The blonde figure ten meters away is just the first prey in his hand. The corner of Calvin's mouth shows a cold smile

Just as Carvin was about to start, a cold chill suddenly came from the side. Caliven's face changed, and his body made an instinctive reaction. It rolled and flashed to one side. Then a bullet shot at the position where he was standing. If he didn't dodge, the bullet would pass through his forehead.

Carvin was in a cold sweat, and there was another shooter here? Or does the woman have no idea when she's on her left?

Looking back, it was empty, but the woman who ran in front of her suddenly turned around and pulled the trigger continuously.

Carvin's heart trembled and he lost his shot. He could only use all his strength to avoid the bullet.

As one of the darkest organizations in the Holy See, as a qualified judge, Calvin's strength has already stepped into the divine realm. Although there is still a certain distance from the supreme realm, his skill is also approaching a certain level. In the face of the three bullets coming from the direct direction, although it is very difficult for him to avoid, he still evades the danger. He has already avoided Behind a tree, the woman named sharna would never shoot again at this time.

However, on his left side, where the bullet had just been fired, there was a gunshot again. Carvin, who had just stood still, did not care about the danger that might be exposed. He turned backward and jumped back directly to avoid several bullets. Under such circumstances, he could still avoid such shooting. It must be said that Carvin is worthy of being one of the justices of the Vatican.

However, his good luck was over. His body had not completely fallen on the ground, and a sharp sword light had pierced through his back. Even if Carvin felt the chill, his body could not dodge. He could only lean on his side in the air, and the fatal sword passed his shoulder, leaving a long wound on his shoulder.

At this time, his body was exposed to Sarna's eyes because of avoiding bullets. The woman with unique shooting skills pulled the trigger without hesitation. Three bullets completely blocked all his retreats. The gunfire on his left continued to ring, and there were three bullets. His whole person was completely wrapped by bullets.

Carvin's eyes are full of despair, he did not think that the other side is not only salna alone, but also another sharpshooter. More importantly, there is a good hand in close combat.

As soon as the bullet shot into his body, Carvin only had time to look back and see a beautiful oriental woman holding a thin sword. On his left, a charming woman in a silver combat uniform also came out.

Women, all women

This is his last thought, six bullets mercilessly shot into his body, jumped out of three blood flowers, and he also completely lost his life.

Sharna and Peng Yingshi, including Shao Bingyan holding a thin sword, look at each other, and they all run to the jungle at the same time. In order to strike the thunder, ye Xiao has invited all the high-end combat power that can be condensed in their hands. This is a desperate fight.

As for the other chief judge, he was shot by sarogas who suddenly appeared when he was chasing Ye Cang wolf. At this time, ye Xiao and Zimo jointly killed he Shiya. It was only a short time. The Vatican had lost a patron saint and three chief judges, but ye Xiao and his party did not hurt any one.

Even though the Holy See has not found out Ye Xiao's real strength, shangguanfei, who has been preparing to cooperate with Kevin, has never appeared.

Under the escort of the last referee, Kevin's stand in quickly fled to the outside, and soon ran out of the jungle. Just as they were about to jump into a car, there was a roar of gunfire in the void. The referee was almost a tiger pounce and knocked Kevin to the ground.

After the sniper shot, there was no long shot.

However, the two men did not dare to make any changes. Their task was to lure them. However, ye Xiao and Zimo did not come out, or did not chase them out. This made them very frustrated. The battle behind them was in full swing. No one knew what was going on?

Without the order of Archbishop Kevin, they dare not leave here without authorization. What should we do?

No one told them that when the gunshot rang out, the eyes of aorus, the God of sniping, who had been lurking nearby, lit up. The guy still came. The last time he let him run, which was a great shame to himself, and he could not escape this time.

The body turned over, had jumped up a tree trunk, and then aimed at a hillside thousands of meters away, and the sniper was behind that slope.

It's a good sniper location with a wide field of vision. It's suitable for sniping and retreating.

Just a roll, you can roll to one side of the ditch, very good opponent, but it is only very good, so many years, he has been very difficult to meet such a master.Aorus quickly climbed the tree. Almost to the top of the tree, he stepped on a slightly stronger tree trunk. Then he looked in the direction he had guessed. Sure enough, a sniper gun was lying there, and he could see a finger on the butt of the gun. He seemed to be waiting, although he had moved more than ten meters from the position where he had just shot However, from the height of aorus now, it is within his shooting range, but now the key points of that guy are all hidden behind the hillside, so it is difficult to show his face. This makes aorus very depressed.

"Get up and run at six o'clock!" Aorus said into the microphone.

On the other side, hearing the voice of aorus, Kevin and the judge's face changed. However, they did not hesitate. Suddenly, they stepped back and ran towards the direction of six o'clock according to the order of aorus. Since they were destined to be bait, they should have the consciousness of sacrifice. As a member of the Vatican, they were never afraid of sacrifice.

Seeing their bodies jump like cheetahs, the sniper in the distance really moved. He poked out half of his head, and aorus's mouth also showed a cold smile. Half a head was enough. Without any hesitation, aorus pulled the trigger.

"Bang..." At the sound of a gunshot, Kevin and the judge in charge of luring the enemy were in a cold sweat. However, when they heard that the sound was not from the direction they had just heard, they were relieved. However, in the distance, the half head that emerged burst out a cloud of sawdust. Yes, it was a group of sawdust. Aorus clearly saw everything there from the sight.


This thought flashed in aorus's mind, and then his body jumped down from the tree pole without hesitation. Almost at the moment of his jump, five meters away from his target, an indifferent man stood up with a sniper gun in his head, and a bullet shot out

He almost wiped aorus's scalp. He even calculated the route of his own jump. If he didn't jump off in advance, he would have

At the thought of this, aoros vest is a cold sweat, but in his eyes, it is burning with a strong sense of war, very good opponent, really not good

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