Europe, Rome, an ancient city that has been handed down for thousands of years, is now the most prosperous city in Italy. As the capital of Italy, it is the political, economic, cultural and transportation center of Italy. Rome is also the nearest city to the Vatican. It only takes a few minutes to take the subway.

At this time, on the roof of a modern building in the northwest corner of Rome City, a man with an oriental face was standing quietly on the roof of the roof, looking at the Vatican City several kilometers away, and the tiny city like pearls. A faint smile appeared on the corner of the man's mouth.

This man is no one else. He should join hands with Kevin in M to deal with Ye Xiao's Shangguan Fei. No one knows that when Kevin and others attack Ye Xiao with all their strength, he has already appeared in Rome, Italy, the nearest distance from the Holy See!

"You say, if that ancient city disappears from the world overnight, what kind of shock will it cause tomorrow?" Pointing to the front, Shangguan Fei murmured, as if to himself, and as if to others.

"It may directly lead to the third world war!" At this time, a man with the same Chinese accent said faintly. With the sound of the voice, a man in black came out. It was a rainy day that should have presided over the overall situation in Africa. No one knows when the two men came together.

"Ha ha, it's not in our interest!" Shangguan shook his head and said casually.

"So..." On rainy days, the corners of my mouth laughed.

"So, we only need a secret army to do it secretly!" Shangguanfei laughed more brightly.

"Oh, St. Peter is so clever that I don't expect to die. Four of the ten most powerful patrons of the Vatican have joined the dark Council." The rainy day sighed softly. He knew that after tonight, the high-end members of the Holy See would disappear from the world, and from now on, the Holy See will be almost dead in name.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that St. Peter's determination to kill Ye Xiao was so strong that he sent all the ten guardians out, leaving us with an empty city plan. In this case, I will do as he wishes." Shangguan Fei said with a smile.

"Has that come over there?" The rainy day is also a sigh, who did not expect that the world will turn down.

"Well, all but four of us, including Kevin, are dead! The strength of Ye Xiao's side didn't hurt a person, but only consumed some ammunition! " Shangguan Fei sighed softly.

"What?" Rao knew that the Vatican's action was bound to fail, but on rainy days, he did not expect that the Vatican would be defeated so thoroughly?

"Surprised? I'm also surprised that ye Xiao's mind and strength are beyond our estimation. We underestimate him again, but now it's OK. Without the involvement of the Holy See, the TIANYAO gate keeper is our last enemy. On rainy days, I'm sorry for the mistakes made by the waste, but we are all Chinese people after all. I hope you can cooperate with me sincerely and win the next day together Yaomen, build our own world Shangguan Fei said sincerely.

"Don't worry. You killed Shangguan Wudao and avenged waltz. You are my benefactor. My life is yours!" Rainy day is also a serious nod.

"Ha ha, I don't want your life. Now, it's time for us to compete with tianyaomen!" Shangguan Fei slightly shook his head, once again his face bloomed a faint smile, that smile is so beautiful.

"Well!" Rainy day is also a light nod.

At this time, several kilometers away in the Vatican City, a very strong team appeared, and a bloody massacre that shocked the underground world began.

The next day, for ordinary people, peace day was no big difference, but for people in the underground world, it was a sensation.

Just last night, St. Peter's Cathedral was attacked by a group of unidentified people. St. Peter's Cathedral was almost washed in blood. The order of the guard Knights of the Holy See also suffered heavy losses. His Majesty's life and death were unknown. His personal seal was also missing.

The dark Council has started. This is the thought of all members of the underground world. But no one has ever thought that the dark Council will be so thunderous when it moves its hand? Only one night, the Vatican, which had the upper hand, was completely pulled down.

Of course, such news is strictly blocked, and no one wants to cause turmoil in the whole world. Those billions of believers are not joking.

Several cardinals of the European diocese rushed to the Vatican at the first time. The cardinal of the Roman church was the closest to the Vatican. He was also the first member of the Vatican to rush into the church with the police. At the first time, the Archbishop named micahou took control of the chaotic Vatican, and a fight for the papacy began.

In addition, the news of the attack on tianyaomen by the top ten patrons of the Vatican, including Buben lampat, the master of the Holy See, was not known from any channel. After six deaths and injuries, ye Xiao, the leader of TIANYAO, had a very high reputation, and the reputation of tianyaomen was rapidly expanding.Now, as long as the people in the underground world are no longer shocked by the terror of tianyaomen, does this organization, which has only been established for a few years, have the strength to challenge the Holy See?

Such two battles have already caused earthquakes in the whole underground world. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the dark Council and tianyaomen began to fight for territory. As for the internal part of the Holy See, because of the disappearance of the Pope, it was also a mess.

It's just that the body of the Pope has not been found. No one thinks that the Pope is still alive in such a fierce battle.

In order to compete for the position of Pope, several Cardinals also tried to win over the loyalty of other dioceses and magistrates in the Vatican. However, they lost their high-end combat effectiveness. In such a struggle for power and profits, the Vatican can not form a fighting force in a short time, at least for those in the underground world, the Vatican is one The paper tiger, whose teeth have been pulled out, is nothing to worry about. However, everyone's eyes are on the dark Council and tianyaomen. No one expected that the dark Council, which had been broken apart a while ago, would revive in such a short period of time, let alone that the hidden forces of the dark Council were so huge.

While all the eyes of the underground world are focused on Ye Xiao and the mysterious new Pope of the dark parliament, ye Xiao, one of our protagonists, has returned to China.

Bai choufei has already appeared. Originally, he intended to take advantage of such an opportunity to fight the Gu Roland family and establish the position of the overlord of the Charles family. However, a phone call from Susanna made him give up the original plan and return to China. Zimo returned to China for the first time in order not to cause misunderstanding from other governments.

As soon as she got off the plane, ye Xiao said goodbye to Zimo and rushed to Suzanna's orphanage with Sarna and arrogas, AWU, Kanu and others. As soon as she arrived at the orphanage, she was invited to the place where Susanna prayed, and asked arrogas and others to wait outside the door. Ye Xiao pushed the door of the room and went in alone. When she saw the man in the room, she said goodbye to Zimo At that time, Rao had already known the whole story from Susanna's mouth. Ye Xiao was still shocked

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