For ordinary people, they don't know that there is such a castle in the world. However, for the European aristocracy, it is the most famous castle. As long as they have reached a certain status, almost no one does not know the castle.

This is a castle in southwest Italy, near the Mediterranean Sea

From Milan, it took nearly three hours to get off the freeway, then turn left and right, and turn into a jungle. Finally, when he got out of the jungle, he came to the coastline. Even with Yexiao's memory, he didn't know how many detours he had turned. When he stopped his car, he turned left and right, He has been deeply shocked by the scene in front of him.

The place where he is is is a piece of grass. Looking at the neat turf, he knows that this is artificial turf. Behind him is the direction of their coming. It is a mountain covered by jungle. If it was not for the narrow path, no one would have thought that there would be such a world here.

On his left is an inland sea flowing in from the Mediterranean Sea, while on his right is a cliff hundreds of meters high. If he remembers correctly, the top of the cliff is the expressway they came to. However, the cliff is not a steep cliff, but a funnel-shaped cliff with trapezoidal shape. The steep slope makes Ye Xiao dumbfounded When you stand on the cliff, you don't know that there is a cliff in the form of loopholes. The only thing you can see is the boundless inland sea. Only when you get here, you will find another world under the cliff.

A huge black castle stands at the bottom of the cliff, because it is a trapezoidal cliff. The mountain on the cliff completely covers the castle, just like a castle under the eaves. Moreover, not only the castle, even a beach in front of the castle, is completely covered by this protruding hill, which is why it is impossible to see here from above.

Ye Xiao really doubts how strong the mountain is? Otherwise, how could a large section of vacuum stretch out hundreds of meters away. How could the mountain not collapse at such a distance? More importantly, there is still a road above the mountain? Did the vibration caused by those heavy vehicles not damage the mountain? If the mountain collapses, the castle will be completely covered below

Ye Xiao didn't dare to go down and let him spend the night in such a castle. He didn't know that there would be an architect in the world who built such a castle in such a dangerous place. What is more difficult to understand is how these princes and daughters, who are worth more than ten million or even hundreds of millions, like to come to such a place to play?

Isn't it human life? They don't worry at all that the mountain will collapse?

"Oh, isn't it surprising? It's very shocking. When I first came here, I was also shocked. However, according to the experts' appraisal, the iron content of this mountain has reached 19.10%. In other words, this mountain is basically an iron mountain. In addition to the soil covered on it, the whole mountain is a steel. If there is an earthquake of magnitude 8 or above, this mountain will not collapse, and the city will not collapse The castle is also made of local materials and made of steel. Here, it is also the only resort without power equipment in Europe. Even here, the mobile phone signal will be greatly disturbed. Many people like to come here to spend their holidays, a holiday without any disturbance! " It seems that he saw Ye Xiao's shock. Masic explained with a smile that after the match in the afternoon, he had regarded Ye Xiao as a benefactor of his family.

"No electricity? What if it thunders? " Ye Xiao can understand that there is no electric equipment here. The whole castle is made of steel. Isn't it easy to get electrocuted when there is electricity? There is no artificial electricity. What if there is thunder in the sky? It's a current several times stronger than the electricity produced by humans.

"Hey, it's a fine day today, and there should be no thunderstorm. If there is a thunderstorm, more people come here for holiday. You haven't seen the scene of lightning and thunder. It's absolutely the most spectacular scene. However, the castle under the mountain wall will be absolutely fine. No matter how big the thunder and lightning is, it will be absorbed by the mountain!" Ma Xiqi smiles mysteriously, and ye Xiao's mind also naturally comes up with the scene of lightning and thunder in the sky. Since this mountain is an iron mountain with a purity of 90%, it is the best conductor. Once there is lightning and thunder, my God, the scene is estimated to be similar to the robbery in the novel?

Countless flashes of lightning darted in the sky, but they were completely absorbed by this mountain. What a spectacular scene it was. After looking at the still clear sky, it seems that there is no chance to see such a spectacular scene today.

But if there is a chance in the future, I will come to see it.

"Let's go. Cassie and I have arranged everything. We'll take a bath in the castle, change our clothes, and then come out to participate in that interesting activity..." Seeing ye Xiao's yearning, maxiqi smiles and pats Ye Xiao on the shoulder.

Ye Xiao nodded and followed Ma Xi Qi and others to the castle. This time, in addition to the people who made friends with Maxi, Ralo, chambu, and even Kaqi also came. Together with those who supported them, nearly half of the people in duanhun bridge have come. Naturally, chambu and Leiluo want to have a good relationship with Ye Xiao, and other people have the same thing After all, not everyone has the qualification to be friends with Ye Xiao.However, no matter who they are, they have been here for a long time, and they are not surprised. Even when they go to the gate of the castle and see the neat and grand guard of honor, they are not too surprised. However, ye Xiao is totally shocked.

In front of the castle, there is a long red carpet. On both sides of the red carpet, there are two rows of knights in black armor. On the left, there are all male knights. Each of these Knights has a handsome face envied by Ye Xiao. In addition, the tall body, the scrupulous coldness, and the standard riding with one knee on the ground and one hand holding a sword on the ground, are paved Shi Li, enough to make countless girls crazy, even if those who follow have come here more than once, at this time, they are all red, spring, eager to rush to crush these knights to the ground.

However, ye Xiao's attention has long been attracted by the female knights on the right. Everyone's appearance can be regarded as superb. He doesn't know where the owner of the castle can find so many beautiful women and train them to be such decisive female knights. It's not enough for them to protect themselves. It's better to deliberately tease the fire in men's heart than to protect themselves.

The three-point armor, lotus leaf battle dress, and the long and slender sword of Knight all make men have the desire to conquer.

"Brother ye, do you have a favorite object?" All the way to the end, that is, the castle gate, kasimixi stopped and asked Ye Xiao, who also stopped.

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