"Elder sister, I don't want to play with you like this. I bring such an expert here, and I don't introduce you first..." Civilian cave, a very ordinary massage parlor, the nose wrapped with thick gauze kasimisi looked at Medusa sitting in front of her, very discontented.

looked as like as two peas at the leaves behind the Medusa, and was full of complaints. The violent man was too damned to be punched, but his fist was really the same as the legendary one.

"Don't you say he's just a flower protector? There are so many flower protectors around me. Do you need to introduce them to you? " Medusa rolled her eyes directly and said coldly.

"OK..." Kasimisi decisively closed his mouth. He knew that, to fight, he was not Medusa's opponent, and he was not the opponent of this woman. Facing the holy daughter of the dark Council, the only thing he could do was to obey.

But is preparing to take the initiative to shake hands with Ye Xiao, Cassie mishidon is a red face, to speak a little better, called Miss trainer, said not to listen to a bit, is a pimp, and is mixed in a group of the most vulgar place.

You know, karaf was just an ordinary politician, but relying on his unique political talent, he united the loose European countries together and became the first European Union president. Under his control, European countries' resources have been fully and effectively utilized, and Europe's stagnant economy has been rapid in the few years since the establishment of the European Union Development.

However, in the third year of his succession, he died in a shooting, which shocked the world. Later, in a short period of ten years, six European union presidents were changed. Either they were seriously ill or bad news came out. In general, none of them sat in the chair for a year, until Hausmann was in Europe The position of the chairman of the league has been re elected until now.

Later, it was speculated that there was a great relationship between kalaf's death and Hausmann, but only in private.

However, karaf's only son is also amazing. When karaf was shot, his only son was only 10 years old, but he had completed his master's degree from the University of Milan and was known as a child prodigy. However, karaf seemed to disappear from the public's sight, but he did not expect to meet him here.

Holding Ye Xiaona's right hand, kasimixi rarely blushed, and said in a rather awkward way: "this is just a muddle day, a gangster day!"

"Casimisi is now an emeritus professor of psychology at Cambridge University, and a trump class driver of European underground race. He is currently the second president of Dior group, and also my contact person in Europe. Now he is in charge of all the big and small affairs in Europe. I want him to take you to some interesting activities..." After seeing the two separate hands, Medusa introduced the other identities of kasimixi for ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao is thrilled by every identity. It's not that these identities are so powerful. It's that no matter which one of them is, it's hard to connect with the guy with messy hair and scum on his face.

Professor? Car God? CEO?

Shit, is this a joke?

Until this moment, ye Xiaocai looked at kasimixi carefully. He was about the same height as himself. He should be more than 1.8 meters. His face was like a knife. His water chestnut was clear. His blue eyes were very beautiful. When he cut his hair, he was a very handsome face.

If you really dress up, you are really a beautiful man with character. No wonder those girls would rather not go to work and want to go to bed with him.

"Fun activities?" After ye Xiao understood the truth that a man can not be judged by his appearance, he naturally understood the meaning of Medusa. Although he became the patron saint of the Vatican with the help of St. Peter, although he was the Lord of tianyaomen, it was Europe after all, and the status of the Vatican was also doomed to these families. The involvement of these forces could not be too deep, at least with that Compared with the big families, they are far less profound than the dark Council.

If you want to win over the whole dark Council for retis, you have to do everything possible to reunite those big and small forces in Europe into their own hands. It is not enough to rely on the status of a Dharma protector. What we can do now is to let those families understand the benefits of cooperation with them and what they can give them.

The industry of the Gulan family is a huge cake, but this cake can not be shared by everyone. Besides, except for the Cather family because of Medusa, other forces do not know that the old Roland family owner is in danger, let alone that the distribution right of this huge cake is in their hands.

Medusa means to let those who are qualified to share this cake know this through some unique methods, so as to become the help of Ye Xiao.

Of course, radish will stick mallet is the only law to win people's hearts. In addition to giving huge benefits, ye Xiao also needs to show her own strength from time to time.

This is the biggest purpose that Medusa brought him here. Through the line of casimici, she unconsciously interweaved with various European forces, so as to strive for a greater voice.If you want to completely defeat shangguanfei and completely defeat the dark Council, you can only do it without knowing it.

If you wait for shangguanfei to react, then if you resist with the strength that he has now, the final result will only be that both sides will lose. Even if ye Xiao wins the victory, what he will get is only a incomplete dark Council. This is absolutely not what Medusa wants to see, nor what ye Xiao can accept.

Of course, it is not easy for a group of arrogant guys to admit Ye Xiao's strength.

"Well, it's a fun activity..." Cassie missa nodded for sure, but she didn't say anything.

"And you? Won't you come with us? " Ye Xiao turns her head and looks at Medusa.

"It's not yet time for others to know the real relationship between the cathers and the dark Council. I'll wait for you at the castle, if you want to come back at night!" Medusa smile, smile in unspeakable tease, and the side of kasimisi has been unable to help but swallow saliva.

If only she was waiting for herself?

Looking at Medusa's affectionate eyes, ye Xiao couldn't help swallowing her saliva. NIMA's, Goblin

Medusa took the lead in leaving this area, while kasimisi was casually combing her messy hair, so she took Ye Xiao and jumped into a tattered sports car that seemed likely to fall apart at any time and ran outside. As soon as she got on the sports car, ye Xiao knew that it was a top-notch car that had been refitted by a master. Could kasimisi take herself The first activity of is racing?

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