Surrounded by the Kaiser Family, ye Xiao entered the castle, and balazhan introduced all the members behind him to Ye Xiao. In addition to balazhan's eldest son, almost all the core members of the Kaiser Family had arrived. Ye Xiao naturally would not be timid. He saluted and shook hands with these people one by one. It was like a front-line leader of the country going down to the grass-roots level to understand the people Life is the same, which surprised Ye Xiao. At the same time, he also secretly raised his vigilance. The so-called "pay attention to nothing" and "either cheat or steal". Although his power is strong now, it is far from strong enough to make the Cather family afraid. With such enthusiasm, they must have something to help themselves.

If ye Xiao is busy in general, ye Xiao doesn't care. It is of great benefit for him to make friends with the Cather family. However, it is a small matter that the Kaiser Family has taken such a posture?

Although Ye Xiao is joking with Rowling in the car, he will not be a bit vague when it comes to the interests of the group behind him.

However, to Ye Xiao's surprise, from the beginning to the end, the cathers did not show any demands, and even did not discuss any interests with themselves. In addition to Mrs. Cather's strange look at her eyes, the rest was like a visit by the most ordinary friends. What they talked about and talked about were also some of the most common problems.

Until after lunch The golden sun covered the whole castle. After balazhan sent other people to leave, he and Mrs. Cather led Ye Xiao to the front of a small courtyard behind the castle. This is a place where no one is entitled to enter without the order of the owner. Even Rowling is not qualified to enter.

"Mr. Ye, please..." Cather makes a gesture of empty invitation. Ye Xiao smiles and nods. She takes the lead in the courtyard. The cathers also go in one after another, and finally stop in front of a pavilion with Chinese style.

"Mr. Ye, please have a seat..." Balazhan again made a gesture of empty invitation. Ye Xiao was not polite and sat down on the chair, while Mrs. Cather consciously walked to a house not far away, which should be to pour tea and water for ye Xiao and balazhan. Balazhan was chatting with Ye Xiao every word, just when ye Xiao could not help asking balazhan what was going on Balazhan's telephone rang suddenly.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ye, take a call!" Balazhan made an apologetic expression.

"Please..." Ye Xiao smiles and says that it doesn't matter.

Balazhan Cather got up and connected the phone, then walked to one side, and soon came to the back of the hill, and his voice became smaller and smaller, and finally gradually disappeared.

Ye Xiao, who was idle and bored, just looked around at the surrounding environment. In addition to a small villa not far away, it looked like a paradise, rockery, green water, green wood, red flowers, plus those dancing butterflies, everything looked so harmonious.

However, when Kaiser answered the phone and never returned, Mrs. Cather poured water and disappeared for a long time. This kind of peace seemed a little strange. Just as ye Xiaodu was about to lose patience, a slight sound of footsteps came over.

Ye Xiao stood up and looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a beautiful woman in a black gauze skirt with a faint spring light pushing a baby carriage to come over. Isn't this Rowling? How did the woman change into such a suit? And alone here? Did the cathers invite themselves to sell their daughter to themselves? But who is this child?

At this time, ye Xiao thought of Mrs. Cather's strange eyes, is not the mother-in-law looking at the eyes of her son-in-law?

as like as two peas, but soon, ye Xiao suddenly discovered that the woman in front of him was not Rowling. Although they were almost identical, the temperament they showed was totally different.

"Medusa?" Ye Xiao exclaimed in surprise. Although he had thought about the relationship between Medusa and Rowling, and that Medusa might be a member of the Cather family, he could not believe that it was true. The Cather family had dominated Europe for many years. As their daughter, how could she be in M country alone and never be known? Even his own data show that balahan Kaiser has only one daughter.

Ye Xiao once thought that Rowling and medusa might be one person at all, but even if one would act again and cover up again, they could not be without flaws. Judging from ye Xiao's own judgment, Medusa and Rowling could not be the same person. He believed in his own judgment and thought that the similarity between them was just a coincidence.

However, when Medusa appeared here, he had completely overturned his previous theory and confirmed his own conjecture. Although all this was too incredible, the fact was right in front of him.

"You have no conscience, you still remember my name..." Medusa turned her eyes on the spot and said in a coquettish way.

Ye Xiao had a bitter smile at that time. The woman was still so crazy that she acted as if she was a heartbreaker. However, she thought that if she had not been her, she might have died long ago, and since then, she has not taken the initiative to contact her, which is indeed a bit hard to say."I dare not forget the kindness of saving my life, but you, how can you appear here? Are you really balazhan's daughter Ye Xiao asked.

"Well..." Medusa did not hide, directly nodded, people have pushed the baby carriage to Ye Xiao.

"You and Rowling are twin sisters?" Ye Xiao asked again.

"Well I'm a sister, but she doesn't know that she has my sister yet... " Medusa continued to nod.

"Well, I admit that I was defeated. Eh, this is your child?" Ye Xiao has no words. He has thought that there must be a bigger secret behind these news.

If not for some important reasons, how could the huge Cather family conceal such a fact.

"Well, you and I are..." Medusa still smiles and nods.


Ye Xiao almost bit off his tongue. He and medusa have been missing for more than a year. For more than a year, if Medusa gets married and has her own children, she will not be surprised, but what does she say?

She said it was with her children?

How could that be possible? What didn't happen to me and her? Well, ye Xiao admitted in her heart that they were ambiguous at that time, and she had taken a lot of advantage of herself. However, it seems that she has never broken through that layer in her memory? He did not have any relationship with her, how can we give birth to this child together?

Ye Xiao wants to retort, but when his eyes fall on Medusa's serious face, when he sees that the baby carriage is very similar to himself and has black hair, but the eyes are brown eyes, the child is smiling at himself, but he can't say anything when he comes to his mouth

It seems that this child is really himself

Your own children? Nima's, he had a son out of thin air

It seems that the old man's joke is too big, isn't it? When did this woman quietly give birth to a child for herself? Ye Xiao's head, has appeared a brief blank

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