Just less than five kilometers away from this red mountain forest, a black Cadillac quietly stops by the road. In this quiet street, there are other kinds of vehicles, but other vehicles are empty. Obviously, the owner has gone to do his own business, but there are four people in this Cadillac.

In the driver's seat is a tough man with red hair. His name is karifenand. He is a capable man brought out of the blue mountain prison by kamisi. In the blue mountain prison, his combat effectiveness can be ranked in the top 10, which is the real top 10, not the top 10 in the fighting competition with ah San and others.

Lanshan prison, as the heaviest prison in country m, is full of crouching tigers, hidden dragons. Even the experts in the divine realm are not without them. However, these people are quite low-key and never expose their identities.

Karifenand was one of them. He was the adopted son of the largest drug lord in South America, but he was finally arrested by the Federal Bureau of investigation of M. that war was also the most brilliant war of karifenand. In order to arrest him, the Bureau of investigation sent three special action teams, but the last three groups were totally destroyed. If it had not been for a certain garrison in the White House, Cary fernander has fled with ease.

After being arrested in the blue mountain prison, karifenand was sentenced to imprisonment for 783 years and could not be released on bail for life. At that time, he knew that it was impossible to leave blue mountain prison through normal ways. It was undoubtedly a fool's dream talk if he wanted to reduce his sentence of more than 700 years.

Prison break is the only way he can think of. However, for blue mountain prison, which has many political prisoners, it is more difficult to escape than to ascend to heaven. However, karifenand is patient. In order not to attract the attention of the prison guards, he only showed his general fighting power in the three years since he entered the prison, because of his fighting power, he was liked by camisi, In order to escape from the prison, at least, Carmichael is a common one in the eyes of ordinary ant, but he has been fighting for the ordinary name of Fermi.

However, it was not only the news that he was taken away by the beautiful Missy when he saw the woman who escaped from the prison. However, it was not only the news that he was taken away by the beautiful Missy when he saw her escape from prison The greed flashed in Hou's eyes, but he never had any greed. It was only because the woman was able to bring out the felons like them. It was enough to show the strength behind her. It was definitely not the power that carifenand could provoke.

At that time, karifenand only wanted to find a chance to leave kamisi and return to South America. Although the adoptive father force was completely destroyed, could he not make a comeback with his own ability?

Cary fernander has such self-confidence. Unfortunately, before he gets a chance to leave, the woman finds him alone and punches him

Yes, thinking of the blow that the beautiful and shameless woman attacked at that time, karifenand felt a burst of despair. He never thought that such a weak woman would have such terrible personal strength. At that moment, he already knew that his strength had fallen into the eyes of the other party, and from that moment on, he became her most loyal Followers.

His identity is still a thug beside carmisi, or he is still staying in the doomsday meeting in Los Angeles. If it doesn't happen last night, he may have already attacked San Francisco with kamisi. However, the two women kamisi captured from the street and camisi magically left the place where camisi lived.

This is absolutely unusual for kamisi, who is cautious by nature. At the first moment, he told the lady about the abnormality, and then

Now, all of them are arranged by themselves

Next to him was an old man in the East with gray hair. The old man had a gloomy face. However, Cary Fernand felt a terrible pressure from him. It was a kind of pressure that was not weaker than the pressure given by the woman. He was shocked. He did not understand what kind of disputes he was involved in The top one even appeared one by one. At this moment, he even hoped that he was still in prison. At least, no one could threaten his life. However, here, he felt like a mole ant, which could be crushed at any time.

But he understood that he had no way out.

Not only the gray haired old man said that the whole body of the man sitting behind him was covered in a black robe. Up to now, he did not know what kind of figure he looked like. What's more, it gave him a suffocating oppression. With such a top-notch strong man around him, he had no choice at all.

At this time, a huge roar was heard in the nearby redwood forest. It was the sound of bomb explosion. Karifenand knew that his guess last night was correct. Kamisi was really hijacked and threatened. Such an explosion has vowed to all of you that this is a trap, a trap waiting for them to jump into, but the opponent Who, in the end, dares to attack people with such terrible strength?However, although the opponent was terrible, what was really terrible was the handsome man with the same face sitting behind him. Mrs. Roland repeatedly told the man to give full support.

The target of the opponent is him, but what kind of expression will they have when they find that the one who appears on the scene is just a double?

Cary Fernand had some expectations. The original unease quickly dissipated and replaced by excitement. Yes, it was the excitement that had not appeared for a long time. Being able to participate in such a heavy hunting activity, his blood began to boil gradually.

"Master Kevin, it seems that the opponent has already started!" Cary Fernand licked his lips and said to Kevin St. Peter behind him.

"Uncle Lampert, do we need to wait any longer?" Kevin opened his closed eyes and did not pay attention to Cary Fernand's words. Instead, he said to the man sitting beside him, covered in black robes. In his manner, he was respectful enough to make the holy Saint Peter, the youngest Cardinal of the Vatican, admire from his heart. There are only two people in the world. One is the Pope of the Vatican, Kay St. Peter III, the father of Saint Peter, and the other is the first master of the Vatican who has been in charge of the judgment office for 30 years!

Hear Kevin St. Peter's words, Bourbon But if he hears that Apollo's eyes are blue, it seems that there is only one bright voice in Michael's car, and then he feels that there is only one light in his eyes What expression would you have if you knew that the top ten patrons were pouring out

Kevin sitting next to him and Apollo in the co pilot's seat laughed at the sound

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