When Ferdinand was proud of himself, Ferrari, who was about to hit his own parking space, suddenly turned. On this narrow road, there was a 180 degree rotation. Ferdinand had not regained his mind. The strong inertia had already made Ferrari's parking space hit the back of Bugatti.

With a loud bang, the rear wing of that old Ferrari was smashed directly, and the back of Bugatti was also completely dented. After all, it was the strongest sports car in the world, but it was just dented. However, the body was bumped by such inertia, which was seen when it hit Ferdinand Denton the steering wheel The dilapidated Ferrari glided by, and in the car, the Oriental man with black hair was smiling at him. It was a sarcastic smile

When his body smoothly glides over Bugatti, ye Xiao has once again hit the steering wheel wildly, and the body is turning 180 degrees. With the smashed tail, he rushes forward at full speed. At this time, the blue "ice" and the purple "thunder" appear at the end of the road. What they have to face is a car still spinning Turn, totally out of control Bugatti Weihang

At the same time, the sound of Xiaoli's car was beyond the expectation of all the people While driving, these people know that the champion of this time must be the white Ferrari. No matter how hard the God of cars, no matter how serious chamberlain is, no matter how amazing the scene they leap, but compared with the old Ferrari, they are nothing. If there is really someone in the car industry who can really worship God, then they can only It's the Oriental man with black hair.

In front of him, everyone is just a child who is just starting to learn a car. No one can defeat him. He is the first to appear, which is the most normal thing. And kasimisi and marcic are also relieved at the same time. No matter what kind of plot Ferdinand has, when the Ferrari appears, all his plots can only be declared bankrupt.

However, it is shocking that Ferrari can be as broken as it needs to be. Although the original body looks shabby and the paint in many places has fallen off, it is known to all that it is casimisi's hobby. He deliberately refitted the car to this shape, which is in the mind of playing a pig and eating a tiger. However, the "twinkling" at this moment is really shabby The car body on the surface is a little better, but the rear part has completely changed shape and the tail wing has completely disappeared. It is said that the structure of the tail is completely destroyed, and even pieces fall down while running. More importantly, there is smoke in the back. Those boosters are completely scrapped. What's the experience on the way? A car that was still in good condition a few minutes ago really looked like it was about to be thrown into a scrap iron purchasing station.

But anyway, he finally showed up, as long as he won the race, even if the car was completely scrapped.

But just when people thought that Ferrari would go straight to the finish line, there was a thump a few hundred meters away from the finish line. It seemed to be the sound of power cylinder pulling. Then the roaring engine suddenly quieted down?

What's going on? Is there something wrong with the engine of this car?

At this time

People looked up at the distance, and then looked at the time. It took less than seven minutes and forty seconds for this lap, which was even faster than the previous one. Then Ralo and chambu should not have arrived yet. They did not know how far they had been pulled down. The distance of hundreds of meters, by virtue of the inertia of the car, even if they lost power, at such a speed, they were even slippery They can also slide to the end, and it is only a few seconds. At this time, there is no chance for Leiluo and zhanbu, even if they come. He wins. A new king of cars is born. Many people are ready to cheer. Some open women have torn off their underwear and revealed their wonderful figure. They are ready to once Ye Xiao rushes through the end So he rushed up and submerged the chariot God from the East with his own milk forest.

"Whoosh, whoosh..." In people's eyes, there is black smoke behind. It seems that the Ferrari is getting closer and closer to the end point. At this time, there are no shadows of Ralo and chambu at the end of the road, and even the sound of the motor is not heard. How far has this guy left them?

Everyone didn't dare to think about it. They just watched the Ferrari getting closer and closer.

"Hi..." When Ferrari was three meters away from the finish line, the sound of braking suddenly came from the car, and then the Ferrari, which should have slipped through the terminal, stopped in less than three meters from the end.

All the people are dumbfounded. Maxi Qi and kasimisi standing in front of the terminal are dumbfounded at the same time. They don't understand how ye Xiao suddenly stops the car. Does he have to wait for the guy behind to rush up? Even if he wants to make fun of his opponent, he should still have the engine in good condition. Now the power system of this car is completely scrapped. What should be done if the other party comes after him?Is there something wrong with Ralph and chambu that can't make it?

However, when they thought about it, there was the roar of motors in the distance, and their faces changed slightly. At this most important time, ye Xiao kicked the door open, walked out directly, took out a cigarette, and flicked it gently. The cigarette drew a beautiful arc in the air and fell steadily on his mouth, I was bitten by him, and then I felt a piece of iron from nowhere. I pulled it hard on the car body. The iron turned red instantly and lit the cigarette.

At this time, purple "thunder" and blue "ice" have appeared at the other end of the track, and the hearts of massici and kasimisi have been raised to the throat.

"Why don't you cheer? Didn't I win? " See the appearance that everybody is stunned, put poss there for half a day, but still did not hear the cheering of Ye Xiao is very puzzled to ask a way.

In order to create the present natural and unrestrained realm, just now he burned his finger with a blood bubble when he was rubbing with a piece of iron. No one cheered for such a perfect feat? I'm sorry for myself, right?

"Poof..." With a mouthful of blood, masic nearly fell to the ground. This guy thinks he has already crossed the end.

"The end is there..." Kasimisi held back a mouthful of blood, pointing to the finishing line less than three meters away from the front.

"Ah, what are you doing here?" Ye Xiao showed a surprised expression.

"Poo Hoo..." This time, kasimisi's blood spurted out directly. They are not referees. Now they are spectators. Why should they stand on the finish line? It turned out that he even regarded the place where he and others stood as the finishing line. He knew that he should have stood in front of him. But now, two sports cars, one blue and one purple, have appeared in the public's view. They are just a short distance away from the finish line

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