are such big roadblocks? How many people can lift this tree pole?

Finally, a black Ford couldn't wait any longer. He yelled at the road officials, turned around and left. From the beginning to the end, he didn't look at Bai choufei. It seemed that he couldn't wait to leave.

More than ten minutes later, the door of a red Chevrolet opened, and the car stopped in front of Bai choufei, so Bai choufei could clearly see a woman in extremely sexy clothes coming down.

The woman's feet are a pair of red high-heeled shoes, a short leather skirt on her thigh, and her upper body is wearing a leather coat, the zipper of the leather garment is open, revealing the red vest inside.

with a huge cigar in her hand, she came to the car in front of the white worry car step by step. She stretched out her palm covered with nail polish, and gently knocked on the window of the white worry fly.

"Something?" Bai Chou Fei looked at the plump woman and said, but he didn't mean to roll down the window.

"Handsome boy, can I borrow some exergy? The cigarette lighter in the car is broken Seeing that Bai choufei didn't even drop down the window because of her active chat up, the woman's face showed a look of indignation, as if she was not attracted by her charm.

"I'm sorry, I don't have a fire..." Bai choufei said as he took out a lighter and lit a cigarette for himself. He took a pleasant puff, but he did not intend to shake down the window.

Sexy woman immediately angry, this son of a bitch, also said that he has no fire, no fire, what smoke do you light?

"Honey, this little son of a bitch teases me!" The woman suddenly yelled at the old Ford.

Then the door of the co driver's seat opened, and a giant man, who was more than two meters tall, walked down like this. He grabbed a hammer in the car and went directly to Bai choufei's car. In a very fierce voice, he said, "son of a bitch, you dare to tease my wife. It's a man. Come down to me!"

Where does Bai Chou Fei deal with him? He just smokes his own cigarette with his finger bone.

"Looking for death!" The huge man roared, suddenly grabbed the hammer, and hit the window glass of Bai Chou Fei.

"Bang..." A huge bang, hammer heavy hit on the front window glass, the car window glass after modification suddenly appeared a spider web like cracks, white worry fly's eyes instantly narrowed up.

"Oh, no wonder it's so arrogant. It turned out to be bulletproof glass, but it's your bad luck to meet me today, Katie..." Seeing that his hammer didn't smash the window glass, the giant man showed a sarcastic smile and twisted the hammer again. At that moment, Bai choufei suddenly kicked the door open, and the woman stood in front of the door. How could he think that Bai choufei opened the door so fast that he fell backward and fell to the ground

Bai choufei has jumped out of the car and turned his hand. A black desert eagle has appeared on the only right hand. It is a shot at the woman who falls on the ground.

The woman is frightened and does not care to show off her coquettishness. She rolls over. Before Bai choufei shoots, she has completely avoided it. However, she does not hear any gunshot. Instead, it is a crackle. Looking back, she can see that the desert eagle in Bai choufei's hand pops up a simulated green insect

The woman's face suddenly changed"Hehe, since we have reached this point, what can be hidden? Let's all come out... " Bai Chou Fei put up the desert eagle in his hand and looked at the sexy woman who had climbed up from the ground and said with a faint smile.

The woman put away the look of panic on her face, and the man also put away his indignation, so he came over with a hammer, while other cars, including the truck driver and the road officials, all looked at this side and surrounded Bai choufei in the center one by one.

"You already know that?"

"How can I not know such a great event when all the eight chief justices of the Vatican tribunal have arrived?" Bai Chou Fei smiles faintly. Together with those road officials, there are seven people on the scene. In addition to the car that left before, it is just eight people.

On hearing that Bai choufei called out the eight chief judges, their faces changed at the same time. Apparently, they didn't expect Bai choufei not only expected that they would intercept him here, but also know their identity?

They have just arrived in M country.

Seeing the change of people's faces, Bai choufei was just guessing, but now he is fully sure that the black hand behind the scene is really the Kevin St. Peter mentioned in the enchanting mouth. What he didn't expect was that, as the youngest Cardinal of the Vatican, he would support some gangsters.

"Now that you are here, Archbishop Kevin should be here, too. Isn't Archbishop Kevin unwilling to show up before I die?" Bai choufei has no fear or surprise on his face. He has unprecedented calmness and calmness, and his eyes also fall on the carriage of the truck

With the fall of his voice, the truck compartment "click" split, and then an extremely luxury car appeared in front of Bai choufei, and the door also opened at this time

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