The glass of frozen enchantress was completely smashed. The broken glass directly pierced Scott's face, and a large amount of bright red blood flowed out. His head also bounced off after hitting the tea table. Just now, his handsome face has become dilapidated, as if he had been cut several times with a knife, but it looks like someone else has done it with a knife There's no big difference in the number of cuts.

Scott was completely stunned by the sudden blow. It all came so fast that his bodyguards didn't even have time to react.

When the scream sounded, several bodyguards quickly rushed over, but their bodies were not close. Ye Xiao had already grabbed the glass with only one glass foot and inserted it into Scott's left eye.

"Poof..." With no emotion, Scott's eyes burst out in an instant, and the bright red blood sprayed everywhere. All the people present were stunned. Even some bodyguards who wanted to go forward were bluffed by Ye Xiao's fierce move. Is this guy still a human? Even if there is any contradiction, beating it once, where can you pierce other people's eyeballs directly?

Is that too much?

However, what surprised them even more was that ye Xiao, who had just broken Scott's left eye, once again pressed his head against his head and made a close contact with the coffee table. The whole glass was completely inserted into Scott's eyes, and the glass bottom which had not been completely broken was also completely broken.

Such a bloody scene once again shocked all the people on the scene, and Scott closed his mouth like a dead dog. He even cried in pain and forgot that he was so big. When did he see such a fool?

However, he did not call, which does not mean that other people did not call. With the spatter of blood, several beauties of ice cream shop 2 immediately screamed. Some of them are ladies, some are beautiful young women, and some are independent white-collar women. Those who can appear in this street are undoubtedly not people in the upper class. When have you seen such a bloody scene They all screamed out and fled toward the palace store.

After all, this is emmanuet II promenade, which is the most famous shopping center in the world. With the screams of these women, a team of patrol police dressed in full momentum almost arrived at the first time. Since so many years after World War II, no one dares to roam in the corridor of emmanuet II?

But when they arrived, what they saw was a scene of incomparable blood. Poor Scott had been thrown on the ground like a dead dog, while a man who was obviously an oriental was stepping on his head, making several people who were obviously bodyguards throw a mousetrap.

"Officer, I report the case, this guy hit me..." Without waiting for the police to yell, ye Xiao suddenly pointed to Scott on the ground, almost howling, with an excited look on his face. The feeling was like a chin who had been bullied in the city and was finally aroused to be bloody.

Several dragon riding policemen, including Scott's bodyguard, even stand beside Ye Xiao, who is so beautiful and enchanting that they turn their eyes at the same time, and they beat you? Nima's, you've beaten people like that. How do you mean they beat you?

"By the way, sir, these are his accomplices. You should arrest them quickly They are all bad people... " Not waiting for the police to come back to their senses, ye Xiao suddenly pointed to several bodyguards in front of him and said wrongly. If it wasn't that there was a bloody man on his feet, these policemen might have believed it.

Just watch him step on Scott's face and see Scott with broken glass in his eyes. Who is the bad guy? You're the only one to report?

"Calm down, sir. Calm down, we..." Seeing ye Xiao's emotional appearance, it seems that he is afraid that he will do something drastic. Several policemen want to persuade Ye Xiao to release the person first, but before he finishes speaking, he is interrupted by Ye Xiao.

"Officer, what are you doing? Don't you believe me? They are all real bad guys. Why don't you arrest them? Oh, I know. You are a group. You want to play cactus dance with me, a pure and kind person? I tell you, although I'm not a local, I have a lot to do here. Oh, I know the cardinal of Milan Cathedral. Can you bully me Ye Xiao looks distrustful, and the enchanting one side has already laughed to be about to cramp, immortal jump? Do these guys know what cactus means?

Still pure and kind? If you are really pure and kind, there will be no evil people in the world.

Those police and bodyguards are all depressed, pure and kind? Nima's eyes have been pierced, which is called pure and kind?

"I..." A policeman who took the lead has been completely infuriated by Ye Xiao's words. He can see that if this guy has no brain problems, he must have nervous problems.

He suddenly turned his head and looked at the woman beside him. He said, "honey, they don't seem to believe me. How can I, a pure and kind man, do you think I can smash people's heads on tea tables and prick their eyeballs?"? Why don't you explain it to them? "Ye Xiao said innocently on his face, and enchanting almost couldn't help laughing. You've all called in what you've done. How can you say it?

As for the police leader, with Ye Xiao's eyes falling on enchanting body, but the whole person is stunned there.

A long black hair tied into a ponytail tied in the back of the head, a beautiful face is full of want to smile and suppress the smile, looks like that beautiful, lacquer black eyes, thin eyebrows, long eyelashes, slightly straight nose, ruddy lips, this is simply a face of great national charm.

If you look at her figure, it's perfect. It's a golden ratio. Even the greatest sculptor in the world can't sculpt her figure in this proportion. No famous painter can draw such a wonderful figure.

With enchanting beauty, whether it is the Eastern aesthetic point of view, or the western aesthetic point of view, this is a first-class beauty ah, but how can this man with a brain problem have such beautiful goods?

The policeman's head suddenly some pause, he can't imagine, a person's beauty will be so beautiful.

"Dear police comrades, the matter is like this: my friend has just come to travel from China, and I am accompanying him to have a cold drink and have a rest here. However, this villain came directly and wanted to tease me. Who knows, one of them fell to the ground carelessly and hit the glass and broke his face. My friend looked at him pitifully, so he had to help him up. Who knows these families He was ungrateful. Instead, he said it was my friend who bullied him? Conscience of heaven and earth, how can my friend be their opponent? How can he provoke right and wrong without any reason? How can I, a weak woman, dare to attack them? " I don't know if in order to cooperate with Ye Xiao's evil taste, enchanting makes a pitiful look. Seeing her aggrieved appearance, not to mention the police, even several of Scott's bodyguards feel that they are extremely guilty.

There was a look of shame on her face, and ye Xiao was stunned. NIMA, is this woman an Oscar winner?

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