On the broken soul bridge, hundreds of expensive sports cars are arranged on the bridge in turn. Today's bridge deck has not shrunk, which has become the starting point of this car race. On both sides of the steel bridge, there are still a large group of young men and women, and the top five cars are raylo and others in the top ten.

In the middle is the thunderbolt of ralow. The gorgeous Aston Martin has become the focus of the scene. Its body is gorgeous and the model is smooth, which is in sharp contrast to the "flashing" on the left.

Take a look at the "Twinkle" of the Ferrari series. The body is shabby, and even the car is deformed. If such a sports car is in the hands of casimici, what do these people think? But when the driver of the two cars was an oriental man, everyone felt that the car would fall apart without waiting for the end of the race.

No one looks after this guy who doesn't even know where the gas is.

On the right side of "thunder" is the golden Bugatti. As the owner of the car, Ferdinand even took the time to lower the window glass and look at the masic Ferrari behind.

Next to Ferdinand, there is the red Lamborghini, which is named "flame". Of course, it seems that the car can jump out at any time.

On the far left track is Zhan Bu's Maserati, which is a blue Maserati, named "ice covered" by zhanbu, which has the meaning of ice speed.

After that, there are some good players in the front of the ranking, including marcic. If you step back, you will find some idle and boring players ready to compete. These players do not represent any interest groups. They are here to add some fun to the game.

Among these people, there are aristocratic ladies who are racing with the God of cars, there are also new racing players who want to prove themselves, and there are also those who are purely for entertainment.

But kasimisi, who should have appeared on the field, was leaning against the bridge, holding a cigarette in his hand, and smoking carelessly, as if this game had nothing to do with him.

Seeing kasimisi, who is not worried at all, masic has closed his eyes painfully. He knows that if he wants to win the game, he can only rely on himself, or God, and only miracles can happen.

In front of the number of cars, a very hot woman in a three-point underwear stood in the middle of the road, and everyone's attention fell on that woman.



"Three..." The voice of counting came from the woman's mouth. When she counted to three, she suddenly pulled off her underwear, and two huge white tender almost jumped out.

"Boom..." Purple "thunder" rushed out, turned into a shadow, has come to a beautiful drift, steadily ran out of the bridge, directly put other people away, the status of car God, still unshakable.

Then came the blue Maserati, then the golden Bugatti, and then the red Lamborghini. As for the "Twinkle" that should have followed "thunder", it disappeared. Until all the cars ran out of the bridge, the shabby "Twinkle" still stopped in place.

"Wow, how big..." From the car body came Ye Xiao's excited cry. Don't mention those childish brothers around. Even kasimisi also closed his eyes in pain. Is this really the Oriental dragon that awes the underground world?

Is it really the patron saint of the Vatican? If Medusa hadn't brought him here in person, he would have doubted whether he had recognized the wrong person?

"Why? Why did they all run away? Did the game begin? Why didn't you hear the beginning? " In the car came Ye Xiao's suspicions again. Many people had already laughed out loud. The eyes at kasimisi were full of mockery. This guy, where did you find this idiot? Don't you know that when a woman takes off her underwear, it's the start of the game?

"In ten minutes, the broken soul bridge will start to shrink its deck. If you can run one lap in ten minutes, you may be able to skip once less. If you continue to stop here, then You know... " Kasimixi is very helpless to introduce to Ye Xiao not far away.

"Well, so the game has begun?"

"Answer, correct!" Cassie closed her eyes in pain.

"Yes, wait for the young master to explode one by one." Ye Xiao cheered from the car. Then he saw that "Twinkle" began to accelerate. It turned out that it was a very stable speed driving towards the front. Many people were almost rolling on the ground with laughter. NIMA's, is this boy here for the race? Or do you want to travel by car? Can he catch up with the people in front of him? It's good that he can finish the first lap.

Seeing ye Xiao speeding up slowly, kasimixi also doubts his choice. Are all the information he got false? In the eyes of people's ridicule, ye Xiao's "Twinkle" has successfully opened the bridge and turned the curve.

Then I saw that two blue flames suddenly erupted behind the "Twinkle", and then "Twinkle" Shua ran out, leaving only a shadow in the blink of an eye."Mother, is he crazy? Just started the booster? Didn't he know there was a curve not far ahead? Even the road is full of curves? " A lot of people showed startled eyes, and in the distance, ye Xiao's voice was even more startled: "Wow, kasimi, you son of a bitch, why don't you tell me this is a booster?"

"Whoosh..." "Twinkle" turned another curve with a thrilling action and disappeared in front of the public. Many people made a cross on their chest at the same time. They seemed to have seen the tragic scene of "twinkling" hitting the cliff.

Is it not necessary to introduce kassi as a driver?

Although my car has been refitted, many things are not very different from ordinary cars?

He didn't even dare to think about the scene when ye Xiao opened the first stage propeller and galloped on the road with nine turns and eighteen turns.

After turning the corner, ye Xiao's hands tightly grasp the steering wheel, without any intention of slowing down. The speed on the display is getting faster and faster, one hundred five, one hundred six, one hundred seven, one hundred eight

Almost in the blink of an eye, it has already exceeded 200. At this time, there is a curve in front of him. Ye Xiao pulls the handbrake suddenly, and the car body shakes a beautiful drift. Thus, he draws a beautiful arc. The car body on the right side is almost close to the cliff. At this time, he has seen a white Porsche in the back.

Without any hesitation, stepping on the gas pedal again, the old "flashing" began to accelerate again. With a Shua, it ran past the Porsche, leaving only a tattered shadow. Even the owner of the Porsche has not fully recovered. The worn-out "flashing" has surpassed seven or eight vehicles in a row ...

When he passed more than 30 cars in a row, the people behind him did not understand what was going on. There were so many curves in this area. Even those who often played with cars did not dare to raise the speed too fast. At least, except for the top ones, no one dared to raise the speed to 200. However, the speed of the dilapidated wreck was no more than 200? Many people have been shocked

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